The emperor said that he would not be able to make a decision.

"As long as my brother gives the order, Ruolin will gather everyone and ride on the mountains and rivers with his sword pointing at Tianqi!"

"Doesn't my brother want to know the truth of that year? If that old man Mingde refuses to answer, kick him down from that position."

Xiao Ruolin's words were shocking, but Xiao Se was no longer surprised. It was normal for these treasonous words to come from his younger brother.

However, no matter how Xiao Ruolin instigated, Xiao Se smiled but did not answer. No matter what he said, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Over the years, his heart has been extremely tired. He is no longer willing to investigate or face everything.

Now he is a waste, if he investigates these things again, it will only implicate his mother and his brother.

He has been content with mediocrity, being an ordinary person, free and unrestrained.

No longer bothering anyone, nor disturbing anyone.

He propped up his chin, looked at his brother talking endlessly with a happy face, and suddenly said: "Ruolin has grown so tall, he is almost taller than the emperor brother."

Xiao Ruolin saw his brother's bad look, and hurriedly stepped forward and shook his body: "Royal brother, don't be bad, Beili will be gone without you!"

Xiao Se laughed and said: "That man is in his middle age, at worst, there are Xiao Chong and Xiao Yu, the emperor brother is not so powerful, Beili will still function without me."

If possible, he would like to be a hermit, living in seclusion on this snowy mountain for the rest of his life, and be a free guest.

"But I miss my mother." Xiao Ruolin lowered his head, his tone was a little heavy.

Xiao Se sat up straight, patted his shoulder, and comforted him: "Go back if you miss her. With the mother here, no matter what you do, that person dare not do anything to you. That is your home. Go back if you want to."

Xiao Ruolin raised his head and asked: "What about my brother?"

Xiao Se smiled slightly, slowly looked out the window, his eyes flowing, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

"I am... a wanderer, a wanderer wandering in the rivers and lakes."

"Brother!" Xiao Ruolin's tone became heavier. He didn't want to hear his brother's ambiguous words.

Xiao Se sighed, his tone was melancholy: "Ruolin, this is fate, it is something that can't be changed. My brother's road in Tianqi has come to an end. Only this world still has a forest path."

A waste who pursues the past will only hurt the people around him.

"If the road is blocked, sweep it away with a sword! Anyone who tries to stop my brother will become my sword sharpening stone." Xiao Ruolin clenched his fist and swore firmly.

"You are so powerful, why don't you become the emperor yourself? You have to push your brother." Xiao Se shook his head and laughed.

Xiao Ruolin thought with his chin twirling, frowned and said: "It's not impossible."

Then, he raised his head and said solemnly: "But everything is still based on my brother."

Xiao Se's mouth curled up a light arc, and said with relief: "With your words, my brother will be satisfied."

If a salted fish can't turn over, it is still a salted fish. If a salted fish turns over, it is just a salted fish that has turned over.

The result is the same, so why struggle?

Too much entanglement in the past will only make yourself and others suffer.

Suddenly, the noise at the door interrupted the conversation between the two brothers.

A young man wearing a red singlet with his chest exposed, who looked eighteen or nineteen years old, with a masculine and feminine aura, pushed the door in.

"Waiter! Bring me a pot of old wine to warm up your body!" The young man in red put his hands on his waist, full of heroism.

Outside, the cold wind blew into the house with snow, and Xiao Ruolin, who was also wearing thin clothes, couldn't help but sneeze.

All along the way, he only thought about the joy of meeting his brother, and forgot to use the true qi to protect his body.

When he reacted, he had already caught a cold.

Xiao Se frowned, took off his fur coat and put it on him, saying: "You are so old, but you don't know how to use the true qi to warm your body in this icy and snowy weather."

Then, he raised his head and looked at the red-clothed boy who was still standing at the door, and cursed: "What are you doing standing there? Come in quickly."

"Oh oh!" The red-clothed boy scratched his head and quickly closed the leaky door.

Then he found a good place, sat down, looked in the direction of Xiao Se and the others, and apologized with a fist: "Two brothers, I am inconsiderate, please don't blame me!"

"Ah~" Xiao Se sighed and turned his back to him.

This young face and the poor underworld language show that he is a newcomer with little experience.

We are all in the underworld, why are you being so polite?

Xiao Ruolin

He found it interesting. He drank a pot of plum wine, and with the help of his true qi, he resisted the cold. After his body warmed up, he returned the white fur coat to his brother.

He felt that the young man in red had brought more vitality to this lonely inn.

The thin waiter stepped forward, looked at the young man in red, and said flatteringly, "Sir, what else do you need besides the old fermented soy sauce?"

The young man in red curled his lips slightly, shook his head and circled his hands, "In addition to the old fermented soy sauce, a bowl of Yangchun noodles!"

Xiao Se couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Seeing that the other party was wearing Phoenix Fire material, he thought he could make a fortune.

But he never thought that he was a guy without oil and water?

The thin waiter's smile froze, and he said with a wry smile: "Sir, is that all?"

"Yes!" The red-clothed boy nodded, and then took out six copper coins from his pocket: "Six copper coins, right?"

The waiter stretched out his finger: "Sir, five copper coins for plain noodles, three copper coins for old rotten rice, a total of eight!"

"Ah?" The red-clothed boy was stunned, and then said: "But I came from Honglu Town, where plain noodles only cost four copper coins, and old rotten rice cost two copper coins."

The thin waiter shook his head and said expressionlessly: "The old rotten rice, which costs two copper coins, is not far ahead, a hundred miles away, and the guest can go forward."

A hundred miles away...

That's far away, in this icy and snowy place.

The red-clothed boy was deflated, took back a copper coin, and said weakly: "Then I only want a bowl of plain noodles, remember to put chopped green onions."

The thin waiter had never seen someone who was dressed so generously, but was as stingy as the boss.

The thin waiter looked in the direction of the boss, only to see the boss sighing with a melancholy face.

He picked up the copper coins and shouted loudly: "Give me a bowl of plain noodles, with more chopped green onions!"

This scene was seen by Xiao Ruolin. If he remembered correctly, the red-clothed boy had a piece of cloth.

It was enough to buy the inn of the emperor's brother. He only had copper coins on him, and he probably didn't bring enough money when he went out.

A newbie who has just started out in the world!

After eating the plum blossom meat and plum blossom wine in the inn, he patted his stomach and said with satisfaction: "Royal brother, I'm full, thank you for the hospitality."

Compared with the other party who can only eat noodles, he can eat meat, and he felt happy for a while?

However, what Xiao Ruolin didn't expect was that Xiao Se spread his hands and hummed at him a few times.

"Royal brother, what are you humming?" Xiao Ruolin didn't know what he meant.

Xiao Se stretched out his hand and pointed a finger: "The best sika deer meat and aged plum wine, one tael of silver!"

Xiao Ruolin was stunned, pointed at himself, and said in disbelief: "I have to pay too?"

"Brothers should settle accounts clearly." Xiao Se said as a matter of course.

Xiao Ruolin was immediately angry. In the past, his brother spent a lot of money on Qianjintai, but now he is so obsessed with money.

He immediately folded his arms and turned his head: "No money!"

In fact, his pocket was filled with gold prepared by Lin Mengyao, who was in charge of the finances of the Soul Binding Pavilion.

It was a lie that he had no money, but he just wanted to default on his debts.

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