When Xiao Chuhe and his party passed the gravel road in front of the pavilion, a sound of joy came from the pavilion.

"Li Songbai, you lost, send money!" A handsome young man in red shouted loudly.

In the crowd, a man with a bitter face took out a stack of silver dollars from his arms dejectedly and said helplessly: "Your Highness the Red King, my name is Li Baisong, not Li Songbai."

The handsome young man called the Red King stretched out his hand and grabbed the stack of silver dollars into his hand, and did not forget to say: "Stop talking nonsense, it's all the same, you are what I call you."

Xiao Ruolin confirmed that he was not mistaken. Sure enough, his playful seventh brother was in the pavilion.

Just as he was about to reach out to greet them, his brother turned his head back and said, "Little Thirteen, don't deal with that group of people. They are a bunch of playboys. Don't learn bad things from them."

Xiao Ruolin nodded obediently, but his eyes were still fixed on the direction of the pavilion.

Among his twelve brothers, the one who impressed him the most, in addition to the elegant and easy-going second brother Xiao Chong, was the unruly seventh brother Xiao Yu.

Especially the "Hundred Flowers Record" written not long ago, which shocked the Jixia Academy, and made Master Li Yuantang angry.

Because of him, the old master Li Yuantang resigned from the post of Jijiu, and this was replaced by a young Jijiu.

But wasn't he punished by his father to be confined for nine months? How did he sneak here?

Some people can show their extraordinaryness just by standing there, and this group of people is the same.

Xiao Chuhe wanted to avoid them deliberately, but Xiao Yu still noticed them.

He waved and shouted to Xiao Ruolin, one of the four people: "Thirteenth brother! Do you want to come to my place to watch "Hundred Flowers Record"? My brother has just updated the new list!"

Xiao Ruolin was about to respond, but realized that his brother didn't like him to contact his seventh brother, so he shook his head and refused: "Seventh brother, no, I'll tell my father later that you sneaked out to fight crickets during confinement."

"Thirteenth brother, you are so cruel, and you are wasting my brother's kindness." Xiao Yu pretended to be sad.

After hearing Xiao Yu's answer, Xiao Ruolin made a face at Xiao Yu in the pavilion, and then quickened his pace to leave.

After they walked away, Li Baisong asked curiously: "Your Highness Chi Wang, don't you have a quarrel with the Sixth Prince? I remember that the Thirteenth Little Prince is a brother of the Sixth Prince?"

"Six is ​​six, thirteen is thirteen, the two are completely different." Xiao Yu shook his head.

"What's the difference?" Li Baisong asked puzzledly.

"Compared to Prince Yong'an..." At this point, Xiao Yu paused, then smiled and said, "Don't you think the Thirteenth Prince is very cute?"

Li Baisong shook his head, "I don't think so, but the Thirteenth Prince is more troublesome than the Sixth Prince. Not long ago, he sneaked into the Tianxia Pavilion and gave His Majesty a lot of headaches! My father always tells me about this when he comes home."

Xiao Yu laughed and patted Li Baisong on the shoulder and said, "So you are just the son of the Shangshu, not the prince, and you will never understand this."


Through the corridor of the study hall, the four finally arrived at the residence of the chief wine.

As soon as they stepped into the courtyard, they saw a man dressed as a scholar sitting in the courtyard pond.

Xiao Ruolin recognized the man at once. Isn't that the new chief wine master after the old master Li Yuantang?

Find a master for him, why did he come here?

Just as he was puzzled, the chief wine turned around and smiled at the four people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you want to see me for?"

Xiao Ruofeng hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "Sir, I am so far-sighted. I am here today because I am really..."

The chief wine raised his hand to stop Xiao Ruofeng from saying anything more, and said with a smile: "It is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. Your Majesty, you are too kind."

Soon, the King of Langya explained his purpose.

"Take in a disciple?" After a moment of silence, the chief wine smiled suddenly: "I'm sorry that I can't obey your order. Your Majesty, please find another wise man."

He was just entrusted by someone to temporarily serve as the chief wine teacher of the Jixia Academy, and he would not stay in Tianqi for too long.

As a master of a prince, he was not afraid of trouble, but he did not want to cause trouble for himself.

"Such a good farm and beautiful jade, if you miss it, I am afraid you will regret it for the rest of your life." Ji Ruofeng, wearing a demon mask, said.


Listening to the conversation between the three, Xiao Ruolin stepped forward and tugged at his brother's clothes, whispering: "Brother, why did Uncle Wang and the others let a teacher take me as a disciple? Ruolin doesn't want to, Ruolin doesn't want to."

Finding a teacher as a master and learning boring knowledge every day, he has no interest at all.

Studying in this world is more tormenting and boring than in the previous life.

Looking for a teacher to be your master is not just asking for trouble for yourself.

However, in the face of his brother's protest, Xiao Chuhe couldn't help laughing.

He knew that his younger brother often sneaked out of the city to buy and read miscellaneous news about the world, so he knelt down and asked, "Does Ruolin know who the five great sword immortals are?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Ruolin became interested.

"Of course this emperor's younger brother knows that the first sword immortal Luo Qingyang, the second sword immortal Zhao Yuzhen, the third Xueyue sword immortal Li Hanyi, the fourth Confucian sword immortal Xie Xuan, the five wrathful sword immortal Yan Zhantian, the emperor Why do you ask me this?"

Xiao Chuhe scratched his little nose and said with a smile: "Because, the Mr. Jijiu in front of you is one of the five great sword immortals."

"Is what the emperor said true?" Xiao Ruolin's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

When he met Mr. Jijiu for the first time, he did feel that he was special, but he never thought that he was a swordsman.

That's the Sword Immortal!

He is recognized as a strong man in the world and respected by everyone in the world.

How could such a powerful person waste his time teaching?

In this world, like the martial arts TV series in the previous life, characters like sword immortals should practice in an ecstatic way.

"There was once a person who studied for ten years. One day he picked up a sword and became a sword immortal. That person was the Confucian Sword Immortal, one of the five great sword immortals. The name of Mr. Jijiu is Xie Xuan." Xiao Chuhe said slowly.

Confucian swordsman Xie Xuan? !

Hearing this name, Xiao Ruolin suddenly looked at the scholar-dressed Mr. Jijiu.

At this time, Xie Xuan also turned to look at Xiao Ruolin because of the introduction by King Langya.

When their eyes met, Xie Xuan couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

If you had only found it interesting before that the child in front of you was a prince but could not do princely things.

So at this moment, I was really surprised.

Before, he was immature and had yet to show his sharp edge, but now, this child's temperament has begun to show its prowess, as sharp as a sharp knife out of its sheath.

In just three months, my whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A genius!

With just one glance, Xie Xuan concluded that Xiao Ruolin was extraordinary.

Facing the scrutinizing gaze of Mr. Jijiu, Xiao Ruolin did not have any stage fright. He straightened his back and looked at him with the idea of ​​​​glaring at me and me at you.

The two just stared at each other, neither of them looking away.

After a long time, Xie Xuan slowly calmed down the strange color in his eyes and said calmly: "It is indeed a good piece of jade, but it's just such a good jade, I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp it."

"Sir, there is no need to belittle yourself. The world only knows that Gu Jianxian is the leader of the five great swordsmen, but I, Bai Xiaotang, know that if sir had not fought, the title of the leader of the five swordsmen would still be unknown." Ji Ruofeng revealed in an understatement. Got a lot of news.

Langya King Xiao Ruofeng also knew that what his friend said was not groundless.

Confucian Sword Immortal is definitely the most controversial sword immortal among the five great sword immortals.

And he is also the most suitable to be Ruolin's master.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Confucian Sword Immortal. Is the young prince willing to accept me as his master?"

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