The line of defense that was originally cast for a short time is now full of people.

Among them, the words of three hundred warriors stood at the forefront.

Then there is a famous Xia Jun!

After that, there are many people in the hunting group.

However, it was obvious that the hunting regiment was much worse than the Daxia Army in front.

Many people's faces are even paler.

Apparently, he was also in awe of natural disasters, but it was too late to back down at this time.

If the blood and blood city wall did not block it, then they also couldn't escape very far.

Will be engulfed by the tsunami!

Including so many people behind him, at least tens of millions.

Maybe their parents and families, haven't gotten very far.

"Can't back down!"

This is the belief of all people.

Before the live broadcast, I don't know how many people were pale.

In his heart, he secretly prayed that the tsunami must be blocked.

"I've already watched the live broadcast."

"It would be nice if you estimated more areas, and it wouldn't be so tangled!"

"The time is tight, and no matter how many areas are transferred, the result is still the same."

"Almost just after the transfer, Tsunami has already logged in!!"


This battle in the magic capital has affected the hearts of countless people in Daxia.

I don't know how many people are watching at the moment.

The tsunami finally came under the spotlight.

Compared to the beginning, there are no more than one in ten.

But still amazing!

Three rank five warriors stand in three positions.

The first burst of blood.


With the strong will of martial arts, qi and blood are like rainbows.

It was as if a fierce flame was constantly burning.

Afterwards, many warriors broke out one after another, and qi and blood merged into these flames.

Including the millions of Daxia troops and hunting regiments behind them.

Although these people have not set foot in the martial artist!

Including the burst of qi and blood can only last for a while, but it is also enough.

All the qi and blood seemed to converge into a flaming city wall.

Then it collided with the oncoming giant waves.

Countless white gas evaporated instantly! !

The rolling sea water was finally stopped under countless horrified gazes!

All the sea water near the blood city wall is constantly boiling.

All of a sudden stalemate down!

Magic City Safe Area

I don't know how many people watched the live broadcast scene with horror on their faces.

"No, I'm going to help!"

"Even if you don't have much qi and blood, you can't look at it like this."

A young man with a student-like face said firmly.

Instantly attracted people around!

"Well said, although we don't have much qi and blood."

"But at least it can hold up for a while."

"Let's go together, do your best in whatever you say!!"


The entire Demon City was crowded and gathered at the line of defense.

Although there is not much qi and blood, the number of people reaches a terrifying number.

Then the blood is equally amazing!

Including alien beasts can set off natural disasters, also with the help of quantity.

There were still some unstable lines of defense, with the help of many people in the magic capital.

It was steady!

This made many people who saw this scene excited before the live broadcast.

"Steady, hopefully it can be stopped."

"With the blood of millions of people, this natural disaster was finally blocked."

"Man is sure to conquer the sky, the devil is all good!!"


For the entire Daxia, there was some despair before.

Some have even done the worst possible.

I didn't expect it to be a success!

Martial arts again!

It can be said that the live broadcast time and time again reflects the importance of martial arts.

If it is not martial arts, then you can imagine what the result will be.

No matter what kind of technology, in the face of this natural disaster, it cannot be reversed.

There was a stalemate for ten minutes.

Some people's faces have begun to twist and can't hold on.

Although some medicinal herbs were distributed before.

Hold it in the mouth to quickly restore Qi and blood.

But the number of medicinal pills is limited after all, and basically Da Xia Jun will be gone.

Although the magic capital is an important center of martial arts, it also has a base for the manufacture of medicinal herbs.

However, raw materials have always been limited.

In some plains, food is grown.

This is related to the food of Daxia people, and it is impossible to use it to grow medicinal materials.

As a result, there are indeed restrictions on the manufacture of medicinal pills.

Some people retreated first after they were exhausted.

Let the person behind you go up!

Find an open space to meditate and restore your blood.

Clearly intends to top it at any time.

This has been replaced several times over and over again.

However, the Daxia Army and many warriors are still rock solid.

Not moving at all!

Different from the hunting group behind and the newly joined youth.

They can't go back in the slightest.

Once some people are withdrawn, it is easy to cause the collapse of the blood and blood city walls.

In particular, every martial artist is also under the greatest pressure because he stands at the front.

One by one has a hideous face!

Over time, and with such persistence, the tide finally began to decline.

Almost everyone has been desperate.

Several waves even crossed the walls of blood.

But in the end, they were all evaporated by a small burst of qi and blood.

Often times, many people in Daxia breathed a sigh of relief.

"The tide is low!!"

"Is the disaster finally over!!"


Before the live broadcast, all those who watched it had already taken the lead in getting excited.

There is no way, people who may be fully devoted to the explosion of qi and blood will not care.

Because they have put life and death out of themselves!

On the contrary, the emotions of those watching the live broadcast fluctuate with this wave.

So when you see that the tide is going to ebb, you are naturally the first to be excited.

Even An Xuan of Cloud City breathed a sigh of relief.

Not to mention others!

"The tide is low!!"

At the same time, many people who were half-reacted on the live broadcast screen finally heard cheers.

Many people even collapsed directly to the ground.

Including many warriors and the Daxia Army are no exception.

Being able to stand is already out of ten!

However, the faces of the three leaders, Lin Weibang, were still serious.

His eyes were placed on the tide not far away.

The tide receded, but the matter was not over.

"The Daxia Army and the hunting group, rest in place and quickly recover their strength!"

An order is coming soon!

Everyone woke up at this moment, and there were alien beasts in the sea.

In the past, it was not because someone judged that this natural disaster was caused by some strange beasts in the sea.

It's just that they temporarily forgot about it because they resisted the natural disaster.

Now I think about it all over again!

Immediately recovered.

Including many people in the live broadcast room, people finally remembered at this moment.

"The alien beasts set off a natural disaster, and they will definitely attack the magic capital."

"This is just the beginning, not the end."


Many people who had just relaxed, suddenly became anxious again.

To know the power of alien beasts, they have all seen it.

The alien beasts in the sea are more terrifying than the alien beasts on land.

At least the alien beasts on land do not have the ability to cause natural disasters.

However, these alien beasts at sea do exist!

"I don't know what the strange beasts in the sea look like?!"

In addition to worrying, some people also began to wonder.

According to many people's ideas, the relationship between land and sea.

It should be that the well water does not violate the river water.

Now, however, something has changed.

Could it be that after some fishes in the ocean mutate, they can easily log on to the coast.

For many people, there are some who can't believe it.

Anyway, keep reading to find out!

It can be said that this time, many people in Daxia have re-understood the ocean.

Originally, some of these things required some permissions to know.

Mainly, Da Xia did not want many people to feel so much pressure in advance.

In itself, the oppression brought by the alien beasts on the land is enough.

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