Just a word, a look, Ma Chao suddenly trembled.

A pressure like Mount Tai came, and even smelled a breath of death.

not good…

Ma Chao was so frightened that he even thought of running away!

This was the first time in his life that he had such an idea. Even though he had been defeated many times, he had never been so unable to resist as he is now.

Dian Wei put too much pressure on him!


At the moment when Ma Chao lost his mind, Dian Wei suddenly swung the halberd in his right hand, and then smashed it directly at Ma Chao's face.

Once the halberd hits, Ma Chao's head will be split in half immediately!


Ma Chao roared, and quickly raised his spear with both hands, trying to resist Dian Wei's halberd head-on.

It's not that Ma Chao didn't want to shoot the eucalyptus with a spear like Dian Wei did, he really didn't have confidence!

Once you miss, there is only one ending.

That is death!


A deafening sound suddenly came out of nowhere, directly covering the noisy battlefield.

This blow was so powerful that Ma Chao's iron spear was bent.

At this time, Ma Chao's face was ferocious, and his face was full of pain.

The Taishan-like pressure is not only in the spirit, but now it has spread to his arms.

This blow was already the limit that Ma Chao could bear!

Both arms have lost all feeling except for swelling.

At this moment, both hands can still hold the spear tightly, all thanks to amazing perseverance!

The name of evil is really well-deserved!

This time, the head-on collision made Ma Chao realize the gap between the two, and he also understood that he must not confront Dian Wei head-on!

The power of a halberd completely convinced Ma Chao, and he also determined how to deal with it next.


If you stay here, you will be killed by Dian Wei, you must seize the gap after the blow and escape quickly.

But will Dian Wei give Ma Chao a chance to escape?

The answer is no, because Dian Wei has already swung his other halberd!


The halberd hit Ma Chao's spear firmly, but this time Ma Chao was completely unprepared.

The power was transmitted to the spear through the halberd, and the spear also vibrated powerfully due to the huge force!

Ma Chao had to resist the power of the halberd and endure the shock of the spear!

The pained Ma Chao could only clenched his teeth and persisted.

This time, the arm no longer only felt sore and swollen, but a sharp pain followed.

Especially the position of the tiger's mouth of both hands has been completely broken, and the handle of the gun is soaked in blood!


Ma Chao was panting violently, the only good news was that he withstood Dian Wei's blow again!


You must escape desperately!

Dianwei's two halberds are exhausted now, so he can't have any attack methods anymore, right?

Ma Chao had already made a decision in his heart, to seize Dianwei's rest time and escape here by relying on Shalifei's speed.

What dignity, what shame, everything is no longer important, the key is to survive.

While Ma Chao was desperately supporting his spear, Dian Wei suddenly withdrew his double halberds.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Ma Chao immediately decided to turn around immediately.

But at this moment, there was another sharp pain in both arms, and even every muscle was shaking because of the pain.


Such severe pain was unbearable for Ma Chao, so he could only subconsciously close his eyes and roar to relieve it.

It was also at this time that Dian Wei swung his two halberds at the same time, and smashed them on Ma Chao's spear at the same time.


This time Ma Chao couldn't resist anymore, the moment the two halberds touched the spear, he repelled the spear and slapped Ma Chao's chest hard.

Ma Chao only felt a huge force coming, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably.

Due to the loss of consciousness in both hands, the spear also came out of his hand.


Flying a few meters away, Ma Chao hit the ground hard, with blood gushing out of his mouth.

Seeing that Ma Chao had no strength to resist at all, Dian Wei rushed over immediately, ready to finish Ma Chao with a halberd.

When dealing with enemies, Dian Wei never knew what it means to be merciful.

"Little boy, you're done!"

The halberd was raised high again, this time aiming at Ma Chao's neck.

If nothing unexpected happens, Ma Chao will be separated immediately!

"Don't hurt my son!"

Just then, a roar came. Then came a battle knife.

Dian Wei couldn't exchange his life for his life, so he could only temporarily put down Ma Chao and block the sword in front of him.


Another violent collision sound came out of thin air, and the magnitude of the sound was enough to explain the force of the collision.

The people who rescued Ma Chao did not choose to confront Dian Wei head-on, and immediately withdrew their swords after contact, and then launched a second attack.

This man's saber skills are fierce, and he will use all his strength in the fight, and every knife will definitely attack Dian Wei's vital point. Coupled with the sudden sneak attack, Dian Wei was beaten into a panic for a while.

"My lord, get up!"

"Ling... Ling Ming..."

Ma Chao tried his best to look at the person who rescued him, no wonder he was able to fight against Dian Wei, it turned out to be General Pang De!

"My lord, let's go!"

Pang De was very anxious. Once Dian Wei calmed down from his panic, he might not be able to hold on for long.

Ma Chao lay on the ground and struggled desperately, but he couldn't feel anything except the severe pain in his arms, and he couldn't stand up after several attempts.

In desperation, Ma Chao could only keep rolling in one direction, keeping a safe distance from Dian Wei.

After a long time, Ma Chao finally rolled to the edge of a rock, and stood up relying on the continuous exertion of his legs.

Just as Ma Chao was about to report Pang De's safety, he was shocked to find that Pound was gradually unable to support himself.

"Ling Ming, be careful!"

Exactly the same as Ma Chao's previous situation, the Dian and Wei halberds continued to attack fiercely, and Pound could only barely resist.

"Eldest son, you go!"

Knowing that he couldn't last much longer, Pound yelled at Ma Chao.

Rather than both of them dying under Dianwei's halberd, it is better to let Ma Chao leave to repay Ma Teng's kindness.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

The fat meat that reached his mouth fell to the ground, which immediately made Dian Wei furious.

The halberd in his hand increased his strength again, ready to deal with Pound in the shortest possible time.

"Eldest son, let's go! I can't bear it anymore!"

Pang De was so anxious that he urged Ma Chao to leave as soon as possible.

The strength of the arm is getting weaker and weaker, and Pound doesn't know how much he can resist!

"Lingming... hey!"

Ma Chao couldn't care less, he had completely lost his fighting power, and he could only wait for death if he stayed here.

We can't waste the opportunity Pound created for him!

"Ling Ming, you... take care!"

(end of this chapter)

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