Zhang Nan and Feng Xi looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of disdain in each other's eyes.

"Military division, the last general heard that Liu Zhang's navy commander was born as a water thief?"

Facing Zhang Nan's extremely disdainful attitude, Xu Shu didn't care, and nodded with a smile.

"That's right, Gan Ning used to be a Jinfan thief in Berkshire, and he often robbed houses."

"Not only that, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, the generals of the navy under his command, were former Jiujiang water thieves. If they hadn't been recruited by Liu Zhang, they would still be looting houses in the Yangtze River right now."

Feng Xi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, with contempt in his eyes.

"Military commander, don't worry, Liu Zhang is so stupid that he even let some bandits become navy generals!"

"Although the two of us are not talented, we have also read military books and learned the art of naval warfare since we were young!"

Zhang Nan greatly agreed with Feng Xi's words, and immediately followed suit.

"General Feng is right! The two of us are no match for Jiangdong Zhoulang, how can we no match for the bandits in Berkshire?"

Seeing the two of them who made such vows, Xu Shu was extremely satisfied.

This momentum alone is enough to gain the upper hand!

"The two generals are brave and brave, so don't underestimate the enemy too much!"

"If you can't do anything, you can go down the river as much as you can, and I'll meet you here!"

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi surrendered together.

"Military commander, don't worry! The two of us will lead the army upstream, and Gan Ning will surely die in the river!"

Xu Shu nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

It was precisely because the retreat was going down the river that Xu Shu dared to let the two go forward to attack.

Even if the battle goes wrong, they can quickly return to the waters near Huya Mountain.

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi didn't delay for a moment. After bidding farewell to Xu Shu, they immediately led 10,000 sailors upstream, and the warships headed straight for Yiling.

The size of the Jingzhou Navy should also not be underestimated. The first 30 ships are lined up, surrounded by countless boats!

Ten thousand soldiers are already quite a force in the river.

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi both had expressions of surprise on their faces, and they stood in front of the warship with their swords in their own hands, directing the soldiers to move forward.

All kinds of warships went upstream without slowing down at all, as if they were not affected by the current at all.

The battlefields of Zhang and Feng are not far away. Not only can they communicate with each other, but they can also clearly see the joy on each other's faces.

Commanding an army of tens of thousands is the dream of every general.

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi were looking forward to it even more, and they didn't expect their dream to come true so soon.

Looking at the torrential river rushing in front of them, while the two were filled with high fighting spirit, they even had a trace of gratitude to Liu Zhang.

If it weren't for Liu Zhang, how could they have such a good chance to lead the army alone?

"General Feng, this is a good opportunity God has given us! The first victory in defeating Liu Zhang will fall on you and me!"

After hearing Zhang Nan's rhetoric, Feng Xi felt extremely happy.


"What General Zhang said is true! Isn't this Jinfan water thief just the step of advancement that God bestowed on you and me?"

"After this battle, no one in the world will know your name, General Zhang Nan, and I, Feng Xi!"

Qu Qu water thief, really can't get into the eyes of the two of them!

Especially Zhou Tai and the Jiujiang Water Pirates led by Jiang Qin made Feng Xi extremely despised.

A few years ago, when Jingzhou was still unified, Feng Xi once asked the elders of the clan.

Why are there so few bandits in the waters of Jingzhou, and why are all the bandits entrenched near Yangzhou?

Especially the generation of Poyang Lake, it is a den of water thieves!

The elders of the clan told Feng Xi that it was precisely because Huang Zu was in charge of Jiangxia that the thieves did not dare to offend in the slightest.

Jiang Xia's navy took the initiative to attack several times, killing all the water thieves in fear, and they had no power to fight back!

Children from aristocratic families like Zhang Nan and Feng Xi have been instilled with orthodox education since childhood.

Including knowledge, tactics, especially water warfare tactics.

The answers of the elders in the clan, as well as their affirmation of their own talents, made the two of them disdain and disdain the water army led by the water pirates such as Gan Ning.

All the way up the river with great fanfare, in order to maintain deterrence, the soldiers were specially ordered to maintain their formation.

In this way, the Nanjun navy finally marched to the vicinity of Yiling before dark, and immediately encountered the Yufu navy.

It is completely different from Zhang Nan and Feng Xi's imagination!

Originally thought that Gan Ning and Zhou Tai had been the leader of water thieves, and in order to achieve the purpose of blocking the river, they would at least make some arrangements.

Who would have thought that the scene in front of them would directly make the two of them drop their jaws in shock.

The warships of the Yufushui army were floating on the river in a haphazard manner without any formation at all.

It's like blocking the river with a boat!

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi rubbed their eyes at the same time, and turned their heads to look at each other at the same time. The meaning of the eyes was extremely complicated.

There are doubts, surprises, disbelief, excitement and trembling!

"General Zhang, am I dreaming?"

Zhang Nan shook his head again and again, unable to restrain the joy in his heart.

"General Feng, God help us both!"

"Liu Zhang has no one under his command, but let such a mediocre man lead the navy!"

"You and I will go forward in person, and the Yiling water battle will definitely be won!"

The most taboo thing in naval warfare is chaos in formation!

The warships are ring after ring, and the rings cooperate with each other to create a powerful attack.

Once there is a gap between the warships, the enemy warships can take advantage of the situation and cut all the connections between the warships.

The formation is torn apart, and the soldiers will definitely be in turmoil, which means that there will be no suspense in the battle.

"Beat the drum! Charge in!"

"Quick! Give the order, the whole army charges!"

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi gave orders at the same time, and suddenly the drums on the river were loud.

The speed of the Nanjun navy has greatly increased, and the distance between them and the Yufu navy is shortening visibly with the naked eye!

Normally, when the Nanjun navy sees the Yufushui army, the Nanjun navy's vision will also appear in the Yufushui army's eyes.

But it wasn't until the sound of drums and shouts of killing that the Yufushui army began to react.

This reaction was not a hasty confrontation, but turning the bow of the ship and preparing to flee.

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi saw that the enemy fled before fighting, and he was even more sure that the Yufushui army was purely a mob with no fighting power at all!

This also seems to herald a sentence, "Nan Zhou Bei Ma!"

Southerners will never learn to ride and shoot, and northerners will never learn to fight in water!

But all of this is not important anymore. In the eyes of Zhang Nan and Feng Xi, these desperate Yufushui soldiers are all military merits that are within easy reach!

"Quick! Speed ​​up!"

"Don't let the enemy go!"

Xu Shu told them that tens of thousands of Yizhou infantry were being transported by the navy!

After defeating the naval forces in front of them, there is a high probability that they will be able to take advantage of the victory and march forward, destroying Liu Zhang's main force on the river in one go!

This is not only the credit of the water battle, but also the great achievement of completely defeating Liu Zhang's army on the Eastern Expedition.

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi's eyes were red, and they wished they could jump on the Yufushui army's warship and fight with their own swords.

(end of this chapter)

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