At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 386 The Strategic Significance of Jiameng Pass and Baishui Pass

"General Zhang, I have assembled all the soldiers!"

Lei Tie's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to lead the soldiers back, and put the soldiers on the ground immediately.

Zhang Wei nodded dully, looked at the Yizhou elites he was proud of, and suddenly felt an extremely ridiculous idea.

In front of Liu Zhang's elite soldiers, Yizhou's elite may not be a fart!

The roar in the distance became louder and louder, and the vibration under his feet became clearer. Zhang Wei knew that he couldn't stay here any longer!

If he wanted to escape now, he had to have someone to block Liu Zhang for him. This person was undoubtedly Lei Tie!

"General Lei, you are here to direct the attack, and I will arrange for the soldiers at Tianxiong Pass to attack Liu Zhang!"

Lei Tie didn't have the slightest doubt, and nodded with firm eyes.

"General Zhang, leave this to me!"

Zhang Wei was overjoyed, he didn't expect Lei Tie to be so innocent, without any doubts!

"Okay! General Lei must block Liu Zhang, and I will pinch him from behind later!"

Patting Lei Tie on the shoulder, Zhang Wei took his personal guards and turned around, and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Quickly, press on me and drive the enemy out!"

Lei Tie never thought that Zhang Wei would leave him and run away alone, and he was still struggling to direct the soldiers to move forward.

Soon Lei Tie also discovered the problem, his side had been suffering casualties, while the enemy side had no damage at all!

These iron armored soldiers formed two small square formations, relying on the iron armor they wore, they could resist the attack of the Jiameng Pass guards unscrupulously, but the Jiameng Pass guards did not have armor protection, and they were often hacked to death in the gap between attacks!

Even when the defenders of Jiameng Pass are attacking, they will face the attack of the armored soldiers in the square formation!

Lei Tie was sweating profusely. The soldiers under his command had already surrounded the two hundred armored soldiers, but it was his own side who were retreating steadily!


Lei Tie was so focused that he didn't even notice that the roar was approaching!

"Trap into camp, scatter left and right!"

A loud shout came, and the armored soldiers immediately changed their formation and attacked both sides of the city gate with all their strength! The defenders on both sides didn't expect this kind of change at all, and they were directly hacked to pieces, and the position of the city gate was completely vacated!

"Quick! Occupy the city gate and close the city gate!"

Lei Tie was overjoyed, as long as he closed the city gate, he could completely close the gate and beat the dog! No matter how brave these iron armored soldiers are, they can consume them to death!

"Quick! Give it all to me..."

Before Lei Tie could utter his urging words, he heard a loud impact, followed by successive impacts and stampedes!

Boom! bang bang bang...

Seeing the soldiers flying towards him, Lei Tie hurriedly looked in the direction of the city gate, feeling ashamed!

Countless black-armored knights have rushed into the city, wantonly reaping the lives of the defenders of Jiameng Pass!

Crash, stomp, and slash!

These cavalry were rampant like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and the screams of their own soldiers were everywhere in Jiameng Pass!


Soon, the morale of the army was broken!

Zhang Wei's proud Yizhou elite collapsed completely under the trample of iron cavalry!

The guards at Jiameng Gate are fleeing everywhere, and no one has taken up arms to resist anymore!

Lei Tie stood there blankly, not knowing how to deal with this situation. Obviously, the scene in front of him was bigger than he expected!

Lei Tie didn't realize until a cold long spear was placed on his neck that he was captured!

The battle ended soon, and the iron cavalry of Wufeng Battalion directly controlled the east and west gates of Jiameng Pass. The defenders only escaped partly, and most of them were trapped in the city!

Everything was settled, and finally a figure entered Jiameng Pass surrounded by everyone. It was Zhang Wei's General Wei Liu Zhang who "thinks about it day and night"!

"My lord, more than 5,000 Jiameng Pass guards have been captured, and Lei Tie is one of the prisoners."

Zhao Yun escorted Lei Tie to Liu Zhang and reported the situation of the battle.

"Zhang Wei ran away?"

Although this result had been expected, Liu Zhang was still a little disappointed. If Zhang Wei is captured, Zitong may be taken down in one go.

Zhao Yun nodded, he has searched carefully countless times.

"My lord, Zhang Wei has long since disappeared."

"Forget it, let him have a dog's life for now."

After all, the legs are on Zhang Wei's body, so it is impossible for Liu Zhang to restrict him from escaping. The harvest this time is already very huge. After controlling Jiameng Pass, you must listen to Liu Zhang's attack and defense in the future!


Liu Zhang was more interested in this partial general, and it also reminded him of a person, Lei Tong!

"The defeated general, meet General Wei."

Lei Tie was not stubborn. In fact, in their view, this war was purely Liu Yan's family affair, and it was not considered an invasion by outsiders.

"Who are you, Thunder Copper?"

"General Wei knows about my brother?"

Seeing Lei Tie's astonished expression, Liu Zhang also confirmed Lei Tie's identity. Sure enough, there is no one who can be an official or general in Yizhou!

Thunder Iron Thunder Copper…

Liu Zhang laughed in his heart, and he didn't know who named the two brothers!

"I know a little bit, your brother is quite brave, right?"

Lei Tie nodded, confirming Liu Zhang's remarks.

The two brothers of the Lei family, Lei Tong is known for his bravery, and Lei Tie is known for his stability.

"Will you surrender to me?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Zhang didn't say anything, but directly persuaded him to surrender, which made Lei Tie a little astonished.


Lei Tie did not bow down, his face was full of confusion. Liu Zhang is well-known, he must be a rare master! However, with one county fighting against the entire Yizhou, the outcome is unknown!

If Lei Tie surrendered Liu Zhang today, Liu Zhang will probably be buried with him if he loses the battle in the future!

"Lei Tie, the imperial court has already issued an imperial edict, appointing Ben as Yizhou Shepherd. The situation in Yizhou is unknown now. Shu County, Guanghan County and even Berkshire are all at risk of being controlled by Zhang Lu. Ben will raise troops first. The imperial court ordered, and the second is also a last resort."

Lei Tie is not very important to Liu Zhang. Of course, such a rigorous general is definitely better, and it would not be a pity if he didn't have one. What Liu Zhang valued more was the Lei family of Guanghan vassal state!

Seeing that Lei Tie was still hesitating, Liu Zhang tried to persuade him again.

"Lei Tie, now that Jiameng Pass and Baishui Pass are under the command of this general, who do you think will rule the county of Guanghan vassal state?"

Liu Zhang's words awakened Lei Tie like enlightenment, and made him understand immediately!

Although Shu County is connected to the Guanghan Kingdom, they are separated by mountains and there is no access at all! At present, Hanzhong County, which is connected to Guanghan Kingdom, as well as Baishui Pass and Jiameng Pass, which are the throats of Guanghan County, are all under Liu Zhang's rule, which means that the county of Guanghan Kingdom has become Liu Zhang's possession! Liu Zhang can directly send troops to occupy it at any time!

"Lei Tie is willing to return to General Guard!"

Lei Tie didn't hesitate anymore, and knelt down on the ground, bowing at Liu Zhang's feet.

(end of this chapter)

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