
Let's get down to business, saying that Dun Yutian heard a familiar voice from outside the resurrection point, and hurriedly looked back.

I saw Dai Yuanyuan standing outside the resurrection point, looking at herself with a smile on her face.

"I wipe!!"

Seeing Dai Yuanyuan, Deng Yutian was so frightened that all his hair stood up.

Although he was in the safe area of ​​the resurrection point, Shield Yutian instinctively took a few steps back, for fear that the safe area would not be able to protect himself.


Seeing the appearance of Shield Yutianxia, ​​the Qiankun people in their palms couldn't help but glanced outside the resurrection point.

"I rely on! It's her!!"

When Qiankun in his palm saw Dai Yuanyuan, he jumped up excitedly, pointed at Dai Yuanyuan and shouted angrily, "I'm going to kill her!!"

What does it mean to be jealous when the enemy meets.

Qiankun in the palm has never been killed before, let alone beaten.

When I came to Green City, I was beaten for the first time. It was by Dai Yuanyuan, and Dai Yuanyuan's methods were extremely cruel... Beating the head with a bench, such a humiliation, Qiankun in the palm of his hand will never forget it for the rest of his life.

At this moment, seeing Dai Yuanyuan in front of him, Qiankun in the palm of his hand has no gentlemanly demeanor, and revenge is what he most wants to do.

"what's the situation?"

At that time, when Dai Yuanyuan took the bench and smashed her head in the palm of Qiankun, there were only Tiandi, Datou, and two assassins.

After all, in this kind of fighting game, female players are rare creatures, and most male players are willing to be licking dogs and basically not conflict with female players.

The appearance of Qiankun in the palm of the hand at this time is not as simple as a conflict.

Was it cheated by this woman for money and sex? Or was she abandoned by this woman?

Everyone looked bewildered.

Shield Yutian was not only dazed, but also panicked. He was very curious to see how excited Qiankun was when he saw this mourning star...

"The boss was beaten by her..."

An assassin named Chrysanthemum Bloom whispered, and he was one of the assassins at the scene at the time.

"Beating? As for being so excited? Didn't she kill her." Several others were even more at a loss.

"It depends on how you fight..." Datou said, "This bitch has very black hands. She is hitting the boss's head with a bench..."

"I wipe..."

Everyone suddenly said, "Is it so insulting? No wonder, no wonder."

It's true, if you get stabbed a few times, it's fine. It's normal for everyone to be stabbed twice, but being hit on the head by a girl holding a bench is not very harmful and highly insulting, and it's unbearable for anyone... …

"I can't stand it, this is absolutely unbearable! I can't just let her die! It's too cheap for her!"

Several people shouted, and they were about to rush out of the resurrection point to capture Dai Yuanyuan alive and present it to Qiankun in the palm of her hand.

Shield Yutian, who was on the side, was about to cry, and shouted, "Don't go out!! Don't go out! You will die!!"


For the advice of Shield Yutian, not only did everyone not take it to heart, but they were even more excited.

Meow, what the hell? We are the sparring of professional masters, can we beat a female player? Are you making trouble? Don't compare us to you crap.

While thinking about it, Qiankun in the palm of his hand had already run to the outside of the resurrection point. When he got out of the resurrection point, he launched a charge directly, bent down and rammed into Dai Yuanyuan.

Although the guy in the palm of Qiankun was beaten by Dai Yuanyuan, he didn't realize how much the gap between himself and the little girl in front of him was in strength.

Because Dai Yuanyuan attacked from behind in the private room before, swinging the bench and smashing the universe in her palm, and then Wang Li gave him a wine bottle... Then, the thief Xingxia, who is not too ruthless, killed him with one knife...

Combine your own experience.

In the eyes of Qiankun in the palm, Dai Yuanyuan is a female player...at best, she is a female player who dares to attack. As for those who are not masters, he really did not associate the word master with girls. For him This is common sense stuff.

As for Dai Yuanyuan's three fists and two feet to turn the world upside down, that was what happened after Qiankun was smashed to the ground, and he didn't see it at all.

Because of this, Qiankun in the palm didn't take Dai Yuanyuan in his eyes at all, so it couldn't be said that he remembered eating or beating, only that he was ignorant and fearless.

Even the grandson rushed out and said loudly, "Don't interfere, block the road, don't let her run away, I want to take revenge myself."


Everyone is full of black lines.

As expected of being the boss, the charge is not in front, and when you bully female players, you have to take revenge yourself... It's too shameless.

Despise is despised, and everyone is still very obedient and rushed out of the resurrection point, surrounding Dai Yuanyuan to prevent her from running away.

No way, Qiankun's profession is a fighter, and his flexibility is far from that of a fighter. If Dai Yuanyuan wanted to run, Qiankun in his palm would definitely not be able to stop her.

"I hope he will die a few times to teach him a lesson."

Shield Yutian silently drew a cross on his chest, then put his hands together and said, "Compassionate Manifestation, Supreme Heavenly Sovereign..."

In the face of Qiankun in the palm of the charge, Dai Yuanyuan didn't mean to run, and she didn't even want to dodge.

"It's a woman, are you scared?"

Seeing this, Qiankun in the palm is still complacent.

However, just when Qiankun in his palm was about to slam into Dai Yuanyuan's body.

Dai Yuanyuan gently stepped back Half-.


At this Half-distance, Qiankun's charge in the palm of his hand failed.


Seeing this scene, the big head and the chrysanthemum blooming couldn't help but stunned, and thought to themselves, "Could it be a coincidence?"

Skill dodge in the game has a lower limit of position, even if it is a back jump with the closest dodge distance, there is at least one position.

The shorter the evasion distance, the less time it takes to freeze the action, and the faster the counterattack speed, so being able to evade the opponent's attack at an ultra-short distance is also a very high skill.

Half-distance dodge is definitely not a skill, but a position.

Being able to evade an attack by moving is a technique that only professional skill masters can use.

Although Qiankun in the palm of his hand is not as good as many masters, he is still a bit capable. After the charge failed, this kid directly held the hilt in both hands and picked up the Dragon Slash from the bottom up.


Everyone could not help applauding the universe in their palms.

Thang Long's attack distance is two positions, and Half-'s evasion distance will definitely not be able to avoid the connecting Thang Long.

But just when everyone thought that Dai Yuanyuan was about to be picked up, Dai Yuanyuan's expression was indifferent and did not evade, she stretched her left hand forward, and then caught Qiankun's wrist in the palm of her hand.

The author has something to say

I read this chapter yesterday and said that some readers said that I wrote a bug, saying that Wang Li was still on a mission, so he couldn’t use the portal...

I thought about it carefully, how could I write a bug?

So I pondered hard for a day and a night, and finally came up with a reason to quibble, and rounded up this bug.

The scene was like this.

Wang Li put an arrow in Dai Yuanyuan's head and marked it.

After Dai Yuanyuan teleported out, Wang Li activated the imprint and followed.

Hey! Isn't this rounded up!

I just said how can I write a bug, hahahaha.

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