Of course, the reason why Lin Zihang can make so much profit is because he doesn’t have to pay the delivery fee of the delivery staff

Otherwise, the commission of a delivery man is about 5 yuan, and Lin Zihang’s income will be at least half of his loss.

And the virtual dead soldiers summoned by Lin Zihang from the system, no need to eat and drink, no need to sleep, they delivered extremely fast, turned around and left, didn’t say anything, turned around and went to deliver the next takeaway.

It doesn’t matter if they have a good review or not, anyway, they won’t deduct money for a bad review.

However, the speed of their home delivery, that is quite fast, basically, any takeaway, within ten minutes, must be delivered, farther, no more than 20 minutes.

So, how can those customers give bad reviews?

Basically, they are all positive reviews.

Moreover, they are very envious of the apple 12 in the hands of the delivery boy.

Seeing that people use Apple 12 to deliver takeaway, those who order takeout suddenly feel that their status is a lot low-grade, where will they give people bad reviews.

At this moment, whether it is the number of orders, or praise, or registered users, it is a huge increase.

For a time, the APP of flash delivery occupied the headlines of major news.

Today’s headlines: Shocked, a new takeaway APP was born, with 20 million downloads a day, 3 million new registered users, and 300,000 orders placed on the first day, moreover, this is only in the imperial capital of one city!

UC Shock Department: Shock, shock! The new takeaway APP flashes takeaway, and the two old takeaway companies are called out to the air and Hungry is not two old takeaway companies, the first order is free, the second order is reduced by ten yuan, and each order can be drawn immediately after that!

Pig search platform: In just one month, Flash Delivery was established! With their amazing food delivery speed, they have won the praise of millions of people in the imperial capital, which is really terrifying!

Baidu platform: terrible, is it the big guy behind the scenes who single-handedly controls the flash delivery platform? According to relevant personnel reports, their delivery workers, each with a 10,000 yuan mobile phone Apple 12? It’s terrifying!


For a time, the major media reported on the establishment and development of the flash delivery APP.

They also gave flash delivery by the way, and put on a wave of popular advertisements.

During this time, Lin Zihang also received a lot of joining calls.

There are magic capitals, flower capitals, and demon capitals.

Venture capitalists in major first-tier cities want to join Flash Delivery and do this brand in their cities.


Because, the interface of this takeaway is really beautiful, and secondly, this flash delivery takeaway has great development potential.

In addition, users have received rave reviews, and merchants are also full of praise for this, so a large number of Meixiaotuan and hungry users have begun to choose to join the flash delivery APP and become one of the loyal fans of flash delivery.

For other cities to join, Lin Zihang is of course not refused.

It just so happens that their joining is their own business, as long as they pay their own franchise fees and don’t damage their reputation, then they can do whatever they want.

A businessman named Li Youwei in the magic capital was the most arrogant, and immediately smashed 200 million money to Lin Zihang, just to win and flash the endorsement right of takeaway in the magic capital.

Lin Zihang took it.

also handed over the endorsement right of flash delivery takeaway in the magic capital to that Li Youwei.

Their sharing model is like this, the spokesperson takes ten percent of the merchant’s cut, and the remaining five percent of the profit is all handed over to Lin Zihang.

Lin Zihang is equal to that you don’t have to do anything, you can earn for free, and the whole magic city flashes five percent of the profit from takeaway.

Moreover, plus a franchise fee of 200 million per year.

This is equivalent to picking up money, why not?

Moreover, it saves time and effort.

Lin Zihang himself did not need to go to the magic capital in person, it was Li Youwei who flew to Lin Zihang to discuss this matter.

Later, there were businessmen who wanted to join the Flash Delivery Group, and Lin Zihang was handed over to Tang Xiaorui to be responsible.

Flash delivery takeaway in other cities, Lin Zihang does not care about it for the time being, he is only responsible for managing the flash delivery delivery in this part of the imperial capital.

Finally, ten days later, the imperial capital flash delivery delivery enterprise began to achieve positive benefits, and a month later, Lin Zihang used the flash delivery delivery APP to earn 50 million.

At this point, Lin Zi Hang Automobile Shop is no longer open, and since then, the safety car shop has also been changed to be called Flash Delivery Group.

And the group of old employees who followed Lin Zihang naturally rose the tide, and their value also skyrocketed.

Of course, the rise of flash delivery is naturally caused by some people rejoicing and others worrying.


The imperial capital, inside a commercial building.

Two white-collar men in suits meet in a commercial building.

Originally, they were hostile, but unexpectedly, now because of the rise of the flash delivery group, it has become a cooperative relationship.

And the two of them are Mei Xiaotuan and Hungry, the heads of the imperial capital city, Zhao An and Wu Hua.

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