The besieged Liangzhou cavalry all surrendered, and the frontal battlefield finally came to an end.

Of Han Sui's 40,000 troops, more than 20,000 were killed and more than 10,000 were captured. In the end, he fled in a hurry with less than 5,000 cavalry.

The end of this battlefield also heralded that Han Sui's forces would completely withdraw from Longxi County and Hanyang County. Liu Zhang almost defeated Han Sui at the smallest cost.

All these achievements are due to Han Sui's think tank, the law is righteous, the law is filial and straight.

Without Fazheng's plan to wipe out Liu Zhang's tens of thousands of troops, Liu Zhang would not have used his tricks to ambush Han Suilai.

At this time, Fazheng was no longer as vigorous as before, and he sat on the horse in a daze.

Since Han Sui began to retreat, Fazheng hadn't moved half a step.

Fazheng followed his promise to Han Sui and personally gave Han Sui time to escape.

It's just that Liu Zhang was astonished by the result. This queen turned out to be one queen!

Han Sui was stunned because he didn't leave a single soldier behind for Fazheng!

"Xiao Zhi, wouldn't it be a waste of your talent to assist such a brutal person as Han Sui?"

At some point, Liu Zhang rode his horse and walked to Fazheng.

"Talent...How dare Fazheng mention the word "talent" in front of General Wei..."

This time it was not only the defeat of the Liangzhou army, but also the complete failure of Fazheng. All the tricks he got were completely seen through by Liu Zhang.

Not only that, but Fazheng didn't notice Liu Zhang's tricks at all!

It can be said that in terms of resourcefulness, Fazheng has been completely crushed!


Liu Zhang said softly, the result of Fa-rectification failure is absolutely inevitable.

With the ingenuity of Xun You, Pang Tong, and Liu Ye against the fledgling Fazheng, the duel was decided almost immediately.

Especially when Liu Zhang heard the word Meng Da, he already had an early warning deep in his heart.

"Xiaozhi, although you lost this time, you will never complain about the defeat, because you don't know who you are facing."

"The three counselors around me, Xun You, Liu Ye, and Pang Tong are all the top wise men in the world! Regardless of everything else, the three of them are much better than you in terms of knowledge."

Liu Zhang didn't want to attack Fazheng, on the contrary, he was just telling Fazheng a fact.

Needless to say, Xun You, the people of the Xun family in Yingchuan, even if they are collateral, still have not obtained comparable resources.

As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, Liu Ye is a direct descendant of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu. Although his family is in decline, his collection of books, knowledge, vision and education since childhood are all at the highest level.

Pang Tong's advantage became more obvious, with Jingzhou Pang's support, and the double love of Pang De and Sima Hui. It can be said that Pang Tong's growth advantage is much superior to that of Xun You and Liu Ye.

Fazheng is very talented, and his own talents and learning are extraordinary, but the family background of Fufeng Legalists is obviously far behind that of Xun You and the other three.

Even if Xun You, Liu Ye, Pang Tong, and Fazheng have the same IQ, in terms of their growth environment and post-office experience, Fazheng will undoubtedly be lowered a lot.

The gap between the four of them would not be too great, otherwise Fazheng's strategy would not have been seen through by Liu Ye at the last moment.

However, for the top wise men, often small gaps are enough to affect the key to winning or losing.

Fazheng's expression was gloomy, and there was still a trace of unwillingness deep in his eyes.

As a loser, he has no face to argue with Liu Zhang, but Fazheng totally disagrees with Liu Zhang's claim that he is not as good as Xun You and others.

"General Wei, if I change my identity, I am your mastermind, and Xun You is Han Sui's mastermind, do you think I will still lose to them?"

Liu Zhang shook his head helplessly, Fazheng was still too young after all.

"Xiaozhi, does this make more sense?"

"If! General Wei, what I said is if, if..."

"There are no ifs! The winners and losers, even the history books are written by the winners!"

Fazheng questioned anxiously, but did not get an answer. Instead, he was scolded by Liu Zhang.

"How can there be so many ifs in this world? Can't you face your own failures calmly?"

"Have you ever thought that since you joined Han Sui, you are not as good as the three of them!"

"Xun You followed me in Weimo, Liu Ye came from Yangzhou with his family, and Pang Tong came to Sichuan alone!"

"You are from Fufeng, is Fufeng far from Chengdu? Compared with Yangzhou, Jingzhou is as close at hand? Why did you choose Han Sui as the target of your investment?" "You want to ask if it is so? Good! I Let me tell you now! If Xun You, Liu Ye, and Pang Tong only serve Han Sui, then the three of them would rather farm at home than become officials!"

"Because the three of them know the talents in their hearts, their ideals, and what they want to do. They know that Han Sui is not a wise master, and he is not worthy of their allegiance!"

Liu Zhang's sonorous and forceful words immediately silenced Fazheng.

It was precisely Liu Zhang's sentence of "beginning to serve Han Sui", which was even more like a blow to the head, which completely woke up Fazheng.

Fazheng was too anxious. He was eager to prove himself, to become famous in the world, and to defeat Liu Zhang, who had been famous for a long time, and his military divisions.

It's all about vanity.

Frivolity and impatience directly became the biggest obstacle on the way of Fa-rectification.

"General Wei, I lost..."

After saying these three words, Fa was relieved, as if everything before had been relieved.

He was finally able to raise his head and look at Liu Zhang, accepting his failure calmly. Maybe Fazheng will face an extremely heavy price, but at this moment, he can at least face his own heart.

"Xiaozhi, I won't hide it from you. In my eyes, your talent and talent are definitely among the best in the world. The only shortcoming is that you are too eager."

"I know you are arrogant and eager to prove yourself. But freezing three feet is not a day's cold, dripping water is not a day's work! If you want to be famous, the most taboo is to aim too high."

"I'll give you another sentence. Anxiety leads to chaos, chaos leads to panic, panic leads to no thoughts, and no clues lead to failure, so everything must be settled!" Waiting for someone to stand shoulder to shoulder."

Fazheng never expected that Liu Zhang would spend so much time talking to him as a loser, let alone that Liu Zhang would value him so much.

Why did Liu Zhang try to persuade him earnestly, and why did he mention him earnestly?

There is no doubt that there is only one purpose. Liu Zhang really appreciates Fazheng's talent.

While Fazheng was amazed, he was inexplicably moved. It can be said that apart from his father Fa Yan, Liu Zhang was the first person to treat him like this.

From Liu Zhang's few words, Fazheng not only benefited a lot, but also gained a feeling of being valued.

The exchange of just a few words has already made Fazheng deeply feel the insurmountable gap between Han Sui and Liu Zhang.

Han Sui is just a selfish villain.

Liu Zhang is the hero of the world!

(end of this chapter)

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