The two of them were very close.

"Yuzhen, Mr. Li did come to find you back then, but we brothers were worried that you would really follow him down the mountain, enter the mortal world, and forget about Qingcheng Mountain."

"So we decided to hide the matter." Yin Changsong explained.

Zhao Yuzhen is a genius that appears only once in a hundred years in Qingcheng Mountain. He is the one who revitalizes and continues the incense of Qingcheng Mountain.

But what worries them more is that the headmaster Lu Suzhen deduced that Yuzhen was destined to have a disaster, and this disaster is life-threatening.

Yuzhen was brought up from the bottom of the mountain to Qingcheng Mountain by them, and they watched him grow up.

How could they bear to see him die in the disaster? The seven people who protected Yuzhen back then, now only four of them are left.

It is true that Qingcheng Mountain cannot do without Yuzhen, but it is also true that they care about Yuzhen.

Otherwise, the junior brother would not bear the backlash of the heaven, forcibly spy on the secrets of heaven, and find a way to save Yuzhen.

And the junior brother risked his life to win a glimmer of hope for Yuzhen, that is, to let Yuzhen stay in Qingcheng forever, and not let her go down the mountain until she enters the spirit world.

Only by using the hundred-year luck of Qingcheng Mountain to resist the destined disaster can there be a glimmer of hope.

How could Zhao Yuzhen not know the good intentions of his uncles and uncles, but it was precisely because of this that his heart was extremely tormented.

But even so, every tree and grass in Qingcheng Mountain could not escape his eyes.

Since the little fairy had been here, why didn't he notice it?

"Master Yin, when did the little fairy come?" Zhao Yuzhen asked.

"That year, Lei Yunhe went into the mountain with the Thunder Finger and ran into you who was possessed by the devil. You two had a big fight outside the Qiankun Palace. In the end, Lei Yunhe broke an arm, and you were also seriously injured. Finally, you went into seclusion in the Qiankun Palace to recuperate. Not long after, Master Li happened to go up the mountain again."

Yin Changsong talked about what happened that year, and his face showed a look of reminiscence.

There was another thing he didn't say, that is, Li Hanyi blocked Lei Hong who came to pay homage to the mountain for Qingcheng Mountain that day.

If not, I'm afraid no one in Qingcheng Mountain would be his opponent.

At that time, even he had just entered the realm of freedom, so how could he stop Lei Hong who was full of blood and was in the limelight in the world.

Qingcheng Mountain did owe Master Li, but it was just for the sake of the people of the world and for Qingcheng Mountain.

It was reasonable to stop Yuzhen from going down the mountain.


Hearing what Yin Changsong said, the Qingxiao in Zhao Yuzhen's hand fell to the ground at once.

"So, it is indeed me who failed the fairy. I broke the promise..." Zhao Yuzhen muttered to himself, his face pale.

No wonder the fairy said that. She had always kept her promise with him, but in the end, she was the one who did not keep the promise.

The fairy was arrogant. As a swordsman who had been famous in the world for a long time, she had her own dignity. It was not easy for her to go up the mountain for him for the third time.

"Mr. Zhao, I have already told you the message. I have finished testing the sword and will leave." Xiao Ruolin took the sword box.

"I..." Looking at Xiao Ruolin, Zhao Yuzhen was hesitant to speak.

After a while, he said, "Thank you for bringing the message for me. I owe you a favor."

"That's what I want!" Xiao Ruolin chuckled.

Looking at the distraught Zhao Yuzhen, he slowly put away his sword, put on the sword box, and slowly walked down the mountain.

Zhao Yuzhen looked up at the setting sun, and his mind could not help but emerge.

The peerless face he saw when he lifted the fairy's veil that day.

"I want to know you, and live long without end; the mountains are gone, the rivers are dry, the winter thunders, the summer rains and snows, the heaven and earth merge, and I dare to break up with you!"

"Ah..." Zhao Yuzhen sighed, turned around and picked up Qingxiao, and threw it lightly.

The Qingxiao flew back to the Qiankun Hall, and the sword tip was inserted in the center of the Qiankun Hall, trembling slightly.

He helped Taohua up, and the man and the sword went back to the mountain.

After Zhao Yuzhen and Li Hanyi's affairs came to an end, Xiao Ruolin rushed all the way and went down the mountain quickly.

In order to clarify some things, he had to go back to the mountain.

Go back to the secluded mountain forest where he had stayed for a long time and ask some questions to his master.

About his white hair!

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