"Gongda, what do you mean? Are we going to give up Zitong and retreat to Jiameng Pass?"

Liu Zhang was already at the end of his rope, and now he really couldn't think of a good solution other than retreating and relying on Jiameng Pass to hold on.

But if he fled before fighting, what would the world think of him? Liu Zhang's face was completely lost!

Xun You thought for a long time, but still nodded, which made Liu Zhang feel that he had fallen to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Hey, I'm really not reconciled! I don't rush to enter Zitong when I know it!"

If even Xun You can't do anything, then Liu Zhang has no choice but to retreat. He can't put himself and his army of more than 10,000 here for the sake of a reputation that is invisible and intangible.

"My lord, sometimes taking a step back will open up the sea and the sky."

Liu Zhang nodded helplessly, now it is no longer a matter of whether to retreat, but the time has come.

"Gongda, I also know this truth, but I am really unwilling to leave in such a disgraceful way!"

Xun You understood Liu Zhang's feelings very well. The enemy who killed his parents came, but he could only watch the enemy show off his power and run away with his tail between his legs. This is really annoying!

"My lord, if you're really unwilling, You do have a plan, but it's just a bit risky."

Perhaps seeing Liu Zhang was too depressed, Xun You still gave Liu Zhang a different path.

"What plan?"

Liu Zhang's eyes lit up, and hope was rekindled in his heart.

"My lord, this way..."

Xun You leaned into Liu Zhang's ear and whispered his strategy.

The more Liu Zhang heard it, the more startled he became, and a look of suspicion gradually appeared between his brows.

"Gongda, this... can this work?"

Liu Zhang has heard of Xun You's strategy, but he has only heard of it. From ancient times to the present, not many people have been able to succeed.

People who have used it usually fail miserably! This is really fighting for life!

"My lord, I've never tried this strategy. I don't know if it will work or not! The safest way right now is to retreat to Jiameng Pass and rely on Xiongguan to hold on. No matter how many troops Zhang Lu has, it won't help!"

"However, retreat also has its disadvantages! We have also seen the canyon of Jianshan Mountain. Once it is occupied by Zhang Lu, it will be difficult to break through in the future! Zitong is too important to us as a bridgehead to attack Shu! If it's not urgent, you don't want to take risks!"

Xun You explained the current situation, the pros and cons of the two plans, including the follow-up, to Liu Zhang. How to choose is completely in Liu Zhang's mind!

Of course Liu Zhang wanted to stay, but Xun You's strategy was too appalling! The most important thing is that Liu Zhang is familiar with history, he is sure that Xun You never used this trick in history!

Liu Zhang also had to carefully weigh the pros and cons. He knew very well that this decision would affect him for at least several years!

The first way is the safest way, withdraw troops! He was criticized by the world, and he was reprimanded as cowardly, and was ridiculed by Zhang Lu. Losing Zitong at the same time, Jianshan has a series of dangers. If you want to occupy Zitong again, you don't know when it will be!

Once Liu Zhang withdraws, all Guanghan County south of Jiameng Pass will be occupied by Zhang Lu. The longer the delay, the stronger Zhang Lu will be!

The second way, the benefits are huge, but you have to tie your head on your belt! After winning the coalition forces that directly repelled the four of Zhang Lu, they completely gained a firm foothold in Guanghan County! Gains and losses are often relative, the more you gain, the more you lose in defeat!

Once the strategy fails, more than 10,000 troops will be lost, and it is not certain whether Liu Zhang can get Hanzhong back! It is absolutely difficult to achieve anything in a short period of time!

Liu Zhang is such an adventurous person, a person who often strikes more with less, now wants to withdraw his troops! It can be seen how unreliable the strategy Xun You said is!

However, there is another huge disadvantage in withdrawing troops, that is, to fight against the four counties of the Zhanglu Alliance with the strength of one county, and to fight against more than two million people with a population of 600,000!

Isn't this the same reason that Zhuge Liang used the land of one state of Shu to resist Cao Wei and Ji, and merged, Qing, You, Yan, Xu, Yu, Si, and Liang?

The gap will only get bigger and bigger!

When Liu Zhang can deal with 100,000 Shu troops, maybe Zhang Lu and the others will be able to pull out 200,000 troops!

how to respond? Want to run away?

Whether it is Liu Zhang or Xun You, they all know this problem in their hearts!

This is also the fundamental reason why Xun You wanted to take risks and why Liu Zhang was still hesitating.

Liu Zhang was frowning and thinking, while Xun You was anxious.

The decision this time is too important. Once you choose to withdraw the troops, the pace of unifying Yizhou may be postponed for at least five years or even longer!

Once he chooses to fight, maybe Liu Zhang's path to hegemony will come to an end!

Xun You couldn't make a decision for Liu Zhang, so he could only work hard to do what he should do after Liu Zhang made a decision.

Finally, Liu Zhang stood up directly, with a stern look in his eyes.

"Gongda, I don't know when it started. My courage has become smaller and smaller, and my character has become more and more cautious! Maybe the change of power and status made the person who dared to sneak into the camp of hundreds of thousands of people with thousands of people, Hundreds of cavalrymen fought against Zhang Jiao's three brothers, and even Liu Zhang who dared to fight Zhang Jiao with tens of thousands of horses disappeared..."

It seems that Liu Zhang has decided to choose the safest route and withdraw his troops!

Xun You nodded slightly, and was not surprised by this decision. After all, as long as you save your strength, everything can be done again!

It's a pity that Xun You was still a little disappointed. He didn't know whether it was because of Liu Zhang's timidity, because Liu Zhang didn't approve of his strategy, or because he was confused about the prospects of the power.

"My lord's choice is understandable. As long as we work hard, we will definitely be able to make a comeback."

Xun You still chose to obey Liu Zhang. After all, it is too unacceptable for Liu Zhang to fight with his life!

Liu Zhang walked up to Xun You, patted Xun You on the shoulder hard, and showed a smile at the same time.

"Gongda, you are wrong! What I mean is, I want to work with you to find the old me!"

Xun You stared at Liu Zhang dumbfounded, this moment made Xun You's brain lose the ability to think.

"My lord..."

Liu Zhang smiled self-deprecatingly, and couldn't help but recall a few years ago.

"Gongda, you may not believe me when I tell you. It was my strategy to sneak into the Bocai camp with a thousand remnants of soldiers! At that time, I didn't hesitate at all!"

"Now I'm no longer the captain of the bandit-breaking school, and I'm not the thousand remnant soldiers under my command! I have an army of 10,000 in my hand, and I have a prince to help me. Why should I be afraid of Zhang Lu's thief!"

Listening to Liu Zhang's bold words, Xun You's eyes turned red instantly, and the emotion in his heart cannot be expressed in words!

Liu Zhang put his life and future in the hands of Xun You!

Which monarch can give this kind of trust!

"My lord! You will not disgrace your life!"

Xun You has made up his mind that he will never let Liu Zhang down this time!

Zhang Lu's coalition forces will definitely be wiped out in his hands!

(end of this chapter)

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