Ma Teng looked dull, unable to accept the sudden ups and downs.

Therefore, in the face of Han Sui's insults and abuse, he was completely indifferent.

But Ma Chao is different, his ability to accept is obviously much better than Ma Teng.

Being in a desperate situation is not common to him, but it is definitely not unfamiliar.

In today's day alone, Ma Chao experienced more than one ups and downs.

From leading the Qiang patriarch to expose Han Sui, to being killed by Han Sui in the commander's tent when he almost stumbled, Ma Chao escaped death by a narrow margin.

I thought that after exposing Han Sui's atrocities, he would be able to command all the coalition forces in the camp, but I didn't expect that Han Sui would turn black and white, and be avenged by the Qiang people!

In order to kill Yan Xing and defeat Han Sui's three-clan alliance, Ma Chao did not hesitate to bet his life.

Finally, relying on personal bravery to control the battle situation, unexpectedly, after Han Sui fled, he burned Dang Qiang, Han Qiang and Bei Qiang rose up in desperation, and Ma Chao turned safety into danger again!

There are so many ups and downs in one day, which made Ma Chao very numb.

Even under heavy siege, Ma Chao still did not despair.

Since he can escape from Liu Zhang once, he will naturally have the ability to escape a second time.

What's more, Sha Lifei under Ma Chao's crotch is the top horse in the world, and none of Liu Zhang's tens of thousands of horses can match it!

As for the plan after fleeing, how to make a comeback in the future can be discussed in the long run.

But for Ma Chao, there was one person he would never let go, and he must be killed before retreating.

This person is naturally Han Sui Han Wenyue who has been hated by him!

Han Sui unscrupulously laughed at Ma Teng and his son, but his smile, isn't it the behavior of a clown?

At least in Ma Chao's eyes, Han Sui is extremely ridiculous!

"Han Sui, in terms of shamelessness, you are really unmatched!"

"In my opinion, Liu Zhang is shameless enough, but he can't compare with you at all!"

Han Sui was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ma Chao, the reckless man, to be so calm in the face of his ridicule.

"Ma Chao, you two, father and son, have done all the tricks and think you have everything under control, but you don't know that everything is under the control of others!"

"How proud you two were just now, how sad you are now!"

"Although I was also defeated, seeing the desolation of the two of you, I am extremely happy! Even if it is death, I will rest in peace!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

No matter who gets the last laugh today, the winner will have nothing to do with Han Sui.

However, compared with Ma Teng, Ma Chao and his son gained power, and Han Sui very much hoped that Liu Zhang would become the final winner.

Liu Zhang became the final victor, and perhaps Han Sui still had a chance of surviving.

But Ma Chao is in control of everything, Han Sui must be living a life worse than death!

Ma Teng is capricious, and Ma Chao is wild and unruly. With this lesson, Liu Zhang will not let the Ma family go easily.

Therefore, even if Han Sui's final end is death, Ma Teng, Ma Chao and his son are companions on Huangquan Road, at least Han Sui can be comforted a lot psychologically.

"Han Sui, I feel some sympathy for you now! You are so pathetic and ridiculous!"

"Although I, Ma Chao, lost today, I am not discouraged. I am still young and have a chance to come back!"

"But you can't, no matter what, you will die under my gun today!"

Han Sui narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of anger gradually flashed on his face.

Ma Chao's calmness obviously exceeded his expectations.

Han Sui wanted to annoy Ma Teng, Ma Chao and his son with words, and then saw how helpless and furious they looked.

Unfortunately, everything did not go as Han Sui wished.

Ma Teng was silent and sluggish, unable to accept the reality, completely crushed by failure, and his whole body was like a walking dead.

Compared with Ma Teng, Han Sui now resents Ma Chao even more.

Therefore, Han Sui wanted to see Ma Chao go crazy, get angry, and even lose his mind due to the huge stimulus.

Facts were once again completely contrary to expectations. Ma Chao seemed to be enlightened today, and his composure was astonishing.

Not only was he not angered by Han Sui's words, but he was very optimistic about the predicament in front of him!

Especially the sentence that you will definitely die under my gun made Han Sui even more angry and angry.


The movement became louder and louder, and the sound of horses stamping on the ground was within easy reach.

As Wu Fengying approached, it also announced that Liu Zhang had truly become the final winner, and there were no more variables.

Taishi Cice immediately stepped forward and ordered Wu Fengying to take over the defense.

Pound cooperated very well, and immediately ordered Liangzhou Jingqi to retreat, giving up all positions.

After Tai Shici confirmed that everything was under control, he bowed his hands to Liu Zhang very respectfully.

"My lord!"

The arrival of Taishici and Wufengying is also like a magic needle for Dinghai to Liu Zhang!

"Ziyi doesn't need to be too polite. How is the battle in the camp?"

Although Liu Zhang had already guessed the outcome of the war in the camp, he still wanted to report from Tai Shici himself.

"My lord, most of the Qiang soldiers were killed or injured, and most of the rest were captured alive by our army."

"In addition, the army division ordered Ma Yue to lead the cavalry to pursue the Qiang soldiers who fled in the chaos, and then General Zhao and others are leading the army to clean up the battlefield."

After Tai Shici finished his report, he turned his head to look at Ma Teng and others who were surrounded ahead.

"My lord, now the leader of the bandits, Han Sui, and Ma Chao are about to be captured by our army, and the traitor Ma Teng is also doomed to escape. We can already declare that our Yizhou army has won the battle!"

Seeing Tai Shici's ecstatic expression, Liu Zhang was equally excited.

"very good!"

Ma Teng and Han Sui, the biggest obstacles to the unification of Yongliang, are all dead now!

Even with the "help" of Han Sui and Ma Chao, the land of Yongliang and even the cancerous Qiang people on the border of the Han Dynasty were severely damaged by Liu Zhang!

Two battles, gathering and annihilating 400,000 Qiang people!

If Liu Zhang is willing, he can even let the history of the Qiang people end at five years in Jian'an!

Although the victory in this battle was hard-won and cost many casualties and hardships, the harvest is also amazing.

From now on, all states and counties to the west of Longshan Mountain will hang the Liu character banner without any suspense.

In particular, the entire Qiang people suffered an unprecedented blow!

Whether it is to conquer the Qiang people like the barbarians, or to drive the Qiang people to extinction, the initiative is in Liu Zhang's hands, even at Liu Zhang's thought!

Even if you choose to naturalize the entire Qiang nationality, the energy and time required are far less than naturalizing the barbarians, and there may even be situations in which the Qiang people voluntarily join in order to preserve the entire tribe.

Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Ma Chao are all about to be arrested. In addition, there are few people in Yongliang, and the power of the aristocratic clan is weak, so it is easy to completely control them.

As long as Liu Zhang is willing, he can use the shortest time to integrate his forces and send troops to attack Guanzhong!

(end of this chapter)

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