At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 731 Ma Chao, are you willing to surrender?

Ma Teng was captured without any conspiracy or tricks.

Liu Zhang did not keep him by his side, and immediately ordered Wu Fengying to escort Ma Teng back to Yuzhong.

Wait until everything is properly arranged before sending someone to escort Ma Teng and his family to Chengdu.

Now there are only Ma Chao and Cheng Gongying left on the field, a general and a counselor.

Maybe the two of them had their own personalities before, but at the moment they both have the same dull eyes.

The word "confused" best reflects the current situation of Ma Chao and Cheng Gongying.

Especially Ma Chao, from the moment Ma Teng surrendered unconditionally, he was really confused.

Ma Teng's earnest advice caused Ma Chao to have extremely serious doubts about himself.

For the ambitious Ma Chao, not having the ability to be a master is an extremely serious blow to him.

Fortunately, Ma Chao has a broad mind and can face ups and downs such as victory and failure calmly, not to mention some sincere doubts.

In fact, Ma Chao has already seen some clues to Ma Teng's views through this battle with Han Sui in the camp.

Obviously it was Han Sui who killed the patriarchs of the five major Qiang tribes, and it was obviously Ma Chao who had the absolute advantage. Unfortunately, under Ma Chao's series of stupid commands, he led the soldiers into danger several times.

Even if Ma Chao fought with his life to kill Yan Xing, he still ended in failure when the battle had a huge turning point.

Ma Chao was a little reckless, but he was not a fool. This lesson was both regretful and helpless to him.

He regretted that he had ruined everything with his own hands!

Not only ruined the lives of more than 20,000 soldiers of Xianling Qiang, but also missed the opportunity to defeat Han Sui head-on.

But what about after regret?

Ma Chao didn't know how to deal with this situation correctly.

This is where Ma Chao is most helpless. Even if he has an absolute advantage, he still cannot turn it into a victory.

This means that Ma Chao, as the commander-in-chief, may rely on his personal bravery to open the situation for the war, but in the end he cannot escape the outcome of failure.

Even now, Ma Chao still doesn't know what to do in the camp to finally defeat Han Sui.

With this lesson in mind, Ma Chao didn't have much aversion to Ma Teng pointing out that he was not suitable to be a monarch.

Today's Ma Chao is just a year of weak championships. For him, his ambition to be king is not very clear.

Perhaps it is more tempting for Ma Chao to lead the army to charge wantonly and break through the enemy line alone.

Facing a desperate situation now, Ma Chao is not afraid, but he is really lost.

Han Sui, who was hated by Ma Chao, had already been beheaded by him at this time.

Father Ma Teng completely let go of his ambition to fight for hegemony, and willingly surrendered to Liu Zhang.

His grandfather Tu Dan, who had always supported him, was killed by Yan Xing, but Ma Chao also killed Yan Xing himself, avenging Tu Dan.

The Xianling Qiang soldiers were almost wiped out, and the power within the clan was empty, and they would soon be completely taken down by Liu Zhang.

At this moment, Ma Chao can really be regarded as a loner.

You want soldiers but you don't have soldiers, you want generals but you don't have generals, you want relatives, you don't have relatives, you want enemies, and you don't have enemies.

Maybe Liu Zhang is Ma Chao's enemy, but Liu Zhang's strength makes Ma Chao unable to raise his desire for revenge.

After all, it was Ma Teng, Ma Chao and his son who took the lead in invading Hanzhong, which angered Liu Zhang.

And speaking from the bottom of my heart, Ma Chao and Liu Zhang had a rift at most because of the rivalry between forces, not the hatred they had for Han Sui.

So now Ma Chao can be said to have nothing, even if Liu Zhang let him go, he doesn't know what he should do next.

Win over Ma Teng's old department and rise up?

To regroup the soldiers and horses and continue to be an enemy of Liu Zhang?

But when Ma Teng was still ambitious, he ended up like this. Now that Ma Teng is attached, who can support Ma Chao in resisting Liu Zhang?

As for reuniting the soldiers and horses, where in the entire Yongliang land is there any soldiers and horses for Ma Chao to gather?

I'm afraid that even if you rack your brains and try your best, you will not be able to recruit a thousand people!

The 300,000 troops were all killed by Liu Zhang and fled in a hurry, with blood flowing like rivers, what can a thousand people do?

The combination of all these things could not make Ma Chao desire to fight against Liu Zhang at all.

Without a goal, Ma Chao felt even more at a loss, and couldn't even find the meaning of his existence.

Fortunately, Ma Teng gave Ma Chao some pointers before leaving, leaving him a bright road.

Following the example of the ancestor Ma Yuan, he assisted Mingjun to make contributions.

Since you don't have the talent to be a monarch, you might as well be a general.

In this way, you only need to act according to the order of the monarch, and you can move across the battlefield and become famous all over the world, without having to think about how to win the war.

A figure suddenly appeared in Ma Chao's mind, that Dian Wei who was holding a big halberd and defeated him head-on.

Dian Wei is illiterate, even more reckless than him!

But in today's world, when the word Dianwei is mentioned, who doesn't know?

But before Dian Wei followed Liu Zhang, who would have thought of Dian Wei when he mentioned the evil of the past?

At this moment, Ma Chao felt that the role of Dian Wei was very good, and it was very suitable for him.

In combat, you only need to go forward bravely, you can charge and kill wantonly on the battlefield, and you don't have to worry about how to deploy troops and how to deal with conspiracy and tricks.

After all, under the arrangement of the monarch, there are specialized talents in charge of everything!

Only relying on personal bravery and leading the soldiers to charge into battle can win the final victory. Hasn't it always been Ma Chao's dream life?

But for Ma Chao, he doesn't have to be loyal to Liu Zhang!

If he can survive, all the princes in the world will let him choose.

Besides, in Ma Chao's heart, he resisted allegiance to Liu Zhang!

"Ma Chao, are you going to stand like this until dark?"

It's not that Liu Zhang is impatient, it's just that it's getting late, and there is only a glimmer of light left in the sky.

Ma Chao can choose to remain silent, and Liu Zhang can also give him time to think, but it is definitely not here.

"Liu... General Wei, what do you mean?"

Liu Zhang raised an eyebrow, but Ma Chao's words stunned him.

"What do you mean by me? What do you mean?"

There was a sense of joy on the battlefield, the two of them didn't understand what the other meant, and it seemed that they both had some meaning.


Ma Chao opened his mouth, but he hesitated.

He wanted to ask Liu Zhang if he could let him go, but he didn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

After all, Ma Chao is also a person who wants face, and this kind of shameless request is really hard for him to say.

But Liu Zhang forgave his father Ma Teng, so he couldn't insist on killing him, could he?

Ma Chao's grumbling appearance made Liu Zhang feel unhappy for a while.

This is completely different from the Jin Ma Chao he imagined!

"Ma Chao, a manly man, just say something!"

"Are you willing to surrender to this general?"

A trace of disgust appeared in Ma Chao's eyes, and then he rejected Liu Zhang without hesitation.

"I do not want to!"

(end of this chapter)

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