Capturing this person is tantamount to obtaining the key to victory in the Guanzhong battlefield for Pang Tong!

"You... who are you?"

After thinking about it, Budugen still didn't stand up for the soldiers who were brutally massacred.

After all, Budugen has nothing to do except verbal insults.

Seeing Budugen's trembling appearance, Pang Tong waved his hand lightly.

Soon a soldier stepped forward and handed Budugen a blanket.

Bu Dugen was not polite at all, he grabbed it and surrounded his body.

It wasn't because Bu Dugen was shy, but the cold wind at night and the fear in his heart made him feel strangely cold.

"Budugen, let me introduce myself."

"Below is Yizhou Mu, General Wei Liu Zhang's Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan."

At this time, Budugen calmed down a little.

If Pang Tong wanted to kill him, he would have done so long ago.

Since he was still patiently talking to himself, he must have made an attempt.

"Mr. Pang, you... why did you appear behind me?"

Compared with survival, this is what Budugen is most puzzled at the moment.

It's just that in Bu Dugen's mind, the Yizhou Army couldn't think of another possibility other than the divine soldiers descending from the sky.

There are only two roads from Guanzhong to Liangzhou, one is from Chang'an via Chencang, passing Shangyu to Jixian County.

The other one passes through Qi County from Chang'an, passes through Longshan Jieting and enters Hanyang County.

Both roads were blocked to death by the Xianbei army.

Bu Dugen absolutely did not believe that Qi County would be defeated, after all, almost all the elite of the Xianbei Army assembled there.

Even if the battle in Qi County is unfavorable and the Xianbei cavalry is defeated by Liu Zhang, then Fu Luohan and Ke Bineng can't be completely wiped out, right?

The Xianbei army is all cavalry. Once they run, how can the Yizhou army catch up?

Just like the sneak attack led by Zhang Ren this time, he could only watch Bu Dugen escape.

As for martial arts, Bu Dugen would not believe it even more.

He himself guarded the dangerous place, and he would never let the enemy steal it easily.

Bu Dugen took a rough scan, and I am afraid that the number of Yizhou Army is more than 10,000!

It's nothing more than stealing ten or a hundred soldiers without telling him. Could it be possible to steal ten thousand soldiers without telling him?

Unless the soldiers in the Xianbei camp are all blind!

With a smile on his face, Pang Tong stared at Bu Dugen for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Budugen...Master, do you want to be like your ancestor Tanshihuai?"

Bu Dugen frowned slightly, showing doubts.

"What's the meaning?"

Pang Tong seemed very satisfied, and the smile on his face grew wider and wider.

"Unify Xianbei, be the Chanyu of the entire Xianbei!"


Bu Dugen stared wide-eyed, wondering if he had auditory hallucinations.

"What did you say?"

Pang Tong was very patient and repeated it again for Budugen.

"Like your ancestor Tan Shihuai, be the only king in Xianbei!"

Budugen's eyes were hot, he kept swallowing, and kept roaring in his heart.


Why don't you want to!

Thinking about it all the time, day and night!

It can be said that Budugen's greatest wish in his life is to be the only king in the desert like Tan Shihuai!

But this goal is completely extravagant for Bu Dugen.

Especially after the destruction of the 10,000 elite this time, Budugen was even more disheartened and completely ruined Nianxiang.

However, Pang Tong's words gave Dugen another concession and ignited hope.

For the position of Shan Yu, Bu Dugen is willing to pay some price,

Even if the price is huge and painful!

"Mr. Pang, I want to!"

"As long as you can help me, I will do anything for you!"

Bu Dugen's fiery eyes made Pang Tong overjoyed.

"Bu Dugen, in this world, there is only one person who can support you to sit on the Shan Yu position."

"That is my master, General Wei Liu Zhang!"

Bu Dugen was not convinced by Pang Tong's words, but he was not in a hurry to refute.

After all, apart from Liu Zhang, there may be no one willing to help him.

"Liu... General Wei, what conditions do you have?"

There will never be a pie in the sky.

Budugen can accept extremely unequal conditions, but he must be fully aware of the price he will pay!

Pang Tong chuckled a few times, and disdain gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Budugen, what's the use of asking so many questions?"

"At this point, do you really have a choice?"

Bu Dugen trembled all over, and Pang Tong tore off the last fig leaf in his heart.

Even if Pang Tong lets him go, will Bu Dugen be safe and sound?

Chang'an City is empty and unprepared, it must be lost!

Daying in Qixian County will soon be short of food!

Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen were completely defenseless, and they were bound to be defeated under the cooperation of Liu Zhang and Pang Tong!

At that time, even if Liu Zhang wanted Bu Dugen's life, Fu Luo Han and Ke Bineng would not let him go.

Budugen suddenly figured it out, not only Shan Yu needs Liu Zhang's help, but even his own wealth and life cannot be separated from Liu Zhang!

"Pang...Mr. Pang, I am willing to obey General Wei's orders!"

"Just ask General Wei to save me! I'm willing to do anything!"

Pang Tong was very satisfied with the way Bu Dugen wagged his tail and begged for mercy.

In Pang Tong's view, Xianbei people must look like Xianbei people!

"Hehe, don't worry! As long as you are obedient, General Wei will not only save you, but also let you sit in Shan Yu's seat!"

Bu Dugen nodded frantically, for fear that Pang Tong would not see his determination.

"Yes yes yes! I must be obedient! I must be obedient!"

Budugen's face was full of fear and panic, and he even showed a groveling look. In fact, he was constantly sneering in his heart.

At least Pang Tong believed him now!

Anyway, Budugen has nothing left, and he doesn't care about losing anything.

As long as he can survive, there is naturally hope for a comeback!

If Liu Zhang can support him to take up the position of Shan Yu, it will be even more gratifying for Bu Dugen.

Budugen can even lie on the ground and lick Liu Zhang's toes!

It's all over with death!

After becoming the Shan Yu, Bu Dugen could burst out the resentment in his heart.

As long as he takes the position of Shanyu, Budugen can return to him ten times the humiliation Liu Zhang gave him!

Thinking about this clearly, Bu Dugen was even more flattering, keeping his posture to the minimum.

"Mr. Pang, General Wei has treated me so well, what should I do for General Wei?"

Pang Tong's eyes were unusually deep, and he smiled as he looked at Bu Dugen.

"It's very simple, help General Wei eliminate Ke Bineng and Fu Luohan."

"This is also to remove obstacles for you to ascend to the position of Shan Yu!"

(end of this chapter)

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