Soon, after Tang Xiaorui left, Lin Zihang drove to Shengshi Real Estate to find Wang Jiantu.

Yokogawa real estate built so quickly?

Lin Zihang thought to himself, Wang Jiantu and them, they will definitely be surprised, right?

On the way to Shengshi Real Estate, Lin Zihang called Wang Bingbing, saying that he would come to his house as a guest later, and asked her to come to the door to pick him up.

When Wang Bingbing heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, answered a good word, and then snatched the door and walked out.

Lin Zihang parked the car in the garage, and when he came to the door of Shengshi Group, sure enough, a woman dressed in white was waiting for him at the door.

Lin Zihang smiled lightly, walked over, and said, “Hey, Miss Wang, long time no see!” ”

Wang Bingbing turned his head, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and said, “Yes, I haven’t seen it for a long time!” What do you think? Is your company doing well lately? ”

Lin Zihang nodded and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a profit of less than 2 billion yuan a month!” ”

“Poof, that’s also more than a billion dollars! Your monthly income is comparable to the efforts of others for ten lifetimes, are you still too little? ”

Wang Bingbing couldn’t help but look like Lin Zihang.

Lin Zihang smiled and said, “Compared to those big projects, 2 billion is really not much!” Okay, where’s your dad? Take me to him! ”

Wang Bingbing said, “My dad is having a meeting within the group, what’s wrong?” Are you looking for him for something? Are you sure, you didn’t come looking for me? ”

Lin Zihang said: “Well, next time I will invite you to dinner, but there are indeed important things to discuss with your father today!” ”

“What’s going on?”

“Yokogawa Real Estate has already been built, and if nothing else, you will start selling the property in May!”

“What? How can it be? It’s only been more than seven months, how can it be built? ”

Wang Bingbing looked surprised.

Moreover, the construction difficulty of five-star real estate is much more difficult than those ordinary apartment buildings.

Even if Lin Zihang has many workers, they can’t complete the construction in just seven months, right?

Lin Zihang took out the real estate testing compliance agreement in his hand and showed it to Wang Bingbing, saying: “This is the real estate qualification agreement, if you still have any questions, you can personally go to check it later!” ”

“No, I’m just curious, why can your workers build a large residential building in just seven months?” This is not the speed of human construction at all! ”

“But for us businessmen, isn’t it better to build as fast as possible? The faster we build, the faster we’ll get a profit, right? ”

“Well, you said a lot, but I, I still can’t believe it, how is it possible? I went to see it last month, and the outer layer was not painted at that time, why was it completed in such a month? That’s too fast, right? ”

Wang Bingbing followed behind Lin Zihang and muttered to himself.

This inhuman speed of infrastructure construction really made her feel extremely frightened.


And at this moment, Shengshi Group, in Room 2306.

Wang Jiantu is furious.

At the conference table, more than a dozen senior leaders of Shengshi Group and major shareholders were collectively silent and did not dare to speak.

I only listened to Wang Jiantu and shouted: “How can it be inexplicable and lose tens of billions of dollars?” Will there be such a big hole in corporate finances? ”

“Chairman Wang, please listen to my explanation!” Suddenly, a man with golden eyes stood up and said, “We, Shengshi Group, are listed companies!” Recently, because of the international situation, the price of real estate has plummeted, our group, for several days in a curve situation, visual today, another drop of more than 3 points! ”

“This is impossible, is it possible that now, there are so many people, not optimistic about the development of real estate?” Alas…”

“Chairman Wang, but this is really a thing, it really can’t work, let’s sell some of the shares to keep the company running, right?”

“Sell shares? Is it really necessary to achieve such a point, God really wants to kill my Shengshi Group? ”

Wang Jiantu sighed heavily, and then slumped down in his chair.

At present, the international situation is very controversial, resulting in the collapse of real estate prices in many places.

Not only Shengshi Group, but also Hengcheng Group, and the real estate of other groups, all fell in a curved situation.

Because the recent price fluctuations of buildings are too large, this has also led to many people dare not easily buy houses for investment.

However, at this moment, Wang Bingbing suddenly took Lin Zihang and walked into the conference room.

Just now, Wang Jiantu’s angry voice, Lin Zihang also heard it.

When Wang Jiantu saw Lin Zihang coming, he also immediately had a smile on his face, got up and shook hands with Lin Zihang, and then asked Lin Zihang to sit.

Wang Jiantu stood up and said to the leaders of Shengshi Group present: “Everyone, let me introduce you, this is the chairman of Flash Delivery Group, Mr. Lin Zihang!” In addition, he is now the chairman of Dahang Real Estate and the person in charge of the construction of the Trans-Gorge River Bridge, let us welcome Mr. Lin Zihang! ”


Then, a round of applause came.

Because they all know that Lin Zihang and Shengshi Group are cooperative relations.

Together, they developed the Yokogawa land, with Wang Jiantu taking the plot and Lin Zihang in charge of the construction.

Wang Jiantu asked Wang Bingbing to pour tea for Lin Zihang, and then smiled and said, “Mr. Lin Zihang, I don’t know why you came to me this time?” ”

Lin Zihang nodded and said, “Mr. Wang Jiantu, I heard about your conversation in the conference room just now, and I heard that the price of real estate has fallen sharply recently, right?” ”

Wang Jiantu said: “Yes, it is not because of the international situation that the price of buildings across the country has plummeted!” Now, I don’t know how many small real estate companies have died, even our Shengshi Group, in a month’s quarter, has lost tens of billions ah! In such a loss, how to do real estate? It’s all scattered! ”

Everyone could see that Wang Jiantu was really angry this time.

Immediately afterwards, he patted Lin Zihang’s shoulder and said, “Mr. Lin Zihang, it’s not me who said you!” You have recently invested tens of billions of Xiajiang real estate, it is best to put it down first, but don’t easily invest in real estate, this kind of industry, ups and downs are very large, now the national real estate prices have plummeted, even if you build Xiajiang real estate, you can’t sell anything good! ”

Lin Zihang frowned and thought deeply.

Then he nodded and said calmly: “Okay, I know about this matter!” ”

“This time I came to Mr. Wang, in fact, there are two things to do! First thing, pay off the debt! Remember when you borrowed me 8 billion yuan to build the five-star Babel Tower? This money, I can pay you back now! 10 billion! ”

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