At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 691 Xun You Also Has Five Wins and Five Losses

Everyone including Liu Zhang pricked up their ears, ready to listen to Xun You's advice.

"The first is that no matter how many troops you have under your command, it won't help. They are completely mobs! It's okay to win consecutive battles, but once you encounter setbacks, your morale will plummet, and the whole army will collapse!"

There is absolutely no need to doubt Xun You's first point. Han Sui had already confirmed this inference to everyone with the lives of 150,000 people a month ago.

"The second is that there are too many factions under his command. Han Sui's army is about 250,000 to 300,000, while Han Sui's direct lineage probably doesn't even have 20,000 troops!"

"So Han Sui can't control every part of the army at all times. This means that Han Sui's army must be very rigid in action and cannot be flexible! If something goes wrong, morale will immediately lose!"

"The third is that the factions hate each other, and it is difficult to truly work together. This time Han Sui will surely advance steadily, so his only means is to attack the city."

"Everyone knows that the casualties in the siege battle are the biggest! So who will attack the city and who will bear the casualties will definitely become a big problem for the coalition forces!"

"A little carelessness will immediately lead to conflicts. But this is a conspiracy, even if Han Sui knows it well, it can't be resolved!"

Liu Zhang was slightly puzzled, and looked at Xun You suspiciously.

"Military division, as long as it is fair and just, can't it be solved perfectly?"

Xun You shook his head with a smile, his eyes were very sure.

"My lord is right, but fairness is often the hardest!"

"This time, Han Sui not only gathered the five major Qiang tribes, but also the forces of many small tribes. Because of the casualties last time, the Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang, who are friends with Han Sui, must not want to waste their troops in attacking the city."

"Xianling Qiang and Gong Tang Qiang, both of the five major tribes, will also frequently retreat. As for the Bei Qiang, they are alone, how can they bear the loss?"

"So at the beginning of the war, those who came to Yuzhong City to die must be the Qiang people of those small tribes!"

Liu Zhang suddenly realized, and immediately understood what Xun You meant.

"The military division means that small tribes are even more reluctant to bear the casualties of their subordinates!"


Liu Zhang's wit was praised by Xun You.

"The small tribes were completely coerced to participate in the coalition forces. How could they be willing to kill the only force guarding the tribes under the city of Yuzhong?"

"What's more, the five major tribes are all ambitious people. They always want to annex other Qiang people to strengthen themselves. How can there be no conflicts for a long time!"

Xun You's thinking is very clear, it can be expressed in one word, procrastination!

If it drags on, Han Sui's coalition forces will fall apart by themselves!

"Fourth, it's winter and the weather is cold. Han Sui now only occupies one county. How can he afford the supplies of hundreds of thousands of troops? Not to mention clothing to keep out the cold, even food is a huge problem!"

This is almost the deadliest point. Without perfect logistical supplies, tens of thousands of people can freeze to death in one winter!

Liu Zhang's Northern Expedition army spread across several counties, but the total number did not exceed 200,000!

Even so, Liu Zhang gathered the strength of a state, and after several years of development, with the support of the chamber of commerce, Yizhou, which had accumulated supplies for many years, could barely afford the army of the Northern Expedition.

Why did Han Sui support more than 200,000 people with one county?

"As time goes by, the coalition forces will have more and more problems, and eventually it will turn into a catastrophe!"

With Xun You's deduction, the generals have no worries at all. After all, they can win the final victory just by defending the city. What else can they worry about?

"Military division, is there a fifth article?"

Liu Zhang was a bit joking, after all, with the first four points, Han Sui was sure to lose.

Xun You thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"The fifth thing, Han Sui's bluff, not the essence of military affairs, the master uses soldiers like a god, and often wins the crowd with the few!"

"Han Sui overestimated his own strength and turned against the lord. This is undoubtedly a mantis arm blocking a car, hitting a stone with an egg, and finally bringing himself to perish!"

Liu Zhang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Xun You would also flatter him!

However, Xun You's praise was completely different from other people's praise. Liu Zhang felt as if he had eaten candied dates!

"Hahaha, the military division has won the prize, so I can't be it! I can't be it!"

Liu Zhang just said something modest, but unexpectedly, all the generals stood up and clapped their hands in praise.

"The lord is well-planned and resourceful, and he will definitely be able to destroy Han Sui and rule Yongliang!"

Liu Zhang has always been very puzzled about one thing, how did these people unify their rhetoric?

At this time, Pang Tong also stood up with a smile.

"My lord is wise and powerful, and everyone in the world knows it. Breaking Han Sui is tantamount to picking something out of a bag!"

Liu Zhang didn't refuse anymore, he believed that everyone really praised him.

"Okay, Han Sui is about to attack the city in a few days. Generals, make preparations quickly. When the Qiang people attack, you must give them a big greeting gift!"

The first battle is of great significance. The side that gains the upper hand will definitely boost their morale. Otherwise, the morale will be greatly damaged and it will not be easy to recover.


All the generals bowed their hands and retreated, leaving only Liu Zhang, Xun You, and Pang Tong in the house.

"Gongda, besides these five points, is there any other reason for winning?"

Liu Zhang was simply curious, as long as Guo Jia's theory of ten victories and ten defeats was in his heart.

"My lord, if I want to subdivide it, I'm afraid there are ten more items, such as whether the morale of the defeated army has been restored, whether the new army has been affected, etc. It's just that if you expose too much about the issue of Han Sui's coalition forces, it will inevitably lead to contempt from everyone."

"My lord's earnest admonition from a month ago is still ringing in my ears, how can I live up to my lord's intention!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Liu Zhang couldn't help but praise Xun You while he was delighted.

"With Gongda here, breaking Han Sui is only a matter of days and nights!"

Now that Han Sui's hundreds of thousands of troops are pressing down on the border, Liu Zhang can't see the reason for his failure at all.

From the military advisers Xun You and Pang Tong to the generals and soldiers, everyone has full confidence.

"My lord, just one item of weather and time is enough to break Han Sui's entire army! We only need one to hold him back, and I'm afraid it will be a month at most before we can decide the winner!"

"So fast?"

Liu Zhang originally thought that this was the real war of attrition, but he didn't expect that Xun You's conclusion was so short.

"After we increased our troops in Longxi County and Wuwei County, Xu Huang and Zhang Liao have already begun to march. Can the Qiang people entrenched in these two counties stay here with peace of mind?"

"Allied forces and allied forces! Only by uniting can we form an army!"

"What the coalition forces are most afraid of is the continuous withdrawal of forces. Once the battle is defeated, morale will fall into a slump, there will be serious problems with logistics supplies, and the ethnic group will be threatened. How can the Qiang people sit still?"

"Once the exit starts, it will immediately become a scourge, unstoppable!"

Now Liu Zhang completely understood that Xun You had already seen the process of Han Sui's defeat again.

Perhaps Han Sui embarked on the path of defeat that Xun You designed for him from the moment he sent troops!

No wonder the contrast between Xun You's two confrontations with Han Sui's 300,000 coalition forces was so great.

(end of this chapter)

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