Because the live broadcast screen is not here with a few people.

Therefore, the people in the Yuncheng live broadcast room did not hear the words of the few people.

Earlier, at the suggestion of An Xuan, two professional hosts had been recruited.

It is an explanation for the martial arts college entrance examination!

Of course, next time, you can consider inviting some high school principals or even martial arts experts.

Join the live broadcast room together.

These people may know more about martial arts college entrance examination students.

Soon, the college entrance examination belonging to Yuncheng Martial Arts University began.

At each test site, almost the first student started the test at the same time.

"No. 1, five hundred and thirty-one cards of blood!"


"No. 2, 456 qi and blood!!

With the sound of one after another, the qi and blood assessment began.

For each test project, there are different people responsible for it.

After each test is completed in order, they can move on to the next one.

The most important test of qi and blood is naturally at the top.

The live broadcast room currently has a fixed test site, and occasionally switches.

An Xuan is thinking about opening several sub-streaming studios in Yuncheng next time.

Try to broadcast every test site live.

However, once there is a high birth qi and blood, the live broadcast room will switch in time.

Because there are usually three qi 730 blood tests.

For accuracy!

The audience in the live broadcast room was still very interested.

Because this is the first martial arts college entrance examination, it looks very fresh.

Especially looking at the nervous appearance of some of the students in the queue.

It is even more interesting in the eyes of many people.

But as time passed, many people couldn't help showing a hint of doubt on their faces.

"Is Yuncheng's qi and blood a little high!"

"It wasn't that you could go to Martial Dao University with 500 cards of qi and blood before."

"How many are there in Yuncheng, with more than 500 qi and blood.

"Even 600 people are around ten!!

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, and there were a lot of doubts in the words.

However, because other major cities do not have live broadcasts.

So many people are not very good judges for a while.

Only some warriors who observed the Yuncheng live broadcast room frowned slightly.

Because they are warriors!

So I still know some inside information.

Know the approximate level of qi and blood in some main cities.

It's just because Yuncheng is like this, he can't help but begin to question it.

Could it be that some of the news they know is false.

Otherwise, how can Yuncheng explain the situation?

"Maybe, Yun Cheng deliberately put the better students ahead.

Of course, there are some warriors who think so.

After all, if this is the case, then it can be explained.

Instead, keep watching to find out!

"how can that be?!"

It's just that the next few warriors were beaten in the face.

Because Yuncheng students continue to assess.

From time to time, five hundred qi and blood appear, and six hundred qi and blood are also not uncommon.

It's not at all about putting some good students ahead.

When three hours passed, all those watching the Yuncheng live broadcast room were already numb.

Ordinary people watching the live broadcast room are mainly because they seem to be inferior to high school students in their martial arts practice.

"These students have at least 400 calories of blood.""

“Those below 400 calories are rare!!”

"Let me wait here, be a security guard, and earn over 10,000 a month with ease."

There is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room!

With the outbreak of spiritual qi recovery, many jobs have qi and blood requirements.

Especially those with high-paying jobs.

Qi and blood requirements are not low!!

On the one hand, the more qi and blood, the stronger the strength and ability.

If you work, you will naturally work harder.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, these students of Yuncheng.

Even if he did not rely on Martial Arts University, he still had a lot of promise.

It's just that they have become a little more disciplined, that (ahbg) means that there are not so many jobs in Yuncheng.

Either some of these travel to other cities.

Or join a hunting party!

The reason is very simple, the hunting group does not limit the number of people.

Many hunting groups in Yuncheng are recruiting people.

Cloud City is closest to the outer city wall!

Many students of Yuncheng Martial Arts University joined the patrol.

Because of the deployment of the Daxia Army, it was caused to prevent unexpected situations.

An Xuan sent all the students to guard.

On a city wall, Lu Qingyan and several other women were stationed together.

Because of school assignments, Lu Qingyan set up a small team.

They are all female students in the Martial Arts University.

To put it all together, Yuncheng Martial Arts University was among the first batch of 200 people.

The number of women is not much, only about twenty.

Mainly in cultivation, men's qi and blood are innately higher than women's.

"Qingyan, your brother should be taking the college entrance examination today."

"I don't know how the results are?!

When several women got together, it was inevitable that they would start chatting.

Anyway, there is satellite observation, if there is any strange beast news.

They will be notified as soon as possible!

As long as they are above the outer city wall, they can react.

"There is no news yet.

"I've been cultivating in school for a while, how is the specific qi and blood. 99

"Even if I don't know, I'll just give it a try!

Lu Qingyan said coldly on the surface.

But in reality, he was still very nervous.

I don't know what the final result of this younger brother will be.

This younger brother is basically two years older than her since he was a child.

Not to mention the relationship!

She knew that her younger brother's goal was Yuncheng Martial Arts University.

Just the news that the principal revealed.

Lu Qingyan really hoped that the goal could be achieved.

If this time the martial arts college entrance examination results are not ideal.

She wanted to make her brother wait another year.

But that still takes a toll on confidence.


At this moment, a message came from the mobile phone.

In an instant, Lu Qingyan checked it right away.

"Six hundred and twenty-one qi and blood!"

There was only one message above, but Lu Qingyan couldn't help but get excited.

After all, Lu Qingyan is just a girl.

But when he calmed down, he couldn't help but see a few faces with a special smile.

For a while, Lu Qingyan's face turned red.

The main thing is that there is a sharp contrast between the restraint before and the excitement now.

Just give it a try!?.

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