The battle was won, and the enemy was killed.

Lanling City.

Emperor Mingde and his entourage had been in the city for several days, but now they could only stay in an inn in the city.

The morale in the inn was low. There were only a few of the original 100 Tiger Guards left, and they were all injured, and some even lost their lower body.

A full 100 Tiger Guards died after a few soldiers who were bitten by something and only had half of their bodies left.

Except for the centurion general Wang Baishi and six elite soldiers with intact limbs.

They were all destroyed!

In the inn, Emperor Mingde's heart sank to the bottom, looking at the several corpses lying on the ground.

He just remained silent, his fists clenched tightly.

Wang Baishi walked forward, looked at the lifeless soldiers on the ground, and said reluctantly: "Your Majesty, before they mutate, you should order them to be thrown out."

Emperor Mingde raised his hand, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Wang Baishi nodded, then retreated. The four of them cooperated, and at the moment when Jin Xuan opened the door of the inn.

A wisp of black smoke filled the air and slowly spread into the inn.

"Quick!" Jin Xuan shouted, and slapped the black smoke away with a palm.

Wang Baishi, Jin Xian, and Jin Wei immediately threw all the bodies out.


After all the bodies were thrown out, Jin Xuan quickly closed the door and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

He looked at the palm of his hand, but saw that it was bruised black, as if it was poisoned.

What kind of monsters are these things in this city?

Seven days ago, under the will of His Majesty, they entered this dead city.

At first, they did not encounter any danger, but the city was shrouded in black fog, as dark as the night.

It was still dusk outside the city, but it was pitch black inside.

The streets in the city were in chaos, and the houses collapsed, as if a riot had occurred.

That evening, something unexpected happened to everyone.

Among the 100 elite Tiger Guards, several soldiers suddenly lost their minds and attacked their former comrades.

For a time, the entire army fell into chaos, and Wang Baishi and others tried their best to control the situation.

But those soldiers had already lost their minds and fought madly.

Emperor Mingde made a prompt decision and immediately ordered Wang Baishi and others to kill those out-of-control soldiers.

When all fifteen out-of-control soldiers were killed, the weird things did not end.

The team of 100 people originally entered the venue, but half of them disappeared inexplicably, including the 15 people who were killed.

However, all this was just the beginning. As the smell of blood spread in the air, the monster hidden in the dark quietly moved out...

Bang, bang, bang! Accompanied by a series of collisions.

Jin Xuan suddenly left the gate, his brows full of solemnity: "Those monsters are rushing in!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the inn was knocked open, and several monsters with foul odors rushed in.

Their eyes were shining with green light, saliva dripping from their mouths, and they approached the crowd step by step.

"Protect His Majesty!" Wang Baishi shouted suddenly.

The remaining few people quickly picked up their weapons and prepared to fight, and Jin Wei even sacrificed the sword of killing, ready to uncover the talisman on it at any time.

Roar, roar, roar!

With a hoarse roar, the monsters rushed towards them in an instant.

Emperor Mingde looked at these monsters deeply, and finally remembered their origins.

That was decades ago. Aren't these monsters the ones that were listed as taboos by all dynasties...

Western Chu medicine men!

But these medicine men in front of him were even more ferocious and powerful. They were not afraid of pain. Even if their entire arms were cut off by a knife, they would not be affected at all. Soon, two Tiger Guards were bitten to death.

The medicine men who bit them to death were also wearing the same clothes. They were all assimilated Tiger Guards.

Emperor Mingde frowned, thinking in his heart: Where did these monsters come from?

Why are there so many strange things in Lanling City?

What secrets does this border city located in Beili hide...


As the roar approached, Emperor Mingde raised his head and saw that several people were looking at him with a horrified look.

Emperor Mingde's eyes turned cold, he drew out the sword from his waist and stabbed back.

The medicine man behind him fell to the ground with a bang, and several people breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, they noticed that the sword in His Majesty's hand was emitting a sharp sword power.

Emperor Mingde swung the sword lightly, pointed it at the medicine man outside the door, and his eyes were cold: "Everyone, follow me to drive away evil and avoid evil!


The medicine men came in overwhelming numbers, and Emperor Mingde held his sword in the air, swinging several sword qi.

Wang Baishi raised his spear and shouted: "Protect Your Majesty!"

For a time, the morale of the inn was raised to the peak by Emperor Mingde.

The ancients were honest, and the emperor's personal expedition really boosted the morale of the soldiers.

Emperor Mingde's swordsmanship was sharp, and he shuttled among the medicine men like a ghost, and blood splashed wherever he passed.

Seeing this, Jinxian and others were refreshed and led everyone to kill towards the city gate with His Majesty.

After a bloody battle, the hundreds of medicine men surrounding the inn were finally repelled.

At this time, the sky gradually brightened, and the sun shone through the broken roof. Although However, the city was still dark.

But looking up at the city gate, one could see a faint light.

Everyone was panting exhausted, looking at the corpses on the ground, with a lot of emotion in their hearts.

At this moment, of the hundreds of teams that had been there before, only Emperor Mingde, Jin Xuan, Jin Xian, Jin Wei and Wang Baishi were left.

And in a corner of the city, a mysterious power was quietly awakening...

Jin Xuan seemed to realize something and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, the exit is right in front of you, hurry out of the city gate! "

Emperor Mingde nodded, then supported his sword against the ground and stood up.

The five people dragged their heavy bodies and walked towards the city gate step by step.

But the closer they got to the city gate, the more uneasy Jin Xuan felt.

Finally, the uneasy feeling reached its peak.

Jin Xuan raised his head suddenly and looked at the top of the city wall with a pale face.

Under the black fog, a figure appeared on the empty city wall at some point.

The figure was wearing a black robe, and his face could not be seen clearly, but he exuded a strange aura.


The voice of the man in black robe seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, which was creepy.

Jin Wei's eyes condensed, and the national treasure sword in his hand flashed with cold light. He stepped forward: "Who are you? Are the monsters in the city your work? "

The black-robed man did not answer, but slowly raised his right hand and waved it gently.

Jin Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and a breath of death rushed towards him. He shouted repeatedly: "All get down!"

The black-robed man nodded slightly, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

A white beam swept across, sweeping towards Emperor Mingde and others. Jin Xuan, who knew the power of this white beam, immediately fell to the ground regardless of his status.

Being able to make the eunuch so panic, Jin Wei's eyes flashed slightly, and he followed suit the moment Jin Xuan fell to the ground.

After gritting his teeth, Jin Xian reluctantly bent down.

Only Emperor Mingde frowned slightly, unable to let go of his posture and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

As the ruler of a country, the emperor of a dynasty, how could he easily bow to others?

The man in black robe seemed to have noticed this point, and looked at Emperor Mingde with a joking look on his face.

The white bolt carrying the breath of death came rapidly, and was about to hit Emperor Mingde.

At the critical moment, Wang Baishi jumped up with a gun.

He knew that if the emperor bowed his head, he, as a centurion of the Tiger Guards, would not refuse even if he died.

The dignity of the emperor should not be shaken by others!

"Your Majesty!" Jin Xuan shouted anxiously.

The man in black robe snorted coldly, and several more white bolts were shot out in succession.

Wang Baishi waved his spear vigorously, trying to resist, but in the end he was powerless.

He didn't take the first white bolt, and was directly pierced through the body by the white bolt.

"Puff! "Wang Baishi spat out a mouthful of blood and half-knelt on the ground.

Then the white bolts cut Wang Baishi's body into several pieces.

"Baishi!" Emperor Mingde roared.

As the emperor's imperial guards, each centurion of the Hubenlang was a personal guard who survived the "Eight Kings Rebellion".

Jin Xuan quickly got up and protected Emperor Mingde.

"You can't escape..." The black-robed man sneered, "This Lanling City is where you will die."

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