At that time, Yuan Shao was at the critical stage of competing with Gongsun Zan for hegemony in Hebei, and urgently needed a lot of money and food to recruit troops.

In normal times, Yuan Shao might still veto it.

But Yuan Shao at that time had an extreme desire for money.

For various reasons, Yuan Shao agreed to Zhen Jiang's request.

However, Yuan Shao made a condition, he wanted his three sons to have a blind date with a girl from the Zhen family.

If you like it, you can agree to the marriage.

Not only did Zhen Jiang have no opinion on this, but he was also grateful to Yuan Shao and swore to be loyal forever!

Yuan Shao sneered again and again in his heart, constantly mocking Zhen Jiang for being a woman after all.

All of this is Yuan Shao's excuse!

As the fourth generation and the third lord who will dominate Hebei and even the world in the future, how could it be possible to intermarry with the defeated Zhen family?

Yuan Shao's strategy was very simple, he asked all his sons to express that they did not like the Zhen family.

According to the previous agreement, if you don't like it, there is naturally no possibility of intermarriage.

When that time comes, Yuan Shao will randomly find Mo Zhi, a side door of the Yuan family, to marry the Zhen family.

One is to show his favor to the Zhen family, and the other is to let the world know how Yuan Shao repays the meritorious people!

Such an ingenious strategy of using both kindness and power to kill two birds with one stone can be called unsolvable!

It's a pity that the development of the matter far exceeded Yuan Shao's expectations!

The Zhen family only used one girl to ruthlessly crack Yuan Shao's plan to kill two birds with one stone!

This girl is Zhen Mi!

The reason why Zhen Jiang dared to agree to Yuan Shao's request was because he was confident that Yuan Shao's three sons would all bow down under Zhen Mi's pomegranate skirt!

As expected, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang were all stunned by Zhen Mi just by taking a look at it!

Afterwards, he frantically asked Yuan Shao to marry Zhen Mi.

This made Yuan Shao completely dumbfounded. The one who agreed to Zhen Jiang was the first wife!

The first wife, after that, she might be the queen, the queen!

As the eldest son, Yuan Tan is the most qualified to inherit Yuan Shao's inheritance according to common sense.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Yuan Shao to let Zhen Mi be Yuan Tan's official wife.

Although Yuan Shang was the second son, he was handsome and deeply loved by Yuan Shao.

At that time, Yuan Shao had already shaken in his heart towards the heir.

Yuan Shang and Yuan Shao were so similar when they were young, Yuan Shao always thought that Yuan Shang was also someone who could achieve great things.

As long as there is even a slight possibility of becoming an heir, Zhen Mi cannot be made their official wife.

What's more, Yuan Shao had not yet dominated Hebei at that time, and needed to marry a top family to gain support.

Yuan Shao had no choice but to agree to the Zhen family and let his second son Yuan Xi marry Zhen Mi as his wife.

From here, Yuan Xi also understood that he had absolutely no possibility of inheriting Yuan Shao's foundation.

He is an abandoned son who was abandoned by Yuan Shao.

But thinking of Zhen Mi's skin like creamy fat, hands like catkins, sweet smile, and beautiful eyes, Yuan Xi also recognized it.

Since ancient times, there have been women who do not love the country and love beauties, but now they have such a beautiful wife who is so beautiful, the position of the general is not worth mentioning!

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, Yuan Xi didn't have much hope.

In this way, Yuan Xi and Zhen Mi got married.

Thanks to the marriage between the Zhen family and the Yuan family, the status of the Zhen family in Hebei has risen in an instant, and there is no second in the limelight!

Even Ding Zhenyao, the only male of the Zhen family, was promoted to Xiaolian back then.

Just when Yuan Xi was willing to let go of everything and enjoy the world's most beautiful woman all day long, two people came to the door at the same time.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang!

They all expressed their deep love for Zhen Mi to Yuan Xi, and strongly urged Yuan Xi not to touch her, and they were willing to exchange the position of a state shepherd for Zhen Mi in the future.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang are not only asking, but also threatening.

It's fine if it's a one-person threat, no one can 100% inherit Yuan Shao's position.

But two people threatened at the same time, which is equivalent to Yuan Xi definitely offending the future general.

Just begging and threatening at the same time, Yuan Xi was so frightened that he didn't dare to touch Zhen Mi!

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao suddenly sent Yuan Xi to Youzhou for the reason of the military governor of Youzhou.

This was a good thing, but when Yuan Xi asked to take Zhen Mi to Youzhou, Yuan Shao sternly refused. And rebuked.

Yuan Xi was disheartened, so he could only ask his mother Liu to take care of Zhen Mi, and went to Youzhou alone.

If it hadn't been for the outbreak of the Guandu War, Yuan Xi would not have had the chance to return to Yecheng.

Later, Lian Fan experienced two battles at Guandu and Cangting, and Yuan's army was defeated slightly, and even threatened to be overthrown.

Yuan Xi was even more busy deploying Youzhou's military force, and he didn't even see Zhen Mi's face.

Unexpectedly, when he managed to mobilize the army with great difficulty and was about to fight a big battle, he heard Liu Zhang's request for Zhen Mi.

Why is Yuan Xi willing?

After several years of marriage, Yuan Xi never even touched Zhen Mi's hand.

It's okay to give up the rights, but now even the wife who is the most beautiful country and the city is going to be taken away!

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, uncle can bear it and auntie can't bear it either!

No matter who can bear it today, Yuan Xi can't bear it anymore!

Especially seeing the half-hearted sarcasm of elder brother Yuan Tan and third younger brother Yuan Shang made Yuan Xi furious.

"Father, Zhen Mi is the child's married wife, how can she give it to someone else?"

"If Zhen Mi were sent today, the baby's reputation would be small, but how would the world view his father?"

The benefits given by Liu Zhang were too great, and Yuan Xi was not sure that he could persuade Yuan Shao.

Now I can only understand it with reason and move it with emotion. If it is really impossible, I can only cry, make trouble and hang myself.

But Yuan Xi never imagined what Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou meant to Yuan Shao.

Not to mention Zhen Mi, even his own wife, Liu Shi, would give it to Liu Zhang without hesitation.


Yuan Shao's furious roar completely dispelled all Yuan Xi's thoughts.

"He actually disregarded the great cause of the country for the sake of a female sex!"

"Why does this general have such a useless son like you!"

Yuan Xi's expression turned ashen immediately. Not only did he fail this time, but he completely offended his father.

In fact, Yuan Xi was full of hatred in his heart, if the Youzhou army could all obey his orders, he would have the intention of rebelling.

It's a pity that after ruling Youzhou for several years, it still exists like a puppet.

Yuan Shao only needs one word to make Yuan Xi lose everything.

"Father, if you give Zhen Mi to Liu Zhang, will Liu Zhang be able to fulfill his promise?"

"What if Liu Zhang deceives his father?"

Yuan Shao had actually considered this issue.

Sending Zhen Mi away does not guarantee that Liu Zhang will fulfill his promise, but there is absolutely no chance for Liu Zhang to send troops if he does not send Zhen Mi.

One is to have an opportunity without any loss.

One is absolutely no chance and nothing to lose.

I'm afraid any monarch would make a wise choice.

"That's not your thing to worry about!"

As soon as Yuan Shao finished speaking, Guo Tu also stood up.

"Second Young Master, don't worry, I am willing to use the head of the item as a guarantee that Liu Zhang will definitely send troops!"

"Cooperation will benefit both! Letting Cao Cao go will not do Liu Zhang any good!"

Yuan Shao nodded slightly, and he also very much agreed with Guo Tu's point of view.

"That's the decision, give Zhen Mi to Liu Zhang!"

(end of this chapter)

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