Just as Yuzhang County was in full swing, Yufu City, Bajun County, Yizhou welcomed the most honorable person in the entire Qin Kingdom.

Qin Gong Liu Zhang!

After all, he was worried about Pang Tong and the affairs of the Eastern Army, and handed over the government affairs of the court to Jia Xu. After Xun You, Liu Zhang still entered Shu.

Only the right general Dian Wei and five thousand veterans of the Wuwei Battalion came with Liu Zhang.

As for the formation and training of the Imperial Guard, they can only be entrusted to General Xu Huang of Zhengxi and General Gao Shun of Zhengnan.

Liu Zhang's entry into Shu from Chang'an was not very smooth, and was opposed by many ministers.

Especially Jia Xu and Xun You tried their best to persuade Liu Zhang to be patient for a while.

For a time, Liu Zhang put down his thoughts of going to Shu, after all, he also couldn't bear to part with his little wife Zhen Mi.

The news of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's invasion of Yuzhang County made Liu Zhang completely unable to hold back his thoughts, and immediately led his army into Shu.

It is not very easy to face the forces of Jingzhou alone.

But if the battle between Sun and Liu was aroused, then the timing couldn't be more appropriate!

In particular, Liu Bei wanted to die by himself, and he was not satisfied with taking the initiative to get Xiangyang, so he dared to attack Yuzhang himself!

Xinye has Kuai Liang and Huang Zu, Jiangxia has Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, and Jiangdong has Sun Quan himself.

Once Liu Zhang goes to Yufu in person and connects with various people, he can form a three-sided attack on Liu Bei!

Even though Zhuge Liang has the power to reach the heavens, he is bound to be no match for four hands with two fists.

Therefore, on the day he got the news, Liu Zhang made the decision to enter Shu.

Only bringing Dian Wei and 5,000 people will not shake Guanzhong.

Jia Xu and Xun You saw that Liu Zhang was so persistent, coupled with the current panic in the Eastern Army, they finally approved Liu Zhang's decision to enter Shu.

There was no delay along the way, Liu Zhang ordered the whole army to march at full speed, and must arrive at Yufu before the end of the Sun-Liu battle.

Facts have proved that Liu Zhang underestimated Sun Quan and Liu Bei's determination to fight for Yuzhang County.

For more than a month, Chaisang was still in Guan Yu's hands, and the two sides were still fighting to the death!

When Liu Zhang led his army to Yufu, the generals of the Eastern Army at all levels had already greeted him at the gate of the city.

In the past half a year or so, no one has changed much, but the only thing that makes Liu Zhang feel depressed is the momentum.

Although the generals tried their best to restrain themselves, there was still a deep sadness between their brows.

Even Huang Zhong, the former general, has lost his former brilliance.

What Liu Zhang couldn't understand the most was that Gan Ning, as the commander of the navy, also looked very depressed!

I don’t know if I don’t read it, but I’m startled when I see it!

Only then did Liu Zhang know how much Pang Tong's defeat had dealt to the Eastern Army!

"Cheer up, you are all generals in the army, so how do the soldiers feel when they see it!"

Hearing Liu Zhang's roar, all the generals lowered their heads in shame.

This scene annoyed Liu Zhang even more.

"Head up!"

"This is just a small defeat, too small to be worth mentioning!"

"You are all experienced generals, can't you even bear this setback?"

Liu Zhang scolded the generals in his mouth, but his heart was actually in a cloud of fog.

what is going on?

He actually hurt his morale to such an extent!

Even the chief general is like this, so one can imagine how the soldiers will be.

At this moment, the most rebellious Gan Ning stood up forcefully regardless of the obstruction of the surrounding generals.

"Duke Qin, please forgive Gan Ning for being rude!"

It happened that Liu Zhang wanted to hear the reason, so he nodded slightly.

"Speak, I forgive you for your innocence!"

Gan Ning was furious, his eyes were full of resentment.

"The big-eared thief and Zhuge villager are too deceitful, but Duke Qin won't let the Eastern Army avenge Pang Junshi!"

"That's why it looks like it is now. The soldiers have no fighting spirit, and there will be no fighting spirit!"

Huang Zhong was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly stepped forward to reprimand him.

"Xingba, don't let go, don't back down!"

Gan Ning was indifferent to Huang Zhong's scolding, and still had an angry expression on his face.

If Liu Zhang can no longer see that there is a problem, he is not worthy of being Duke Qin.

"Han Sheng, it's okay!"

After reassuring Huang Zhong so that he would not be nervous, Liu Zhang quickly turned his head to look at Gan Ning.

"Xingba, you also participated in the first court meeting. The policy set by the Qin State is to wait for the Eastern Army to be in full strength before marching eastward."

"At that time, if Guanzhong is revived, we can also cooperate with the Eastern Army to go south from Wuguan and attack Jingzhou from both sides."

"Pang Tong's injury this time was just an accident. Is it necessary to change the order overnight and destroy the established national policy?"

Gan Ning's face was tangled, he thought about it, but he still nodded helplessly.

"What Duke Qin said is very true, the last general also understands Duke Qin's difficulties!"

"But every time I think of the faces of the big-eared thief and Zhuge villager, the last general can't wait to lead his army to Jiangling immediately!"

Liu Zhang frowned slightly, Gan Ning had already mentioned Big Ear Thief and Zhuge Villager twice!

According to previous intelligence, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang had already gone to Changsha when Pang Tong was ambushed.

Judging from the current results, there is nothing deceitful.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang went south for Yuzhang County.

Even if Zhuge Liang designed Pang Tong to ambush him, it wouldn't make Gan Ning hate him like this, would he?

Liu Zhang scanned the generals again and found that they all agreed with Gan Ning's words, and they had a deep resentment towards Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang.

"Xingba, could it be that the morale of the Eastern Army is low because Gu ordered the Eastern Army not to move?"

Gan Ning didn't hide it either, and immediately nodded to admit it.

"What Duke Qin said is absolutely true!"

"When Junjun Pang and General Wei were sent back, the generals wanted to send troops eastward to avenge Junjun Pang and General Wei!"

"It was General Huang who kept stopping us, not allowing us to act rashly, and asking us to wait for Chang'an's order."

"Brothers waited and waited, and finally waited for Duke Qin's order to stand still..."

If he didn't have a deep understanding of the generals of the Eastern Army and Gan Ning's character, Liu Zhang would even wonder if these people in front of him were just acting!

It has been less than a year since the formation of the Eastern Army, and these generals have just worked together. How could they have such deep feelings?

Pang Tong and Wei Yan were injured, and the generals couldn't help but desperately seek Liu Bei?

Or do these people agree with each other and all become brothers of the opposite sex?

In any case, Liu Zhang could not support this kind of disobedience to military orders.

"Don't fight out of anger! Anytime anger triggers a war, the final result will definitely be a failure!"

"Xingba, you are the commander of the navy, and you bear the lives of 50,000 sailors on your shoulders!"

"Could it be that you don't understand this truth? Do you still have to be arrogant?"

"What Huang Zhong did was right!"

(end of this chapter)

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