The five patriarchs all stood up and questioned Yan Xing in unison.

"All the Qiang warriors were killed?"

All five of them raised their eyebrows and raised their eyes, with fierce expressions on their faces, and Yan Xing trembled in fright.

"Patriarchs, calm down, I am indeed watching the Yizhou army continue to slaughter the Qiang people. None of the captured people will survive!"

"Liu Zhang is a traitor!"

Although being captured and being killed are both lost, the meanings are completely different for each patriarch.

As long as he is not dead, there is still a chance to be rescued after all!

But it's all over when he dies, which proves that the tribe has completely lost a warrior.

Before, everyone thought that the loss was 100,000, at least nearly half of the prisoners.

No one, including Han Sui, expected this to be the result!

"Everyone, Yanming's words are absolutely not false!"

Han Sui's words immediately attracted the attention of the five patriarchs.

"Han Shishi, you are the first to escape here, how can you be so sure that our warriors have all been killed?"

The life and death of tens of thousands of people are at stake, and no matter how stupid the Qiang people are, they know that they cannot listen to the words of one person.

But Han Sui's attitude is so swearing, the Qiang clan leader must find out the reason.

"You patriarchs may wish to think about it, if you have 50,000 people, and you capture 100,000 prisoners, what will you do?"

The scene suddenly became quiet, and Han Sui shattered all the hopes of the five Qiang clan leaders with one word.

Liu Zhang only had 50,000 to 60,000 people in total, how could it be possible to keep 50,000 to 60,000 Qiang captives?

I'm afraid anyone will kill him to avoid future troubles!

Han Sui glanced at the faces of the five patriarchs, and knew in his heart that they approved of this inference.

"I think you already have the answer in your heart, but I still want to say a few words to you."

"Now Liu Zhang only has 50,000 to 60,000 people, even if he has 500,000 to 600,000 people, he will definitely slaughter the Qiang soldiers!"

"Because he wants to show his prestige! He wants to tell all the Qiang people in Liangzhou that if they fight against him, they will die!"

The five patriarchs were all silent, but Ma Chao looked at Han Sui in disbelief.

Is this Han Sui crazy?

To put it so bluntly, would the Qiang people still dare to be enemies with Liu Zhang?

Once the Qiang people were afraid and dispersed separately, how many soldiers and horses could the two of them gather together? Is there any way out besides being captured without a fight?


Ma Chao couldn't help reminding Han Sui, but was interrupted by the latter's hand.

"Patriarchs, as far as I know, Liu Zhang has a way of dealing with foreigners!"

"How powerful were the Nanzhong barbarians in the past? Now? They are all reduced to Liu Zhang's lackeys!"

"If we don't unite against Liu Zhang, the fate of the barbarians will be a lesson for you Qiang people!"

As expected of being known as the Yellow River's Nine Songs, just a few words immediately caused all five patriarchs to fall into deep thought.

These five patriarchs have hundreds of thousands of people under their jurisdiction, and they are like emperors in the clan!

These local emperors have long been used to living a life of dominance, how can they give up this supreme power.

Han Sui knew the hearts of these Qiang people very well, because he was not worried that the Qiang people would stop resisting because of fear.

On the contrary, Han Sui was convinced that the greater the threat, the stronger the Qiang resistance would be.

"Everyone, I, Yueman, first express my opinion on behalf of Shaodangqiang!"

The other four patriarchs all looked at Yueman. It can be said that Yueman's attitude is extremely important to them.

"I Shaodang Qiang and Liu Zhang's traitor are incompatible! He killed our Qiang warriors, and I, Yueman, must take it back from him!"

As soon as Yueman finished speaking, He Mi, the chief of the Han and Qiang clan, also stood up to support him.

"So am I, Han Qiang! Han Qiang and Shao Dang Qiang advance and retreat together!"

"Liu Zhang's massacre of the Qiang warriors is already at stake with the Qiang people! He wants to occupy Yongliang? Hmph! Why am I the first to say no?"

Two patriarchs of the five major Qiang tribes have made it clear that they will fight Liu Zhang to the end, which is undoubtedly great news for Han Sui.

Although Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang are recognized as friends with Han Sui, it does not affect the significance of this.

Not long after, Ma Chao, who was instructed by Tudan, also stepped forward.

"Everyone, I, Ma Chao, express my attitude to you on behalf of Yongzhou Governor's Mansion and Xian Lingqiang!"

"Our will to annihilate the Yizhou Army and Liu Zhang is as firm as a rock!"

Three out of five supported it, which would have passed if it were a democracy.

Now only Gong Tang Qiang and Bei Qiang are left.

Gongtang Qiang and Xianling Qiang have a close relationship, and the two clans often fight together. Just when everyone thought that Gongtang Qiang chief Dian Wu would support Ma Chaoshi without hesitation, Dian Wu was surprisingly silent.

"Dian Wu, what's the matter with you?"

Xianling Qiang chief Tudan frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Dianwu.

In the past, Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang advanced and retreated together, but now Gongtang Qiang does not support Xianling Qiang, which makes people laugh!

Dian Wu sighed softly, with a hint of worry between his brows.

"Patriarch Zhou's life or death is uncertain. I am worried that he will be captured by Liu Zhang."

If it weren't for Dian, don't mention it, everyone would have forgotten that the Wuwei Zhou family also supported an army of 10,000.

However, after this escape, it is unknown how many soldiers under Zhou's command will remain.

"Dianwu, as the head of the Gongtang Qiang clan, does everything depend on Zhou Ping's face?"

Dian Wu was embarrassed by Yueman's questioning, but the real situation was indeed the case.

Gong Tang and Qiang depended too much on the Zhou family, which could even be traced back to a hundred years ago.

Without the help of the Zhou family, how could Gong Tang and Qiang become one of the five major tribes!

"The Zhou family has shown great kindness to us, Gong Tangqiang, and I can't help but worry about his life and death!"

"Dian Wu, you are so naive! Once we lose, can the Zhou family save you Gong Tang and Qiang?"

"Let me tell you, if you want Gong Tang Qiang to survive, the only way out is to eliminate Liu Zhang!"

After Yueman's roar, Dianwu finally came to his senses.

"I know! We, Gong Tang and Qiang, will fight the Yizhou army to the end!"

After receiving Dian Wu's clear attitude, only the Bei Qiang remained among the five major Qiang tribes.

Dai Xi, the head of the Beiqiang clan, faced everyone's eyes calmly, but remained silent all the time.

Neither support nor opposition.

"Bai Xi, what do you mean?"

Yueman has a bad temper. What he hates the most is indecision and silence, so he always asks questions every time.

Dai Xi and Yueman looked at each other for a while, completely unafraid of the threat from the other party, but they never said a word.

Just when Yueman couldn't bear it and was about to explode, Han Sui walked up to Yueman and stopped him behind him.

"Patriarch, I understand what you are worried about. But I can assure you with my personality that Beiqiang will always be one of the five major tribes!"

Han Sui looked at Dai Xi very sincerely, and his worries for him were clear in his heart.

It was nothing more than worrying that after defeating Liu Zhang, Beiqiang would be threatened with a decline in status due to excessive losses.

Whether it is Xianling Qiang and Gongtang Qiang or Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang, they all have a joint relationship with each other, and if one party's strength is damaged, another tribe will protect it.

Beiqiang is an independent tribe completely different from the other four Qiang.

If the Bei Qiang lost too much in the battle against Liu Zhang, there was even a risk of being divided up by other Qiang people.

"Can Governor Han keep his word?"

Hearing Xie's question, Han Sui let go of his hanging heart.

Since the other party asked, it already means that he has made a decision in his heart.

"Don't worry, take the patriarch, I, Han Sui, swear on my personality!"

Vows, something ethereal and illusory, are more valued among the Qiang people.

Although Han Sui only said a word, he made Dai Xi feel relieved.

"Since we got the guarantee from the governor Han, then Beiqiang is willing to obey!"

"Very good!"

Han Sui couldn't help cheering, and the previous defeat was wiped out.

Regaining the support of the five major Qiang tribes, Han Sui immediately regained his confidence and had the confidence to fight Liu Zhang for life and death.

"Everyone, I, Han Sui, wish you all..."


Just when Han Sui was about to declare his determination to the Qiang clan chiefs, there was a huge roar in the distance.


Feeling the trembling of the ground under his feet, Han Sui took a sharp breath.

This movement was so familiar to him!

Only a moment later, a roar spread throughout the Qiang-Han coalition army.

"Enemy attack!"

(end of this chapter)

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