Lu Meng couldn't understand the factional struggle, and didn't bother to think about it, it was too complicated.

In his opinion, it is far less enjoyable than following Sun Ce to kill and kill.

"Governor, what if my lord finds out that we let Huang Zu go and blame us?"

The hatred of killing his father is unshakable, Zhou Yu is clearly capable but let him go!

Didn't you always say that Sun Quan wanted to suppress the Huaisi faction before? Will Sun Quan question this?

Lu Meng was very worried. He really didn't want to see Sun Quan and Zhou Yu quarreling more and more.

"Ziming, don't worry, we conquered the entire Jiangxia County and opened up the territory for the Lord!"

"It's too late for the lord to reward us, so how can we blame him?"

Since Zhou Yu dared to let go, he naturally had absolute confidence.

This confidence naturally comes from the understanding of Sun Quan.

Compared with his elder brother Sun Ce who can only kill, kill, kill, Sun Quan is far more mature and wise than Sun Ce besides his age.

He knows the truth of relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to eat water.

On the other hand, Sun Ce doesn't understand!

Sun Ce is a stickler, eats what he has, and grabs what he doesn't have. He is a bandit just like his father.

Sun Quan not only knew that he had to rely heavily on the Jiangdong family and asked them to provide money, food, soldiers, and talents, but he also knew that he could not fully trust them.

If Sun Quan really devoted himself to the Jiangdong family, Zhou Yu would have died of illness long ago.

Most of the Jiangdong Sun Clan's military power is still in the hands of the Huaisi faction, and the Jiangdong family has only just risen.

Even so, Sun Quan also knew how to check and balance, and began to use checks and balances.

On the one hand, he tried his best to promote the local Jiangdong family, and on the other hand, he still reused the Huaisi faction.

The effect is also very obvious, successfully provoking the struggle between the two parties and transforming the contradictions into each other.

As the leader of the Huaisi faction, Zhou Yu's personal honor and disgrace have long represented the entire faction.

If Sun Quan dared to suppress Zhou Yu desperately, let alone whether the Huaisi faction would rebound, the Jiangdong family would immediately become bigger.

There is only one such consequence, and Sun Quan gradually becomes a puppet.

Sun Quan is so smart, naturally he will not sit back and watch this happen.

Zhou Yu is a hundred times smarter than Sun Quan, and he has already seen through this point.

The stronger the Huaisi faction's power outside, the more the Jiangdong native family will feel a sense of crisis. They will continue to please Sun Quan and try their best to show the talents of the Jiangdong family.

This is the most correct way to strengthen Jiangdong, and Zhou Yu is worthy of Sun Ce's brotherhood.

And Zhou Yu firmly believed that Sun Quan must understand this truth.

But Sun Quan understood, but Lu Meng didn't quite understand, and he was still worried.

"Great governor, the general feels that the lord is not so magnanimous..."

Zhou Yu glanced at Lu Meng, but there was no concealment of love in his eyes.

Zhou Yu attached great importance to this brave young man, and even took him with him to teach him all the time.

Today happened to be in a good mood, and Zhou Yu also wanted to mention something about Lu Meng.

"Ziming, does the lord's goal stop at Jiangxia? Are we not expanding in Jiangdong?"

Lu Meng immediately shook his head, of course he would not naively think that Jiang Dong would stop here.

"The governor is joking, although the lord is young, he has ambitions in the world!"

"How can our Jiangdong soldiers be trapped in the Yangtze River?"

Zhou Yu nodded in satisfaction. Lu Meng's mind is a little simpler, but fortunately he is far from being too stupid.

"Then what do you think our Jiangdong's next goal is?"

Lu Meng really wanted to talk about the land of Huainan, which is their hometown after all.

It was because the large area of ​​Jianghuai land was not in their hands that they, the Huaisi faction, became a family in exile.

However, Zhou Yu made it clear that after Yuan Shu destroyed Huainan, it has long since lost its former prosperity.

What's more, Cao Cao is stationing troops here, and it cannot be easily occupied.

The price paid for competing with Cao Cao is extremely high. Even if you win, you will only get a piece of broken Huainan, which is quite uneconomical.

Moreover, the attack on Huainan is inseparable from the support of the Jiangdong family, so why should the Jiangdong family help your Huaisi faction to attack Huainan?

There is one and only one answer to all Zhou Yu's questions.


Zhou Yu was very satisfied with Lu Meng's answer.

"Not bad, Jingzhou!"

"Jingzhou is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Jiangdong. Only by occupying Jingzhou can the safety and stability of Jiangdong be ensured."

"Therefore, only by attacking Jingzhou can the Jiangdong family be willing to spend money and food. After all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

Lu Meng suddenly realized, no wonder Zhou Yu was not impeached when he dispatched the Central Army.

Jiangxia is located at the port of the Yangtze River. If it goes well, it can reach the hinterland of Jiangdong in one day!

This place does not belong to Jiangdong, it is indeed like a stick in the throat.

"Governor, so this time we won Jiangxia County, the lord and those Jiangdong people will be grateful for our achievements?"

Zhou Yu nodded slightly, lamenting in his heart that Lu Meng had become enlightened!

"That's right, if Jiang Xia can't be taken down, the Jiangdong people can't wait to let the lord dominate us."

"But to take down Jiangxia, the people of Jiangdong naturally want us to watch the gate for them for their own safety..."

Lu Meng was furious when he heard this.

"What, these dogs treat us as watchdogs!"

Zhou Yu smiled and patted Lu Meng's shoulder lightly.

Compared to Lu Meng's anger, Zhou Yu showed no concern.

"Ziming, who is the dog depends on how you think about it."

"If you regard yourself as the master, aren't these Jiangdong people the dogs we tie in the backyard?"

Lu Meng nodded helplessly, but the resentment in his eyes did not subside at all.

There is no way, Lu Meng is a person who likes to dig into dead ends.

"Governor, when will we be able to get rid of these damned Jiangdong people?"

"Is it possible to keep looking at their faces? Was they stabbed in the back?"

Who can guarantee that Sun Quan will always remain sane and not be influenced by Jiangdong people?

Unless Sun Quan moved his capital to a place controlled by the Huaisi faction, the Jiangdong people could be completely suppressed.

Moving the capital naturally requires a city that can meet the conditions.


A strange look flashed in Zhou Yu's eyes, and there was excitement in his voice.

"As long as you occupy Jingzhou, you can take the risk of the Yangtze River yourself!"

"At that time, we can connect with Liu Zhang to attack Cao Cao together, and Huainan will naturally bear the brunt!"

Only then did Lu Meng fully understand that Zhou Yu had never given up on Huainan.

Everything he is doing now is for the purpose of conquering Huainan in the future.

"Ziming, now that Liu Bei has killed Liu Biao, the Jingzhou family doesn't accept him!"

"Our release of Huang Zu is also a friendly signal to the Jingzhou family!"

Lu Meng was terrified, and the word "submission" was capitalized in his heart.

As expected of the governor, his thoughts are always so far-reaching!

"The commander-in-chief is extremely talented, how can it be compared to those Jiangdong people!"

Just when Zhou Yu was secretly complacent, a soldier covered in blood hurriedly ran to Zhou Yu.

"Governor, something happened to Yuzhang!"

(end of this chapter)

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