"Second Brother, I understand the situation in Mianzhu City. Even if we have an army of 60,000, we will definitely not be able to conquer Mianzhu within ten and a half months. What will happen when Liu Zhang returns to help?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Lu still felt that it was too dangerous. Once Mianzhu was not captured, morale would be greatly damaged, and there would be a risk of being defeated by Liu Zhang in the field!

"Brother, don't worry, I have already contacted the clans who disobeyed Liu Zhang in various counties, and they have agreed to join the uprising, at least five or six thousand people can be gathered!"

"Mianzhu's garrison is only five or six thousand people at most. When the time comes, we will attack back and forth, and we will definitely be able to take down Mianzhu in one go!"

Zhang Lu had to admit that he was already moved!

It is common sense to make a surprise attack when the defenders are insufficient, and then attack back and forth, and you will definitely win a big victory!

"Second brother, how can you be sure that these aristocratic families know what they say?"

What Zhang Lu is most afraid of is that all this is another trick of Liu Zhang!

Mianzhu is empty, the aristocratic family is in trouble, everything is a trap designed by Liu Zhang!

"Don't worry, big brother. Since Liu Zhang took Yizhou Mu, he appointed Wang Shang, Qin Xun and others arbitrarily, and completely ignored the small and medium-sized aristocratic families in Guanghan County! I have promised them that after the matter is completed, all the interests of the counties will be distributed to them. !"

"What! You gave them all, what shall we do?"

Zhang Lu stared at Zhang Wei dumbfounded. Zhang Wei never discussed such an important matter with him!

"Brother! What time is this? Why are you still thinking about this? When we drive Liu Zhang out of Guanghan County, don't we still have the final say?"

Zhang Lu was a little embarrassed by his younger brother's reprimand, and suddenly realized that he was really thinking too much.

"Second brother, the problem now is that only I agree. We can't just bring more than 10,000 people to attack Mianzhu..."

I don't know when Zhang Lu began to feel all kinds of constraints. Luo City seems to be his, but in fact he has already said a lot of things!

Zhang Wei also understood Zhang Lu's difficulties, and nodded sadly.

"Brother, if we want to defeat Liu Zhang, Jia Long and Ren Qi's 45,000 people are indispensable! We must find a way to convince them!"

"It's not that easy!"

After being attacked by the Fire Bull Formation, Jia Long and Ren Qi were no less afraid of Liu Zhang than Zhang Lu! Otherwise, why would they send troops here so happily!

"Hey! Even if everything is as you said, and Jia Long and Ren Qi disagree to send troops, there is nothing we can do!"

Zhang Lu brothers both looked sad, so what if the gate of Mianzhu city is open now? There is no way for soldiers and horses not to listen to dispatch!

"Brother, if it doesn't work, then..."

Zhang Wei's eyes turned hard, and he suddenly put his palm in front of his neck, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Without hesitation, Zhang Lu directly rejected Zhang Wei.

"If their general is killed, it is tantamount to digging their own grave! Even if Liu Zhang is driven away, we will not last long!"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, should we just sit in Luocheng and wait to die!"

Zhang Wei's mentality has already collapsed, and he has already decided in his heart that this is the perfect time to drive Liu Zhang out of Guanghan County! It has even been compared to the only chance for the Zhang Lu brothers to come back!

Zhang Lu's face was ferocious, and his eyes gradually became fierce.

Now is the time to make a decision. Blindly looking forward and backward, what awaits them is undoubtedly defeat!

"Second brother, take them..."

Zhang Lu had just made up his mind to kill the chief generals of these soldiers when he heard the voices of soldiers outside.

"My lord, there is an urgent report from Shu County!"

Zhang Lu was very puzzled, so he couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei's face, and found that the other party was also very puzzled.

"Come in!"

The soldiers pushed open the door, walked up to Zhang Lu and bowed their hands.

"My lord, Jia Long, the prefect of Shu County, sent an urgent report. Liu Zhang led the army to invade Ba County from two directions. Zhao Wei, the prefect of Ba County, is in a hurry! Prefect Jia Long and Ren Qi are ready to support Ba County. Soldiers and horses attack Mianzhu as soon as possible, forcing Liu Zhang to withdraw his troops and return to aid!"

Zhang Lu's face slowly changed from shock to surprise, and then he finally smiled.

Jia Long and Ren Qi took the initiative to ask him to attack Mianzhu, which further shows that Liu Zhang is undoubtedly attacking Berkshire!

There must be no problem with Zhang Wei's investigation this time, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attack!

"Second brother, my brother wrongly blamed you! If it wasn't for my second brother, I would almost let my brother mistake me!"

Zhang Wei was very proud of himself, but he couldn't bear to tease his elder brother, not to mention that he had achieved his goal and sent troops to Mianzhu!

"Brother, there is no need to be like this, now is the time for you and my brother to work together!"

Zhang Lu was both moved and excited, and couldn't help but clenched Zhang Wei's hands.

"Second brother, success or failure depends on one move! Quickly rectify the troops and horses, and contact the major families in Guanghan County by the way, make an appointment with them, and then start an incident together!"


Zhang Wei suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm, and the long-lost fighting spirit came.

Guanghan County, Mianzhu.

In today's Mianzhu, all important military and political affairs are in the hands of Yizhou Biejia Jiaxu, and Liu Zhang has indeed led an army to attack Berkshire by surprise, just like Zhang Wei's investigation.

In the prefectural pastoral mansion, Jia Xu was handling government affairs as before. Qin Xun Wang Shang, as the master book and long history of Yizhou prefectural pastoral mansion, stayed with Jia Xu every day.

The small group in the house is not just these three people. Dong He and Wang Lei, who were recommended by Wang Shang half a year ago, have surrendered to Liu Zhang's account and have been arranged to exercise under Jia Xu's command.

"Jia Biejia, is there any news from my lord?"

Jia Xu put down the bamboo slips in his hand and looked up at Dong He who asked the question.

"Young Zai, there is no news from the lord for the time being. But the route of the lord's attack has been determined."

Jia Xu's words also attracted the attention of other people in the room. Qin Xun and Wang Shang also put down the government affairs at hand, and raised their heads to look at Jia Xu.

"Jia Biejia, I don't know how the lord marched?"

"My lord's army is divided into two groups. One is led by the lord himself, and they attack Langzhong from the Jialing River, and the other is led by Xun Junjun, who walks the Micang road and goes straight to Bazhong."

Although the few people in the room were not well versed in military affairs, they did understand a little bit about the art of war. Liu Zhang's strategy of advancing in two ways is indeed extraordinary.

On the one hand, it can form a surprise attack, attack on both sides, no matter which way is successful, it can gain a firm foothold in Berkshire!

"Jia Biejia, my lord has brought all the soldiers and horses into Berkshire. Once there is a war in Guanghan County, will there be time to return to the army?"

This time it was Wang Lei who asked the question. In fact, Wang Lei has always opposed Liu Zhang's gamble.

However, Wang Lei had just joined Liu Zhang's command, and he himself felt that people were soft-spoken, so he did not strongly object.

"Hehe, it's okay! If there is a war in Guanghan County, it will only be in Mianzhu. Isn't there 5,000 defenders here? What's more, Zhang Lu has been frightened by the lord, so he can only do it in Luocheng Guisuo, even if Mianzhu is a seat. Kongcheng, forgive him for not daring to come here!"

Wang Lei frowned slightly, and shook his head slightly. He felt that Jia Xu was too optimistic.

(end of this chapter)

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