Not long after, Liu Zhang set up his army horse and took Dianwei, Zheng Du, and Pan Feng to Langzhong.

The gate of Langzhong City was wide open, and an old man and several middle-aged men were waiting. The city stretches as far as the eye can see, and there is no sign of an ambush at all.

"The one who came is General Wei, Yizhou Shepherd Liu Zhang, Lord Liu?"

Liu Zhang grabbed the reins and stopped in front of these people.

"This general is Liu Zhang, who are you?"

The old man folded his hands again and bowed to Liu Zhang,

"My lord Zhou Mu, I am the county magistrate of Langzhong, Huang Yin, the head of the Huang family!"

Huang Yin had the merit of dedicating the city, Liu Zhang didn't dare to neglect, he got off his horse, walked up to Huang Yin and helped him up personally.

"You don't have to be polite, magistrate Huang. It's really a great achievement for magistrate Huang to submit to the imperial court!"

Huang Yin's face is kind, and he always smiles, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Huang Yin has long wanted to surrender! It just so happens that Master Zhou Mu came here, and Huang Yin took advantage of the opportunity to dedicate himself to the city! Please Master Zhou Mu take over the government affairs of Langzhong City, Huang Yin can go home and enjoy his old age..."

Liu Zhang didn't expect Huang Yin to be so eager to hand over the rights in Langzhong, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Did the successive defeats in the battle with Zhao Wei make the old man in front of him lose his ambition?

No matter what, it's a good thing for Huang Yin to think so!

"Where is the county magistrate Huang, the people in Langzhong can't do without the county magistrate Huang!"

Huang Yin wanted to shirk, but the middle-aged man beside him stepped forward.

"Father, Lord State Shepherd has a hard journey, so let's invite Lord State Shepherd to go to the city to rest first!"

Only then did Huang Yin come to his senses, and nodded in agreement.

"Lord Zhou Mu, the county office has been cleaned up, please move, Lord Zhou Mu!"

Huang Yin was not only very thoughtful, but also full of respect in his words, which made Liu Zhang very pleased.

"Thank you!"

Everything went very smoothly, Liu Zhang entered Langzhong directly with Zheng Du and three men and 3,000 soldiers and horses under his command.

There was no ambush, no hidden murderous intentions, everything was very peaceful.

After Liu Zhang moved into the county government office, 3,000 soldiers and horses under his command directly guarded the surrounding area, and no abnormalities were found.

"Unknown, I said what's wrong with the Huang family, you can see that's the truth!"

Zheng Du also checked carefully, and as Liu Zhang expected, everything was fine.

"My lord obeyed, I was overthinking."

It is a good thing that there is no problem, and Zheng Du certainly does not want problems to arise.

"Okay, Huang Yin is going to entertain us tonight, so you guys should make preparations too."


In the evening, Liu Zhang took Dianwei and Zheng Du to the banquet, and Pan Feng took some soldiers and horses to protect him.

The Huang family is the largest family in Langzhong, with a lot of wealth! The Huang family's mansion is much bigger than the county government!

The furnishings in the home are naturally magnificent, truly worthy of the reputation of Brazil's first family!

Huang Yin greeted him personally at the door and led Liu Zhang and others into the hall.

Everyone was supposed to sit as guest and host, but Huang Yin insisted on inviting Liu Zhang to be the host.

Liu Zhang repeatedly shied away, making people unable to resist Huang Yin's kind invitation, and could only sit on the main seat as a guest.

The banquet was full of delicacies, and the table was covered with delicacies and wild game. Liu Zhang was also moved by Huang Yin's enthusiasm.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Liu Zhang gradually became a little bit drunk.

"Liu Zhang will remember the merits of County Magistrate Huang in his heart! By the time Bajun is pacified, County Magistrate Huang will definitely be reused!"

Huang Yin raised his wine glass again to respect Liu Zhang, his face was full of emotion.

"Huang Yin is dying, and there is not much time left! I also hope that Master Zhou will take good care of Huang's family in Langzhong in the future!"

Liu Zhang raised his wine glass and drank it down, and directly agreed to Huang Yin's request.

"It's easy to say, easy to say! County magistrate Huang has made such a great contribution, and the general will not be held back!"

Naturally, Huang Yin was extremely grateful and toasted Liu Zhang several times.

"I don't know when my lord is going to continue marching? Will Huang be able to work?"

When Huang Yin mentioned the military, Liu Zhang quickly shook his head to wake himself up.

"I happen to have some questions, and I want to ask County Magistrate Huang for advice."

"Master State Shepherd, please speak!"

"This time when we marched into Ba County, I will divide my troops into two groups, starting from Jiameng Pass and marching along the Jialing River to attack Langzhong. I will personally lead the army!"

"The other route starts from Hanzhong and attacks Bazhong along the Micang Road. The military division under the command of this general will lead the army there. The two routes go hand in hand, in order to take Bajun as soon as possible!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Huang Yin's eyes, and he looked at Liu Zhang suspiciously.

"Lord Zhou Mu, isn't the road along Micang Road a feigned attack?"

Liu Zhang shook his head with a smile, even fooled Huang Yin, which means his strategy was successful.

Since last year, Liu Zhang has always asked people to gather at the Micang crossing, giving Zhao Wei the illusion that he is going to attack Berkshire on a large scale!

For nearly a year of feint attack, Liu Zhang's purpose was to stage the story of wolf coming!

"Of course not! On the contrary, there are more troops in Micang Road than here!"

Huang Yin seemed a little nervous when he heard this, and his expression became unnatural.

"Magistrate Huang, what's the matter?"

Liu Zhang noticed Huang Yin's expression, and felt that Huang Yin was getting old and not feeling well.

Huang Yin smiled awkwardly, and thanked Liu Zhang with cupped hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou Mu, for your concern. Mr. Huang is fine! I don't know how Mr. Zhou Mu will march next?"


Liu Zhang heaved a sigh of relief, this is where he was in trouble after all.

"If the progress of both sides goes well, then we will march into Anhan, and then go straight to Hechuan. The other army will go straight to Dangqu from Bazhong, and then pass through Guang'an, and join forces in Hechuan to attack Jiangzhou together!"

Liu Zhang's plan is very safe, it is an attack on one city and one place, but it also has fatal flaws!

Shipping food is very difficult!

It is very difficult to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, let alone walking through the Berkshire Mountains.

Huang Yin frowned, obviously seeing the shortcomings of Liu Zhang's strategy, after thinking about it for a long time, he still said it.

"Master Zhou's attack plan is a little too safe, right? If Zhao Wei sends troops to resist every city, how long will the Berkshire fight? Can the logistics be supplied?"

Liu Zhang nodded, he didn't know these things, it was just because of helplessness.

"What Magistrate Huang said is very true, but Berkshire's terrain is complicated, and it is the safest way to care about the gains and losses of each city and place."

This method of marching was discussed by Liu Zhang's think tank. Although it has many disadvantages, it also has very significant advantages.

Gradually erode Berkshire!

Berkshire is vast and mountainous, with few cities. As long as one city is occupied, Berkshire will be completely annexed sooner or later.

Perhaps this method will take a long time to capture Berkshire, but it is extremely safe, as long as there are no major decision-making mistakes, it will not cause major losses!

"Master State Shepherd, I have a plan, maybe I can help Lord Zhou Shepherd capture Jiangzhou as soon as possible!"

Liu Zhang's eyes lit up, he was about to ask Huang Yin for advice, but he didn't expect him to have a way!

"I also ask the magistrate Huang for advice!"

(end of this chapter)

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