The Qiang soldiers under Han Sui's command rushed forward and immediately surrounded Ma Chao.

But just when the great success was about to be completed, another shocking change occurred on the battlefield.

Due to the short-term hesitation of the soldiers of the Shaodang Qiang, Han Qiang, and Bei Qiang tribes, all the Qiang soldiers who had been left behind by Ma Chao before all came to the front.

Relying on their superior equipment, Xian Ling Qiang's soldiers immediately launched a crazy attack on Han Sui's unprepared Qiang soldiers.

On one side are Qiang soldiers with high morale, fully armed and holding sharp knives, and on the other side are Qiang soldiers who are terrified, unprepared, and even weapons are extremely scarce.

Especially in the case of the superior party attacking the inferior party, the result of the collision between the two must be without suspense!

Now not only is Han Sui's dream of besieging and killing Ma Chao completely shattered, even the soldiers of Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang are in a huge crisis.

Xianling Qiang, with the strength of one clan, forced the soldiers of the two clans to throw away their helmets and armor, and ran away with their heads in their arms.

The soldiers of Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang were constantly cut down to the ground, forced by the powerful offensive of Xianling Qiang, they could only keep retreating.

The moment the two sides fought, there was a one-sided situation.

Han Sui obviously had the numerical advantage, but he had no power to fight back.

"Damn it! Damn Ma Chao!"

Ma Chao's bravery and invincibility is also the key to inspiring the bravery of Xianling Qiang soldiers.

Under his leadership, the Xianling Qiang soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought, fully grasping the direction of the battlefield.

"My lord, if this continues, General Yan Xing will be in danger!"

Cheng Gongying was in a hurry, and the siege of Ma Chao failed, but Yan Xing was about to fall into a tight siege.

"Go and call Yan Xing back!"

Han Sui hurriedly ordered his soldiers that Yan Xing was the only general under his command, and no mistakes were allowed.

"My lord can't!"


Han Sui was anxious and surprised, it was Cheng Gongying who reminded him, why didn't he let him recall Yan Xing?

"My lord, General Yan Xing is there, and our army can still withstand one or two. Once General Yan Xing withdraws, the whole army may be in danger of collapse!"

Cheng Gongying looked anxious, definitely not alarmist.

The current situation is burning Dang Qiang, the soldiers of Han Qiang will fight Xianling Qiang again, while the soldiers under the command of Bei Qiang and Gong Tang Qiang are all nestled behind the two armies.

Gong Tangqiang is better, many people have joined the battle.

However, Beiqiang perfectly inherited the thoughts of their dead patriarch, and they all stood at the back with an attitude of watching a show.

If the battle is stalemate or goes smoothly, Beiqiang will also rush forward, thus securing the victory.

On the contrary, it is also obvious that once the battle situation falls into a disadvantageous situation, the Bei Qiang will probably withdraw immediately, and sit back and watch the Ling Qiang massacre the Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang.

Generally speaking, one thing is very clear, Beiqiang doesn't care about Han Sui, they want to keep their tribe more.

Therefore, the focus of the battle is the soldiers of the three tribes who are fighting bloody battles, as well as the battle between Ma Chao and Yan Xing.

Judging from the current situation, Xianling Qiang has an absolute advantage.

But Xianling Qiang is the strength of a clan after all, it is difficult to defeat the coalition forces of Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang in one fell swoop.

The reason why Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang were not completely defeated was not entirely due to willpower, but partly because of Yan Xing who fought bravely and bloodily beside them.

Once Yan Xing is defeated and Ma Chao kills all directions again, Han Sui's army may be defeated immediately.

"Then what to do!"

Han Sui also saw Cheng Gongying's worry, but if he let it go, he could only ruin Yan Xing's life.

"My lord, the matter is critical, and the blood and courage of the Qiang people must be inspired!"

"We have an advantage in numbers. As long as Ling Qiang's attack goes a little bit wrong, Bei Qiang will never sit idly by!"

Cheng Gongying didn't have any doubts about the fact that Bei Qiang would beat the dog in the water in pain.

And as long as Ling Qiang is frustrated first, Gong Tang Qiang behind them will inevitably flee immediately, and Ma Chao will have no hope of turning around.

What is missing now is to give Beiqiang a reason to join the war.

Whether it was Han Sui's three clans that defeated Ma Chao's Xianling Qiang clan and won the final victory, or whether Ma Chao defeated Han Sui's Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang coalition forces with the power of Xianling Qiang clan, all belonged to Han Sui alone. body!

Han Sui took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly to the surroundings.

"Warriors of the Qiang tribe! Ma Chao, the enemy who killed your patriarch, is now leading soldiers to slaughter your people. Are you willing to watch Ma Chao show off his power in front of you?"

"Think about your dead patriarch, think about your relatives in the clan! Once Ma Chao wins, what will they face?"

"If it wasn't for you, your people would end up in the same fate as your patriarch, so take up arms and fight bravely!"

"I, Han Sui, have always been behind you, living and dying with you!"

Fearing that the chaos on the battlefield would overwhelm his own voice, Han Sui shouted one after another, trying to make every Qiang soldier hear his voice.

"Warriors, the enemy is in sight!"

"Come on!"

The Qiang people, who were in a panic and wanted to flee, turned around and joined the battle after hearing Han Sui's encouraging words.

The Qiang soldiers with their weapons began to rush forward frantically, and immediately fought bloody battles with the enemy.

Qiang soldiers without weapons either picked up weapons dropped by someone from the ground, or stepped forward to snatch them with bare hands.

For a moment, Xian Lingqiang's offensive was completely stopped.

Although they were still massacring the soldiers of Shaodang Qiang and Han Qiang, the heavier the killing, the more the Qiang people's hatred was aroused, making them even more frantic to fight the Xianling Qiang soldiers with their lives!

The situation on the battlefield is no longer one-sided, and Han Sui was overjoyed by the sudden reversal of the situation.

Just when Han Sui glanced across the surrounding battlefields, his eyes lit up.

Han Sui happened to see a war drum next to the handsome tent!

This war drum has always been next to the commander's account, and Han Sui completely forgot about it in his panic.

Although it is usually only used for beating drums to gather tents, it just happens to come in handy now!

"Warriors, I, Han Sui, will beat the drums for you personally!"

"Kill the enemy and take revenge, move forward bravely!"


Han Sui let out another roar, and then began to swing the drumstick with both hands, and smashed it desperately on the war drum.

Boom! Boom! Boom! …

With the sound of war drums, the morale of Han Sui's army was boosted again, and the Qiang soldiers rushed forward even more fearlessly.

Under the ebb and flow, Xianling Qiang gradually began to be suppressed.

At this moment, Bei Qiang finally made up his mind to join the battle!

Shaodang Qiang, Han Qiang and Bei Qiang had a total force of more than 60,000 troops, which completely crushed the Xianling Qiang under Ma Chao's command.

Right now, the two sides are still in a stalemate, but as time goes by, Xianling Qiang cannot escape the end of defeat in the end.

In particular, Gong Tangqiang and Ma Chao in the rear were not completely united, and there was already a tendency to retreat at this moment.

(end of this chapter)

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