"Patriarchs, this is the way it is! My lord is definitely not a person who backtracks on what he says!"

Cheng Gongying recounted all the conversations between the two in the big tent that day without leaving a word.

Cheng Yinggong still remembers the determination and the will to die rather than surrender in Han Sui's eyes that day.

He absolutely did not believe that Han Sui would be easily swayed, let alone that Han Sui would contact Liu Zhang immediately.

Dian Wu's face was frosty, he made such an oath that he saw Han Sui's cronies with his own eyes, and in a blink of an eye Cheng Gongying assured that Han Sui would not surrender to Liu Zhang.

Isn't this saying that he should not lie in public?

"Cheng Gongying, you sinner who committed heinous crimes against our Qiang people, I haven't cut you into pieces, how dare you question me!"

"Patriarchs, do you believe me, or this dog thief who uses the corpses of our Qiang warriors as food!"

Although everyone didn't answer, they could get the answer from their eyes.

Cheng Gongying acted so boldly, what else would he not dare to do?

This kind of person has no credibility in front of the Qiang people!

Undoubtedly, as one of the five major Qiang tribes, Dianwu, the head of the Gongtang Qiang tribe, is more trustworthy.

"Patriarch Dianwu, you have misunderstood! I have absolutely no intention of questioning you!"

Cheng Gongying hurriedly apologized to Dianwu, all he did was to calm down the anger and ease the tense atmosphere in the tent.

Dian Wu snorted coldly, and looked at Cheng Gongying playfully.

"So, do you agree that Han Sui colluded with Liu Zhang?"

"of course not!"

Cheng Gongying quickly denied it, and once again showed apologetic eyes.

"What I mean is that the chief of the Dianwu family is overworked, is he wrong?"

In order not to arouse Dian Wu's anger, Cheng Gongying deliberately used an overwork to ease, hoping to clarify the misunderstanding inside.

The corners of Dian Wu's mouth rose slightly, and even his eyebrows were raised slightly, with a proud look on his face.

"Hehe, do you dare to say that Xing Liang is not Han Sui's confidant?"

"Xing Liang!"

Cheng Gongying exclaimed, unexpectedly Dianwu would say this name!

Xing Liang was indeed Han Sui's confidant, and Han Sui would entrust him with almost all important matters.

"Master, where is Xing Liang?"

Han Sui frowned, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Since the night of three days ago, Xing Liang has disappeared. I sent people to look for it for a long time, but there was no trace."

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous! It's a joke in the world!"

Dian Wu looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, then looked at Han Sui with disdain.

"You sent him to contact Liu Zhang, and you are ashamed to say that Xing Liang is gone? Let me tell you, I have been sending people to watch outside the camp. When Xing Liang came back, I caught him!"


Han Sui was very surprised, he didn't arrange for Xing Liang to leave the camp at all!

"Where is Xing Liang? Tell him to come out and meet me!"

Now Han Sui felt more clear in his heart.

There must be a deep conspiracy in it, and it must be aimed at him.


Dian Wu showed a look of helplessness, and then gently uttered two words.


The four big characters instantly appeared in Han Sui's mind.

No proof!

Now Han Sui was even more confused, all the evidence pointed out that he surrendered Liu Zhang.

"Dian Wu, why did you kill him! What are you thinking about!"

Han Sui never did this at all, but Dian Wu insisted that he saw it with his own eyes, so there is only one possibility!

Don't try to frame him!

"Why did I kill him? Hehe, if it wasn't for his stubbornness, I wouldn't want to kill him either!"

"But this kid is a man, and he didn't betray you until he died!"

Beat to death!

A sense of powerlessness came from his heart, and Han Sui never thought that his confidant would be beaten to death in the camp!

"Han Sui, what's the point of sophistry now? Do you think you can survive today?"

Han Sui was terrified again, and there was a strong killing intent in Dianwu's eyes.

He asked himself that he didn't have any personal grievances with Dian Wu, what happened to the other party, why must he be put to death?


A more terrifying thought appeared in Han Sui's mind, Dian Wu is the traitor!

"Dianwu, you traitor, you must have surrendered to Liu Zhang!"


As soon as Han Sui finished speaking, he was kicked heavily by Ma Chao and fell to the ground.


Yan Xing was furious and stopped Ma Chao immediately.

It's a pity that Ma Chao was not afraid of threats at all, and stepped forward to trample Han Sui under his feet.

At this moment, Ma Chao felt extremely happy!

Years of wish, now finally come true!

"Old Dog Han, it's already this time, you still dare to shout "Stop the thief!"

"In order to fight against Liu Zhang, the chief of the Dianwu tribe, how many people are left under his command? Will I believe you when you say he surrendered to Liu Zhang!"

Han Sui kept struggling and raised his head to explain to Ma Chao.

"Meng Qi, trust me! I will never surrender to Liu Zhang!"


Ma Chao's laughter was full of contempt, even full of sarcasm.

"Han Laogou, your acting skills are really good. To be honest, I've been fooled by you!"

"It's a pity, you have calculated thousands of times, but you missed a little bit in the end! It is precisely this point that makes you fail!"

Han Sui was full of doubts, and he was also very curious about what made Ma Chao believe that he had surrendered to Liu Zhang.

"My father, Ma Teng!"

Ma Chao kept crushing Han Sui's back with his feet, his expression extremely complacent.

"You didn't expect it! My father, Ma Teng, surrendered falsely and gained Liu Zhang's trust!"

Han Sui couldn't help but widen his eyes. The news really shocked him.

"Ma Teng turned out to be a false surrender! Why didn't you tell me?"

Han Sui's terrified appearance made Ma Chao even more excited.

"Tell you? Tell you how to see through the tricks of you, an old dog!"

Ma Chao grabbed Han Sui by the collar, lifted him from the ground, and whispered in his ear.

"Old Dog Han, what are you? You still want to be my Ma Chao's father!"

"Didn't you wonder why the 40,000 Qiang soldiers under the city were frightened and fled when they attacked Yuzhong for the first time?"

"Let me tell you now, I ordered the soldiers to spread rumors, shouting that the Yizhou army is coming, and the general's morale collapsed!"

Han Sui glared, staring murderously into Ma Chao's eyes.

"It turned out to be you! Why did you do that!"


The more Han Sui was like this, the more excited Ma Chao couldn't restrain himself.

"Why? Heh heh..."

"Because for us father and son, the enemy is not only Liu Zhang, you Han Sui is also the enemy we want to get rid of!"

"If you don't take this opportunity to hurt both of you, how can our Ma family control Yongliang?"

Only then did Han Sui know that the biggest enemy was not Liu Zhang, but Ma Chao who had been lurking by his side all the time!

"You are so vicious, aren't you afraid that the Qiang people will retaliate against you?"

Up to now, no one would believe Han Sui, and all the Qiang people would stand by Ma Chao's side, and he was fearless.

"You can try it and see if these Qiang people believe in you or me!"

(end of this chapter)

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