The black-robed man who was hiding in the dark saw this scene, and his eyes looking at Xiao Ruolin became more and more scorching.

"Believe me, you will become my sharpest sword to destroy the Beili Xiao family, and we will meet again soon."

"You will stand by my side and destroy this disgusting dynasty with me."

The black-robed man looked at Hua Jin who was protecting Xiao Ruolin, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to his heart.

That face was seven points similar to the old friend, and even the dressing style was very similar, but no matter how similar it was, it was not her after all.

"Three thousand pear blossom trees in the courtyard, no one is in my heart anymore..." The black-robed man muttered to himself.

Then he flashed and disappeared from the spot, as if he had never appeared.

As if sensing something, Xiao Ruolin looked up in the direction where the black-robed man had appeared, and when he saw no one there, he retracted his gaze.

He came to Huang Quan and reached out to check. Fortunately, he only had a few broken ribs and was not seriously injured.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xiao. I didn't help much, but I held you back." Huang Quan's tone was a little low.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, the two brothers He Qu He Cong would not have left the girl's side and finally put her in danger.

Xiao Ruolin shook his head, "If it weren't for you and Brother Wuji, I'm afraid that Brother Suo and Brother Li, who had become medicine men, would have started a killing spree long ago."

He carried Huang Quan on his back: "Let's go, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Those medicine men have awakened. We have to find a safe place quickly."

Hearing the word "medicine man", everyone present seemed extremely sensitive.

Because the medicine man is a taboo in Beili, no topic can be mentioned.

They have only heard rumors, but never thought that they would actually meet him.

But the sword master Suoya and the sword emperor Li Shizhen know each other well, and it is definitely impossible that he is a medicine man.

The situation is critical now. Although there are many doubts, they know that it is not the time to ask this.

As soon as they went out, they saw a man in purple python robes appear at the door.

Seeing the sword in the purple man's hand, Huang Quan exclaimed: "Snow Wind Sword! Are you Senior Shen Jingzhou?"

"Shen Jingzhou..." Jin Xian smiled slightly: "It has been a long time since anyone called me like this."

"Ding..." Jin Xian just opened his mouth and realized that there was something wrong with his words, and quickly changed his words: "Young Master, time is running out. Before they all wake up, follow me!"

After speaking, he went into an alley. Xiao Ruolin hesitated for a while, then nodded to everyone and followed him.

The medicine men in the whole city have begun to become active, and fights have also occurred in various parts of the city.

Those Jianghu people fought with the medicine men, but they were soon drowned by the tide of corpses, leaving only screams and wails.

This dead city finally came alive at this moment.

Along the way, Huang Quan has been thinking about what Senior Shen Jingzhou said.

Why is Senior Shen so polite to Brother Xiao, even respectful?

There are not many people in the world who can make the senior call him "Young Master" respectfully.

Xiao Ruolin and others followed Jin Xian all the way to a separate courtyard and entered a room with a passage leading to the underground.

Jin Xian led them along the passage and finally came to a huge underground secret room.

The secret room was filled with a strange atmosphere, and various weapons and chain mail were placed around.

After Jin Xian brought everyone here, he comforted them: "This is a temporary safe place, and those medicine men will not find it in a short time."

After everyone arrived at the secret room, they sat down exhausted.

Huang Quan looked at Jin Xian and asked, "Senior, what is going on? Why did the dead suddenly come back to life?"

Jin Xian took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "This is all a conspiracy. Even the entire Lanling City is a trap set by that person. The people in the city have all turned into monsters. Someone is secretly studying forbidden techniques that can control people's minds and turn them into ruthless killing machines, whether they are dead or alive."

Hua Jin was a little puzzled and frowned: "Who is the mastermind behind the scenes? Why did they create such a disaster?"

In his opinion, human nature is good, why can't everyone live in peace, but have to fight and kill all day long.

Today I will destroy your family, and tomorrow I will step on your grave.

Jin Xian shook his head, "I don't know at the moment, but I can be sure that his purpose is not simple."

Before everyone continued to ask, Jin Xian lost the patience to continue explaining to them.

Walked in front of Xiao Ruolin and bowed his head slightly: "Young Master."


Ruolin knew that he had something to say to him, and he also wanted to see what Jinxian was going to say to him without telling anyone.

He nodded, and Jinxian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then led the way in front.

Arriving at the corner of the secret room, he pressed a mechanism, and as the mechanism started, a secret door slowly opened.

Jinxian looked back at Xiao Ruolin, and seeing that Xiao Ruolin did not show any impatience, he lit a candle and walked in.

"Where is he taking Ruolin? I want to go with him." Hua Jin stood up and walked towards it.

Before he took two steps, he was stopped by Hequ Hecong and the other two. If they didn't go out, they would know the eunuch Jinxian, the great eunuch of Tianqi.

Passing through the narrow secret passage, it didn't take long before they saw sparks lit up, and the lights in front suddenly became bright.

What caught his eye was a huge palace, which was covered with coarse carpets and hung with calligraphy and paintings on the walls.

There were many people in the palace. Looking at their clothes and the panic on their faces, they were the people of Beili.

This is an underground shelter!

I didn't expect that there was a different world under this small city. Xiao Ruolin couldn't help but admire how advanced the city lord of this city was.

This is the border area of ​​Beili, where bandits often harass and even face spies from enemy countries every day.

The city may be destroyed at any time. Xiao Ruolin really wants to meet such a wise city lord.

Looking around the entire ground shelter, there are more than 200 people at a glance.

Among them, most of them are old scholars and children, accounting for almost 80%.

Jinxian knelt on one knee and bowed his head to report: "Grand eunuch, Jinxian has brought the little prince here."

Xiao Ruolin was startled when he heard Jinxian's voice. He hurriedly called out his famous sword and turned around with a vigilant face.

He never thought that the grand eunuch mentioned by Jinxian, the popular person around the emperor, Jinxuan Gonggong, was also here.

Seeing Xiao Ruolin draw his sword, Jin Xuan sighed slightly: "Little prince, we are not here to arrest you."

Xiao Ruolin did not believe his lies. In the five major prisons of Tianqi, he was unwilling to believe anyone except Eunuch Jinxian.

Seeing this, Jin Xuan did not say anything more, but turned around and said to Xiao Ruolin: "Little prince, follow me."


Xiao Ruolin sneered in his heart. He wanted to see what tricks the other party was going to play.

Two famous swords flew out of the sword box and floated on the left and right, and then Xiao Ruolin chose to follow.

Seeing Xiao Ruolin so cautious, Jin Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This little prince still didn't let down his guard against him.

The three of them passed through the shelter of the people and came to a secret room.

The door of the secret room was closed tightly. After Jin Xuan's voice sounded, the door slowly opened.

Inside was Eunuch Jin Wei, who held the national treasure sword and was majestic without anger.

When he saw Xiao Ruolin, Jin Wei was slightly stunned.

In the center of the secret room, there was a golden coffin, which was carved with dragons and phoenixes, exquisite and elegant.

As soon as Xiao Ruolin came in, he smelled a strong stench of decay.

The coffin was open, and after Xiao Ruolin came in, the three stood respectfully aside.

Xiao Ruolin walked up slowly, and the person lying in the golden coffin gradually showed his outline.

Lying inside was a middle-aged man, exuding the majesty of an emperor, with a high nose bridge, closed eyes, thin body, and pale face like paper.

After seeing the middle-aged man lying in the coffin, Xiao Ruolin's pupils suddenly contracted and his head rumbled.

In an instant, the whole secret room was surging with sword energy, rioting with chilling sword intent.

Jin Xian saw that Xiao Ruolin was a little excited, and quickly said: "Little prince, please calm down."

Xiao Ruolin kept staring at the face of the middle-aged man in the coffin, and his dark eyes were surging, as if something was touched.

There were turbulent waves in his heart, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

The person lying in the coffin was none other than the current Emperor Beili.

Emperor Mingde Xiao Ruojin!

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