The old man was very happy, but he was not as good as he thought.

To be honest, this world seems to have changed, a change that he is not familiar with.

For example, Wudang Wang Changqing, the master who made him into a medicine man.

In his vague memory, there are few records and descriptions about the medicine man of Xichu.

And all these need to be verified one by one to solve the unknown mystery.

In the snow, looking at the sad-looking Xiao Ruolin, Xiao Se couldn't help asking: "Brother, what are you thinking about?"

In fact, from the beginning of meeting, Xiao Se noticed that his brother's sickly white hair was very unusual.

How to describe it?

Just like the white hair added a lot to his brother's appearance, but there was one thing that could not be ignored.

That was the white hair, which looked a little creepy.

He had tried to knock his brother's mouth at Xueluo Villa, but his brother always avoided the topic, so he didn't ask too much.

Xiao Ruolin raised his head slightly and gave Xiao Se a comforting smile: "It's okay, it's just that the snow is getting heavier, and it's getting dark. If we can't find a place to stay, we're afraid we will be covered by the heavy snow."

"Who said it wasn't?" Lei Wujie swept the snow on his head, looked up at the snowflakes dancing in the sky, and sighed softly.

"How dare you say that?" Xiao Se rolled his eyes and shook his head in disdain, "You can even hold the map upside down. I seriously doubt whether you are an outstanding disciple of the Jiangnan Lei family."

Lei Wujie patted his chest and said, "Why not? I won the first place in the family competition. I am a genuine outstanding disciple of the Lei family."

"A dignified outstanding disciple can't even read a map?" Xiao Se raised his eyebrows.

Lei Wujie stared and immediately lost his temper.

The three of them rode on horses and walked in the snow. The snow in the sky was getting heavier and heavier, and soon covered the road ahead.

Fortunately, the vision was not blocked, and they could barely see the road clearly.

Suddenly, a hidden murderous intent flashed by.

Xiao Ruolin put his hand on the scabbard and turned his head suddenly, but there was only a vast expanse of white in front of him, with no human figure.


Impossible, that was a real murderous intent just now, he couldn't be wrong.

There are killers around!

This thought immediately made Xiao Ruolin alert, but Lei Wujie and Xiao Se did not notice it and continued to ride leisurely.

There was silence all around, only the howling of wind and snow.

Xiao Ruolin put his hand on the reins, looked coldly in the southwest direction, and followed the two.

The wind and snow came howling, and after the three walked away, two figures appeared in the snow.

"Were we discovered just now?" A deep male voice appeared in the snow.

"Impossible, we deliberately concealed the murderous aura, no one can detect it." The cold voice sounded faintly.

"The wind and snow are fierce, and it is late. The disciple of Xueyue City is probably in front. Don't let him run away!"


After that, the two disappeared quietly in the wind and snow, as if they had never appeared.


The wind and snow became more and more violent, the sky darkened, the cold penetrated the bones, and the snowflakes mixed with ice chips fell from the sky.

Xiao Se was shivering in the wind until Xiao Ruolin gathered his true energy in his palm, and a warmth was transmitted from his palm.

Xiao Se warmed up and sighed faintly: "It's better for you to know martial arts, just like that bastard, exposing his chest but not feeling cold at all."

Among the three people, Lei Wujie was the one who wore the least, but staying next to him, there was a burning fire.

"Look! There is a dilapidated temple in front, let's go in to avoid the snow?" Lei Wujie pointed to the front and said excitedly.

The three of them drove away on horseback. Although people would not get sick in this icy and snowy place, they were still in danger of being swallowed by the storm when traveling at night.

The three of them came to the dilapidated temple, settled the horses, and all went into the dilapidated temple to avoid the cold.

The dilapidated temple was not big, only about ten square meters. There was a broken lamp at the door. The furnishings inside were old, and there were mottled traces of time on the walls. The Buddha statue standing in the center had long lost its luster.

Lei Wujie patted the snow on his body and couldn't help complaining: "This snow is too heavy. How long will it take to stop!"

"Fortunately, my horse is a divine horse selected from thousands of miles away. Otherwise, with your poor sense of direction, we would have been buried in the snow long ago." Xiao Se shook his head.

Then he exhaled and rubbed his hands, trying to warm up his stiff hands.

Lei Wujie squatted

He leaned down and couldn't help muttering: "You have praised your horse no less than eight hundred times along the way. Are you a horse seller?"

The ruined temple was still warm, as if someone had been burning a fire to keep warm not long ago. There were still hay and firewood on the ground that had not yet burned out.

Xiao Se also leaned down and touched the slightly warm hay, frowning and said: "This fire must have just gone out, proving that someone has just settled in this ruined temple."

"That's great, let us pick up a ready-made one, and don't have to go out to find firewood." Lei Wujie clapped his hands.

Then, he sprinkled gunpowder on the hay, rubbed some sparks with stones, and the hay caught fire, while Xiao Se added firewood on the side.

After Xiao Ruolin tied up the horse, he walked into the ruined temple and suddenly felt someone on his head.

Looking at the two squatting on the ground, he couldn't help but sigh.

So defenseless...

How can you get into the world like this?

That Lei Wujie is fine, but could my brother be infected too?

It seems that the loss of martial arts has indeed made my brother lose a lot of things.

The moment he stepped into the ruined temple, Xiao Ruolin found the person hiding on the beam. That person was the Xueyue City disciple Tang Lian, who had met Xueyue City twice.

At the same time, Tang Lian also recognized Xiao Ruolin at a glance, after all, his white hair was really eye-catching.

It's just that he escorted the golden coffin and encountered many killers and other organizations disguised as bandits along the way.

If he remembered correctly, in the Dengtian Pavilion that day, the young man said that he was the master of the Juhun Pavilion.

And the Juhun Pavilion is a killer organization. If he also wants the golden coffin, then things will be bad.

There are three people on the other side, plus the young man is already a strong martial artist. If the other party really came for the golden coffin, he has no confidence that he can stop the other party.

He can only pray that the other party has not discovered him and make plans after the heavy snow.

Xiao Ruolin shook his head slightly, and walked forward to warm the two of them by the fire.

Although the true qi can protect the body from the cold wind, the warm flame burning in this blizzard is inevitably reassuring.

"Do you have any food? I'm a little hungry." Lei Wujie touched his rumbling stomach.

Xiao Ruolin threw him two meat buns that were frozen as hard as stones. Lei Wujie took them and pinched them with his hands. The buns were hard and difficult to swallow.

He said with some embarrassment: "I'm afraid these buns can't be eaten?"

"Stupid, can't you roast them on the fire?" Xiao Se held the branch and sighed helplessly.

"Xiao Se, you are still a clever kid." Lei Wujie was overjoyed and imitated Xiao Se to fork the buns with a branch and roast them on the fire.

Xiao Ruolin put the sword box in front of him and said calmly: "Friend, isn't it cold to stay there? Why don't we keep warm together and welcome the coming storm."

Lei Wujie looked up and looked at Xiao Ruolin who was talking to himself, a little confused.

He looked around, it was quiet and there was no trace of people.

Xiao Se was baking buns by himself, with a calm look on his face.

"Xiao Se's brother, where else is there in this broken temple except for the shabby bronze statue?" Lei Wujie looked puzzled.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a figure fell from the beam.

Tang Lian held the finger knife in her hand and guarded against Xiao Ruolin with a vigilant look.

"Is it an enemy or a friend? I'm afraid it's unknown!"

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