When Cheng Gongying witnessed Han Sui's death with his own eyes, he was once in despair.

He even thought that it would not be long before the butcher's knife would fall on his head.

But everyone present seemed to have forgotten about Cheng Gongying's existence and completely left him aside.

It also happened to be ignored, and Cheng Gongying was able to witness this good show between Liu Zhang and Ma Chao.

It's a pity that a good show is also a play, and it will eventually end.

After Ma Teng tied his hands and Ma Chao completely surrendered, Cheng Gongying began to get nervous.

Will he die tragically like Han Sui in this wilderness?

As for being valued by Liu Zhang, Cheng Gongying did not dare to expect extravagance, nor did he have the idea of ​​serving Liu Zhang.

Compared with Ma Chao, Liangzhou Cheng Gongying is undoubtedly more unknown!

"Who are you?"

Just as Cheng Gongying was thinking wildly, Liu Zhang's voice finally came.

Liu Zhang had noticed this man long ago, but with Ma Chao and Han Sui by his side, there was really no reason to focus on him.

If this person hadn't been relatively calm, Liu Zhang would have regarded him as Han Sui's personal guard.

Cheng Gongying was suddenly questioned by Liu Zhang, his mind was still in surprise, and he was at a loss for a while.

"My lord, he is Han Sui's military adviser, Cheng Gongying."

Ma Chao, who had just joined Liu Zhang, answered Liu Zhang's doubts for Cheng Gongying.

At least Cheng Gongying made trouble for Ma Chao before breaking with Han Sui!

"Cheng Gongying, meet General Wei..."

After hearing Ma Chao's words, Cheng Gongying also woke up from the astonishment, and hurriedly saluted Liu Zhang.

It turned out to be him!

Cheng Gongying is not very famous, the most well-known one is Han Sui's confidant military adviser.

In history, after Han Sui was defeated in Weishui, he suffered a disastrous defeat by Xia Houyuan in Xingguo.

Only during the retreat, the troops scattered and fled in all directions, even the chief general Yan Xing disappeared, only Cheng Gongying stayed with him life and death.

Later, Yan Xing was determined to kill Han Sui and surrender to Cao Cao. Han Sui was disheartened and wanted to go to Shu to surrender to Liu Bei.

Cheng Gongying tried his best to persuade Han Sui again, encouraging Han Sui to regain his aura as a prince, and finally relied on the Qiang people to defeat Yan Xing who had betrayed him.

After Han Sui's death, Cheng Gongying surrendered to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao had a very high opinion of Cheng Gongying, and he was directly appointed as a military adviser and bestowed a title and marquis!

There are many other deeds of Cheng Gongying, all of which are praises to him.

What impressed Liu Zhang the most was that Cao Cao was grateful for his loyalty and admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Cheng Gongying and Pang De are very similar, they put loyalty first, they will not surrender to others, let alone sell their masters for glory.

"I've heard about Mr. Chenggong's name for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Liu Zhang immediately put away the smile on his face and put on a respectful expression.

Cheng Gongying was even more horrified, she didn't expect that she would get such a courtesy.

"Don't dare! How can a defeated general be able to bear such a big gift from General Wei!"

Liu Zhang took two steps forward and helped Cheng Gongying who was in a panic.

"Zhang didn't know it was Mr. Cheng Gong in person, so please don't blame him!"

Cheng Gongying's face was panicked, and her heart was even more ashamed.

Although he claims to be talented, he can accomplish nothing after all!

Cheng Gongying can only be regarded as an unknown little man.

Now that he was defeated and captured alive, how could he have the nerve to accept such courtesy from Liu Zhang.

"General Wei, please don't let yourself down! Cheng Gongying must not dare to be that!"

Liu Zhang nodded with a smile, everything was almost the same as he expected.

Cheng Gongying is not only talented, but also loyal and humble.

"Now that Han Sui is dead and all the forces under his command are wiped out, what is Mr. Cheng's plan?"

Liu Zhang did not offer to solicit immediately, but talked with Cheng Gongying as a friend.

"Hey! I'm just an incompetent person. In the future, I will hide myself in the mountains and forests..."

Cheng Gongying didn't say this on purpose to show his noble touch.

Han Sui was his first lord, and he watched Han Sui go from weak to strong, and then from strong to dead.

Today, he watched Han Sui die in front of his own eyes.

The Liangzhou Legion held more than 400,000 troops, but was still defeated by Liu Zhang in the end, which made Cheng Gongying even more disheartened.

Cheng Gongying even had self-doubt in his heart, whether he has the ability to assist Ming Jun?

"Mr. Cheng is joking. If you are all incompetent, who else in the world would dare to claim to be talented?"

Liu Zhang had a very high opinion of Cheng Gongying, which immediately caught the attention of Pang De and Ma Chao.

Pang De did not work with him, and he only knew Cheng Gongying at the level of understanding.

Pang De was quite surprised by Liu Zhang's evaluation. He did not expect that Han Sui would be surrounded by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After this joint march with Han Sui, Ma Chao has a deeper understanding of Cheng Gongying.

But Ma Chao didn't agree very much, he felt that Liu Zhang's praise was a bit too much.

If Cheng Gongying is really so good, why did Han Sui take so many years to be reused?

If Cheng Gongying was really talented, why would Han Sui's army of more than 400,000 troops be defeated?

In fact, not only Pang De and Ma Chao thought so, even Cheng Gongying himself felt extremely ashamed.

"I can't be praised by General Wei. I am really convinced that I lost to General Wei this time!"

"Hehe, Mr. Chenggong, you are being polite! Now that Yongliang is about to be pacified, we will still need the help of someone like Mr. Chenggong!"

After Liu Zhang boasted, he revealed his true intention and recruited Cheng Gongying.

Maybe Cheng Gongying is far inferior to Liu Zhang's top advisers, but his real talent is far beyond ordinary people.

Whether as a military adviser, personally leading troops in battle, or governing a party, Cheng Gongying is capable of doing it, and she is definitely an all-around talent.

Even in terms of martial arts, Cheng Gongying is not as powerless as ordinary counselors.

According to historical records, when Cheng Gongying was hunting with Cao Cao, he once shot three sika deer with three arrows!

An all-around talent like Cheng Gongying certainly cannot achieve perfection in all aspects.

Therefore, it is very important to make the best use of everything and make the best use of people.

If Cheng Gongying is expected to act as the mastermind to capture the commander alive and let him lead the army to attack such as Cao Cao, then he will definitely return without success.

If Cheng Gongying is allowed to sit on one side, or guard the frontier, and put down the rebellion in the prefectures and counties, Cheng Gongying will definitely be able to complete the task excellently.

Right now Liu Zhang is in urgent need of an all-rounder who can command troops and govern states and counties to help him sit on the border of Liangzhou.

This person not only needs to be both civil and military, but also loyal, and no temptation can change his loyalty!

Cheng Gongying is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

"Thank you, General Wei, for your love! It's just that Cheng Gongying is not a virtuous person, and the old master Han Sui just died, so I really don't care about politics! General Wei, please forgive me!"

Everything did not exceed Liu Zhang's expectations, and Cheng Gongying rejected him very respectfully and politely.

(end of this chapter)

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