The development of the matter was no different from what Lei Tie had told. All 3,500 soldiers at Tianxiong Pass surrendered.

After handing over the prisoners, Lei Tie took more than 300 people of Guanghan nationality under his command and 200 people Xun You had found for him, and went straight to Zitong on the road overnight.

On the second day, the rest of Liu Zhang's troops arrived at Jiameng Pass one after another. Then a serious problem appeared, the soldiers under his command were not enough!

Liu Zhang now has Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun under his command. There are 10,000 soldiers in the Wufeng camp, 2,800 in the Wuwei camp, 5,000 in the Wushe camp, and 5,000 in the Hanxing camp and the sinking camp. The total available force is only 22,800!

This is not counting the need to leave soldiers to guard Jiameng Pass, but also the need to guard more than 6,000 captives at Jiameng Pass and Tianxiong Pass!

Before the expedition, I felt that there was a surplus of nearly 60,000 troops in Hanzhong County, but I didn't expect to face the problem of insufficient troops so soon!

"Gongda, take a quick horse to send a message to Wenhe. When delivering food and grass, send the Tuntian Army over. With our strength, Zhang Wei probably doesn't pay attention!"


After much deliberation, Liu Zhang still chose the Tuntian Army between the Tuntian Army and the Xiyuan Imperial Forest Army brought back by Luo Yang.

The Tuntian Army was selected by more than 20,000 bandits. After years of training, at least their loyalty was guaranteed. The most important thing is that many people already have families in Hanzhong, which is also the basis of loyalty guarantee.

In the final analysis, it was Liu Zhang who did not expect things to develop so smoothly, and the strategic goal from the beginning was Jiameng Pass.

The plan can't keep up with the changes, Zitong is also within reach right now, Liu Zhang really doesn't want to give up this great opportunity! As long as Zitong is occupied, it is equivalent to driving a nail in the center of Guanghan County! In the future, they can gradually eat away at Guanghan County through Zitong!

Liu Zhang looked at the people in the house, the most urgent task now is to leave a general to guard Jiameng Pass.

Jiameng Pass is surrounded by water on three sides, and the enemy can sneak attack through the water route Langzhong, so this place must be guarded by generals.

"Right now we need to push Zitong so that Zhang Lu is afraid of our soldiers. Someone must stay at Jiameng Pass to defend."

"My lord, not only Jiameng Pass, but also Tianxiong Pass on Niutoushan. The 6,000 captives in the two passes are no easy task!"

Xun You pointed out the current problems one by one, and at the same time reminded everyone not to be careless.

After careful consideration, Liu Zhang finally made a decision.

"Ziyi, you will lead the five thousand Wufeng Battalion to guard Jiameng Pass and Tianxiong Pass."

Tai Shici was a little disappointed, but he still accepted the order.

"The general obeys orders!"

"Zilong, you lead the remaining 5,000 Wufeng Battalion, and bring these 6,000 captives back to Nanzheng. These people are called Yizhou elites by Zhang Wei. Let them go to farm first."

Liu Zhang would definitely be reluctant to kill them, as these will all be his subjects in the future. At present, Shu County, Qianwei County and Guanghan County are not under his rule, and these surrendered soldiers have no loyalty at all.

"My lord, in this way there will be no cavalry around you!"

Zhao Yun's voice revealed worry. Judging from these two battles, the role of cavalry is very critical, and it is an indispensable item for breaking through Baishui Pass and Jiameng Pass. Moreover, cavalry also plays an important role in protecting Liu Zhang.

Now that all the 10,000 most elite Wu Feng Battalion were sent out, it was no wonder Zhao Yun was so worried.

"Zilong, don't worry. Didn't Lei Tie say that Zitong's terrain cavalry can't be used at all, so don't worry. With Dian Wei and Gao Shun by my side, I will be safe and sound!"

Zhao Yun looked at Dian Wei and Gao Shun. The two didn't say anything bold, but Guo's resolute eyes seemed to express their determination to protect Liu Zhang.

"The general obeys orders!"

Zhao Yun didn't say anything else, and also took the order, but he already had a calculation in his heart, so he must go and return quickly!

"Okay, the rest of the generals pack up quickly, and we will send troops to Zitong tomorrow morning!"


The next morning, Liu Zhang led his 12,800 troops out of Jiameng Pass and headed straight for Zitong.

Not long after he left, Liu Zhang deeply realized what Lei Tie said was not conducive to cavalry raids.

This winding Taurus Road taught Liu Zhang a lesson!

Liu Zhang even rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he kept all the cavalry!

Not long after leaving Jiameng Pass, the road began to narrow, and the widest part could only accommodate six or seven people. After entering Dajian Mountain, the team of more than 10,000 people could only enter the plank road in the mountain. Not to mention riding a horse, walking is very dangerous!

"My lord, this golden bull road is too difficult and dangerous. If there is an enemy blocking the way ahead, wouldn't it be difficult for us to retreat!"

Xun You, who has such a deep knowledge, was shocked by this rugged plank road!

"That's right! The difficulty of the road to Shu is far beyond our imagination! Otherwise, why would I march in such a hurry. Once Zhang Lu reacts and sends troops to intercept all obstacles and dangerous places, we thought it would be difficult to drive straight in so long!"

Liu Zhang said so, but he was also very uncertain in his heart, after all, he didn't know what the front looked like!

The mountain road is too winding, and you can't see the end at a glance. Once the plank road under your feet is cut off, Liu Zhang doesn't know how to go down!

"My lord, maybe we really shouldn't be in a hurry to march, at least wait until the reinforcements from Hanzhong arrive."

Liu Zhang shook his head, this time he didn't listen to Xun You, and made his own decision once.

In fact, there is no need for Lei Tie to worry. On the contrary, the later Liu Zhang attacks Zitong, the easier it is for Lei Tie to gain Zhang Wei's trust.

But right now, there is enough food, Liu Zhang really doesn't want to lose his chance at Jiameng Pass!

However, since he entered the plank road of Dajian Mountain, Liu Zhang has also strengthened his mind, and took down Zitong in one go, using Zitong as the bridgehead to capture Yizhou!

"Gongda, right now Zhang Wei doesn't have the heart to take into account the defense of Dajian Mountain. We must seize this loophole, otherwise it will be difficult to march in the future!"

Xun You showed doubts, and always felt that Liu Zhang was a little too cautious.

"My lord, even if Zhang Wei burns down the plank road, we can rebuild it. It shouldn't be that serious!"

Liu Zhang smiled lightly and shook his head, he couldn't explain it to Xun You now.

"Gongda, it's not that I'm alarmist, you'll know after a while!"

Liu Zhang can only rejoice now! Fortunately, Zhuge Liang is still young, he has never been to Sichuan, nor has he built the Xiongguan that has never been breached from the front!

Xun You was skeptical and didn't continue to ask, but he still felt that what Liu Zhang said was a bit too exaggerated!

After all, both Baishui Pass and Jiameng Pass have been breached. What could be more dangerous than these two passes? Why is there no book record at all?

Soon, Xun You refreshed the cognition in his heart, showing both shock and fear!

(end of this chapter)

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