The appearance of Han Sui rekindled hope in Ma Chao, who had been sighing deeply.

Compared with slaughtering all the Qiang people of the three tribes, Ma Chao hopes to catch Han Sui and kill him!

"Soldiers, follow me! Kill Old Dog Han!"

Ma Chao let out an angry roar, forcibly cheered up his spirits, and once again broke out with extremely strong combat power.

Although Ma Chao, who was rushing from left to right, made it difficult for the surrounding soldiers to resist for a while, it was far from the previous one as if he was in no man's land!

The final effect was not as good as before, and Ma Chao could not disrupt the enemy's formation again with his personal bravery.

At the end of the day, Ma Chao wants to completely change the situation of the battle by himself, but after all, it is just a wishful thinking!

Half an hour later, Ma Chao finally exhausted his strength, and he had to withdraw from the front of the formation, and supervise the battle from the rear like Han Sui.

The Qiang soldiers from the two sides fought from early morning to noon, and from noon to dusk.

The 100,000 troops fought bloody battles to the death, and the number of casualties was beyond estimation. The entire camp was littered with dead bodies and broken limbs everywhere.

Even so, there is still no winner, and the two sides are still stalemate in a bloody battle!

The internal strife that broke out without warning made the soldiers on both sides unprepared.

Not a single soldier has eaten a grain of grain or drank a sip of water!

Their physical strength has already reached their limit, and the only thing that supports them is the perseverance in their bones.

Where there is a permanent balance, the deadlock will eventually be broken.

It was not Han Sui who fell into the decline first, but Ma Chao, who had been taking the initiative on the battlefield.

The reason also made Ma Chao very angry. Seeing that the situation was not good, Gong Tangqiang played the character of a second-five boy.

Gong Tang and Qiang kept retreating, leaving the soldiers of Xianling Qiang constantly trapped in heavy siege.

As the Xianling Qiang soldiers continued to die in battle, the offensive of the Qiang soldiers on Ma Chao's side became weaker and weaker.

Ma Chaojun took a step back, and Han Suijun would immediately press up two steps, and pressed harder and harder.

The Qiang people under Han Suijun's army hated Ma Chao to the bone, and they were still aggressive all day long, and they had the idea of ​​not giving up if they didn't kill Ma Chao!

Under the situation of ebb and flow, the balance of war began to tilt in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast.

Ma Chao, who was standing in the rear supervising the battle, couldn't help being in a trance for a while, and the situation took a turn for the worse just in an instant!

Our own Qiang soldiers are constantly retreating, the frequency is only for a moment every blink of an eye!

Gong Tangqiang, who was following the wind, even retreated behind Ma Chao.

Ma Chao's expression was very complicated, with anger and bewilderment intertwined, and he couldn't accept the reality in his eyes at all.

Xian Ling Qiang is about to die, and Gong Tang Qiang is already showing signs of fleeing!

I am afraid that the collapse of the whole army will be imminent!

Ma Chao no longer has the desire to charge forward and forcibly change the situation of the battle.

Even if he came down to earth like a god again, so what, without the response of Lingqiang soldiers first, it is easy to enter, but it is difficult to exit again!

Ma Chao was so angry, he was so defeated!

But facing such a situation, Han Sui was already overjoyed and excited.

Although the victory came inexplicably!

"Hahaha, military advisor, God is helping me too!"

For some reason, Han Sui just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. This kind of comfort is not weaker than defeating Liu Zhang!

"Ma Chao thief, let me see what else you can find!"

In the current situation, it is definitely not possible for one person to change the situation of the battle, unless new forces flood into the battlefield to defeat one side of the soldiers.

Looking at the entire Jincheng County, where is there any new strength?

Han Sui and Ma Chao's headquarters all perished, and almost all the vital forces of the five major Qiang tribes and a group of minor Qiang tribes were concentrated in the coalition camp.

It can be said that except for Liu Zhang in Yuzhong City who still has spare strength, the entire Yongliang land has no troops.

"My lord, gather the soldiers and return to Jincheng immediately after the victory! There is so much commotion in our camp, Liu Zhang must have noticed it already!"

Cheng Gongying was equally excited about the upcoming victory, but Liu Zhang in Yuzhong City not far away also worried him.

Yuzhong City is too close to Daying!

At this time, Cheng Gongying couldn't help thinking, if the camp was ten miles away, it would be great!

"Hehe, the military commander doesn't need to worry!"

Unlike Cheng Gongying, Han Sui didn't have much worry on his face.

"The non-stop attack for the previous ten days has already exhausted Liu Zhang's Yizhou army!"

"I'm afraid at this moment he thinks we are deliberately luring him to come and attack!"

It is also an inevitable fact that Liu Zhang's military strength is insufficient!

At this moment, there are at most 30,000 to 40,000 people in Yuzhong City. Does Liu Zhang dare to put all his eggs in one basket and attack the coalition camp?

In case of a heavy siege, I am afraid that all these remaining people will be confessed to the camp.

But if 30,000 to 40,000 people are used to defend the city, there is naturally no problem.

Therefore, Han Sui had no hope of defeating Liu Zhang, but he even sneered at Liu Zhang's sneak attack.

Han Sui looked up at the sky, the sun was setting rapidly, and the night was coming.

If the Yizhou army really moved, how could it endure until now?

"My lord, have you forgotten that Liu Zhang set up a divorce plan?"

Cheng Gongying still couldn't help but feel a little worried. He felt that Han Sui seemed a little too confident.

"Hehe, think about it, military commander, Liu Zhang set up a poisonous plan, isn't it just to get the current effect?"

"I fought desperately with Ma Chao, and finally cut off my own arm! No matter the outcome, I can no longer compete with Liu Zhang!"

"But Liu Zhang only needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and he can win the final victory without any risk. Do you think he will take risks?"

After all, Liu Zhang has no eyes and ears in the camp of the coalition army, so Liu Zhang can only guess at the most about the situation here.

With a camp of more than 200,000 people, the war broke out around the camp, and Liu Zhang couldn't see the specific situation inside.

Taking the initiative to attack will bear the risk of being defeated by the enemy, or even losing Yuzhong City, resulting in a total loss.

Sit in the city, let Ma Chao and Han Sui fight, and finally win without any danger or accident.

The ultimate goal of the two options is to achieve the final victory, nothing more than a slight difference in time.

The former may win immediately, while the latter may be delayed for a while, but this time will never be too long.

In Han Sui's view, even a fool would know to choose the latter.

After all, Liu Zhang is only in his thirties, and what he lacks most is time!

Cheng Gongying's face was very solemn, and the expression of worry was self-evident.

He always felt that Han Sui was too optimistic!

"My lord, I still feel that..."

"Okay, military commander, put your heart in your stomach!"

Han Sui interrupted Cheng Gongying, not wanting Liu Zhang's affairs to affect his joy of defeating Ma Chao.

"Hahaha, it's over for now!"

With the complete collapse of the Qiang soldiers under Ma Chaojun, Han Sui knew that his victory had finally come!

"Soldiers, don't let Ma Chao go, he is the enemy who killed your patriarch!"

Han Sui kept screaming excitedly, reminding the Qiang soldiers to keep an eye on Ma Chao, for fear that Ma Chao would escape with his life again.

Even if Ma Chao escapes, there is no possibility of a comeback, but for Han Sui, it will be a disaster after all!

Burning Dangqiang, the Hanqiang and Beiqiang soldiers had already pressed the whole army, Ma Chao seemed unwilling to fail, and did not flee, but rode forward again to join the battle.

Seeing this scene, Han Sui showed a sincere smile.

Just when everything was about to settle, there was a faint sound in the distance.


(end of this chapter)

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