The emperor was very happy.

Since he was a child, this was the first time that Xiao Ruolin was "educated" by his mother.

In the past, let alone punishment, he had never even touched the palm of his hand.

Even when his father wanted to teach him a lesson, his mother would always silently protect him, like a hen protecting her chicks, extinguishing his father's anger.

His mother had never used severe punishment on him. Even if he was punished for getting into trouble occasionally, she only gave him a few symbolic punishments.

But this time, the always gentle mother actually took action.

The sound of snapping was crisp and loud, constantly echoing in the hall, and the palace maids in the hall had already been dismissed.

"Queen, stop..." Emperor Mingde looked at this scene with some reluctance.


Another loud slap, Queen Hu's raised hand stopped in the air, and her heart was as painful as a needle.

Her beautiful peach blossom eyes were immediately filled with mist, and she bit her lips tightly: "Your Majesty, is this not okay?"

Emperor Mingde sighed slightly, walked forward and held her trembling hand.

After all, she was reluctant to hit Xiao Shisan, but the trouble Xiao Shisan had caused this time could not be dealt with casually.

Even if he wanted to let him go, as an emperor, he had other children, and there were countless eyes staring at him.

This matter could not be resolved as early as the moment Xiao Shisan broke Lao Jiu's legs.

"The Imperial Hospital just sent a message that Lao Jiu's legs are disabled, and even the dragon root has been injured. I'm afraid that in the future..."

"This time, Xiao Shisan really got into trouble." Emperor Mingde was a little complicated.

Hearing this, Queen Hu lowered her eyes to hide the sadness in her eyes.

At this point, this matter is no longer a matter of simply copying books, kneeling, or being put in solitary confinement.

Xiao Ruolin felt his head wet, and he turned over, only to see his mother's tears falling down and dripping on his face.

Xiao Ruolin was stunned for a moment, and he raised his hand and stroked Queen Hu's cheek, with confusion and helplessness on his tender face.

"Mother, why are you crying?"

He didn't hate his mother for hitting him, but he hated that he made her cry.

"You, child, have been nosy since you were a child. How many times has your mother told you not to just look at the surface of things? There are still many things in this world that you don't know. Why are you always so impulsive?" Queen Hu's eyes were misty with tears.

From childhood to adulthood, Lin'er was no different from other princes. He was not spoiled, did not like novelty, and was not playful. He was as sensible as an adult.

But sometimes he was like a child, always causing all kinds of troubles. Whatever he thought was wrong, he would get to the bottom of it regardless of the consequences.

But often the more this happens, the easier it is to make mistakes.

"Your Majesty, Jin Xuan wants to see you." Jin Xuan's voice came from outside the palace.

Queen Hu trembled slightly, and Emperor Mingde sighed deeply.

"Come in."


Jin Xuan walked into the palace, and behind him followed a tall and thin man.

Xiao Ruolin looked up and felt a little familiar.

After the tall and thin man came in, he knelt on the ground respectfully and shouted: "Xiao Qingyi from the clan office, see your majesty!"

Emperor Mingde waved his hand and turned his back with some reluctance.

"The thirteenth prince Xiao Ruolin, injured his brother of the same clan in Tianqi City. According to the Imperial Hospital, the situation is true. Considering that his brother was at fault first, he can be spared from physical pain and taken away!"

Xiao Qingyi?

This name is unfamiliar. This is the first time Xiao Ruolin has heard this name.

But now is not the time to care about this issue. The question is why should he be punished?

"Father, you clearly know the reason for the incident, why do you still want to punish me! Those playboys kidnapped the children of officials and wanted to do something wrong, I did something just, why should I be punished!"

Xiao Ruolin stood up and argued for himself.

He didn't know who Xiao Qingyi was, but he knew what the Zongrenfu was. It was an institution to punish the children of the royal family, and it was held by the most respected people in the royal family.

Although the Dali Temple had the right to intervene, in order to avoid damage to the royal family's reputation, similar cases were basically handled by the Zongrenfu.

Emperor Mingde turned around and angrily said, "You ask me why? You can teach them a lesson, or even beat them half to death, but why did you beat your ninth brother into a cripple!"

No matter what the matter is, the ninth son has no descendants, and this cannot be solved simply and sloppily.

Entering the Zongrenfu can still avoid physical pain, but once you enter the Dali Temple, they don't care what your identity is.

In order to avoid trouble from the court, the best solution now is to hand the matter over to the clan office and put him under house arrest for two years.

"According to

"Father, what do you mean? I am wrong?" Xiao Ruolin frowned.

He is a man who hates evil, and it was the same in his previous life and it is still the same now.

It is difficult for him to forgive evil people.

But he also cares about family affection. Even if the ninth brother did something worse than an animal, he still kept some spare strength.

As for hurting his vitals? He didn't attack that place.

He just broke his ankle with the scabbard. Who knew that he would break his legs and hurt his dragon's root in the end.

However, since the incident, everyone seems to have ignored what the ninth brother did. Is it a habit or indulgence?

Or are these things not worth their trouble?

Just like school bullying in the previous life, parents and teachers never take conflicts between students seriously.

It's as if in their hearts, this is a trivial matter.

But thinking of the experience in the previous life, thinking of the harsh laughter and cotton pants, Xiao Ruolin couldn't help trembling.

"You made a mistake in not investigating the matter clearly and acting rashly. You made a mistake in not listening to your father and mother and sneaking out of the palace. You made a mistake and still didn't repent! It was like this before, and it's still like this now! "It was rare for Emperor Mingde to get angry.

The hall fell into a deathly silence. Jin Xuan and Xiao Qingyi looked at each other, wanting to escape from here as soon as possible.

Empress Hu was also a little at a loss at this time. Emperor Mingde had already signaled her with his eyes not to interfere in the matter.

But seeing that things were about to get worse, Empress Hu knew that she could no longer sit idly by.

Who would have thought that Xiao Ruolin suddenly burst into laughter.

At this moment, Xiao Ruolin felt aggrieved, but even so, he was still unwilling to give in.

"Father said that the son was wrong, then he was wrong!"

Xiao Ruolin stepped forward, snatched the shackles from Xiao Qingyi's waist, and handcuffed himself with his backhand.

"What are you going to do?" Emperor Mingde frowned slightly.

Xiao Ruolin laughed at himself: "Going to the clan house to avoid physical pain, the Dali Temple is where I, a criminal, should stay."

"Eunuch Jin Xuan, please show me the way, the destination is the Dali Temple prison!"

"You! "Emperor Mingde was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

How come this brat is even more stubborn than Liuzi!

Empress Hu quickly stepped forward and said softly, "Lin'er, your father doesn't mean that. He is just worried about you. Let's just go to the clan house obediently, okay? Don't go to the Dali Temple. That's not a place for people."

However, Emperor Mingde, who was angry, saw that the queen was still protecting Xiao Shisan.

Thinking that it was because of her pampering that this brat was lawless, she immediately scolded: "If he likes to go to the Dali Temple, let him go! Don't even beg for mercy. I wonder how long he can stay there! "

Jin Xuan looked at Emperor Mingde and then at Empress Hu, and then at Xiao Ruolin who refused to admit defeat. It can be said that he was struggling.

Xiao Ruolin did not embarrass him, but gave his mother a comforting smile and turned away.

Looking at this posture, he is going to the Dali Temple.

Empress Hu was worried. This child has never suffered since he was a child. He will be punished if he goes to the Dali Temple.

Thinking of the torture instruments in the Dali Temple, Empress Hu immediately chased forward, but was scolded by Emperor Mingde.

"Don't worry about him! I want to see how brave he is to dare to go to the Dali Temple!"

"Your Majesty!" Empress Hu looked resentful.

Emperor Mingde had a stern face, and it was obvious that he had not recovered his breath.

He comforted his beloved wife: "Queen, don't worry. When he sees the situation in the prison of the Dali Temple, he will be submissive. We just need to wait. "

The Dali Temple prison was full of vicious people. An eight-year-old child would scare him to death.

Emperor Mingde thought he had a sure win, but he didn't know that he had completely underestimated Xiao Ruolin's arrogance.

It was the arrogance of a stubborn donkey that couldn't be pulled back by ten cows...

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