On the day Han Sui launched the Battle of Didao, Ma Teng led an army of 50,000 troops to invade Hanyang County as promised, and the soldiers pointed directly at Pingxiang.

Facing Ma Teng's army descended from heaven, Huang Zhong responded calmly and repelled Ma Teng's attacks again and again.

In fact, since the day Huang Zhong entered Pingxiang, he has been guarding against the enemy's attack all the time.

Because Meng Da bypassed Wuwei County, Huang Zhong knew that Ma Teng wanted to surrender.

But facing the tens of thousands of troops under the city, Huang Zhong did not hesitate, and immediately ordered a counterattack.

The situation of Ma Teng's army is very similar to that of Han Sui's army. They are all cavalry, and even in the entire Liangzhou area, almost all armed forces are cavalry.

If Huang Zhong was unprepared and kept the city gate open every day, it would undoubtedly give Ma Teng an opportunity.

However, Huang Zhong was on guard day by day and never let up. Ma Teng could only rely on his troops to attack forcefully.

It's a pity that Ma Teng's army was shot under the arrow formation of Wushe Battalion and turned his back on his back.

Ma Teng's army was not good at siege and lacked siege equipment. They made no progress for more than ten days in a row, and they never even managed to climb the city wall.

After dropping thousands of corpses in Pingxiang City, Ma Teng finally couldn't bear such a large loss, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​attacking Pingxiang.

Ma Teng decided to leave his cousin Ma Yue to lead thousands of cavalry to keep an eye on Huang Zhong in Pingxiang.

According to Han Sui's news, Liu Zhang has led 60,000 to 70,000 people in Longxi County, so Ma Teng can completely believe that the entire Hanyang County's power should be in Pingxiang.

As long as Ji County is conquered, the entire Hanyang County will be shaken.

Ma Teng firmly believed, and immediately led an army of 40,000 to Ji County, intending to fight down.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and Ma Teng's dream fell through again.

Zhang Liao, who had been warned by Liu Zhang, had already assembled all the forces under his command.

Ten thousand Han Xingying elites are waiting for Ma Teng's arrival in Ji County.

Ma Teng became furious and immediately ordered 40,000 troops to surround Ji County, and the four gates attacked at the same time.

If Ma Teng bypassed Pingxiang and went straight to Ji County on the day of the Battle of Didao, perhaps Zhang Liaozhen would not be able to stop it.

It's a pity that with more than ten days of preparation time, Ji County has long been impenetrable.

In addition, Ji County itself has a tall city wall, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even without the strafing array of arrows from Wusheying, Hanxingying still firmly holds the upper hand.

After attacking for more than ten days, Ma Teng suffered thousands of casualties under the city of Ji County, and is now stationed ten miles away from Ji County.

"Hey! I didn't expect the battle to be so difficult!"

Ma Teng sighed heavily. It has been a month since Zu Li dispatched troops, and the siege battle alone lasted more than 20 days.

The battle situation was completely appalling, not even a single victory was achieved, and even every time the gold was called, the soldiers were defeated and fled.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles, have already made the morale of Ma Teng's army extremely low.

As a last resort, Ma Teng could only order a suspension of the attack to allow the soldiers to rest and recover their morale.

All the generals in the commanding tent of the Chinese army also lowered their heads. Faced with this predicament, they had nothing to do.

"My lord, we have lost more than 10,000 people since we attacked Hanyang County! According to the current situation, even if all the soldiers and horses are folded under the city of Ji County, it will be difficult to achieve anything!"

Ma Teng looked up at the speaker, and it turned out to be Pound, his general.

"My lord, please make a decision early!"

As soon as Pang De said this, the atmosphere in the handsome tent became more sluggish.

Ma Teng sighed again, and didn't even blame Pound for cholera's morale.

Although Yongliang soldiers are brave, most of their abilities are reflected on horseback.

Charging into battle is naturally invulnerable, but if you attack the city and pull out the stronghold, your strength will be greatly reduced!

Ma Teng knew this very well, so he never made things difficult for his subordinates when he lost every siege battle.

"Ling Ming's words are not unreasonable. If it doesn't work, we will besiege Ji County and wait for Han Sui to defeat Liu Zhang!"

Thinking of Han Sui, Ma Teng couldn't help frowning.

"It's strange to say that when Han Sui sent someone to send a message, he clearly said that he was sure to gather and annihilate Liu Zhang! But it's been a month, and there is no news yet!"

If everything was as Han Sui said, Liu Zhang in Longxi County should have been captured or killed long ago, and Han Sui should have appeared in Ji County long ago!

"My lord, Han Sui is capricious and has no faith. You can only listen to half of what he says!"

"Even if Liu Zhang is eliminated, we have to deal with Han Sui's sneak attack on us at any time!"

Like Ma Teng's son Ma Chao, Pound also despises Han Sui's behavior.

Han Sui's unscrupulous character to achieve his goals may have already penetrated into the hearts of people in Yongliang.

Ma Teng nodded in agreement. Now that the enemy Liu Zhang is coming, he can still join hands with Han Sui to fight the enemy. Once Liu Zhang is solved, Han Sui may turn his face immediately!

After all, there was an example of the two fighting each other to the death just after they became sworn brothers, so Ma Teng completely sneered at Han Sui's blood alliance.

Even if Han Sui swears to the sky, Ma Teng has no credibility.

"Pause the attack! Save our strength to the maximum! In addition, we will send more people to investigate. I don't believe it. There really is no news from Longxi County!"

At this moment, Ma Chao suddenly broke in from outside the tent, looking extremely anxious.

"Father handsome!"

Ma Teng was already in a depressed mood, but when he saw Ma Chao's reckless appearance, he became even more angry.

"Meng Qi, how many times have I told you as a father, you must be calm! How can you lead the army if you are so reckless and impatient?"

"Father handsome!"

At this moment Ma Chao was about to die of anxiety, how could he be in the mood to listen to Ma Teng preaching to him.

"Han Sui, that bastard, is deceiving us again!"


Hearing Ma Chao's words, Ma Teng, who had just been teaching Ma Chao to be calm, couldn't sit still.

"what happened?"

Ma Chao clenched his fists and his eyes were full of resentment.

"Where is Old Dog Han an opponent of Liu Zhang? The 40,000 army he brought was wiped out outside Didao City, and finally fled back to Jincheng alone!"

"This bastard blocked the news to use us as a shield to restrain Liu Zhang for him!"

Ma Teng stared wide-eyed, and immediately turned pale with shock.

"What did you say, Han Sui was defeated? Or the whole army was wiped out!"

What is calm, calm, calm?

At this moment, Ma Teng put them all behind him!

Panic, fear, confusion and other negative emotions filled Ma Teng's mind.

"Meng Qi, when did Han Sui lose?"

Hearing Ma Teng's question, Ma Chao was furious.

"Father commander, Han Sui was defeated that day! The day we sent troops, Han Sui's 40,000 army was completely wiped out!"


Ma Teng exclaimed in his heart, Han Sui had been defeated for a month, why did Liu Zhang, who was victorious in Longxi, not move at all?

"Quick! Order the whole army to pack up, and we will withdraw immediately!"

Defeated Han Sui in one day, and wiped out 40,000 Liangzhou cavalry! How dare Ma Teng confront Liu Zhang?

Ma Teng knew the ability of Han Sui's Liangzhou iron cavalry, which was no less than his cavalry.

As soon as Ma Teng's order to retreat was given, a soldier covered in blood broke into the commander's tent.

(end of this chapter)

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