The old man was very happy.

After hearing this, Rong Mama's smile became even brighter.

"Don't worry, little prince. I know what I am doing and will never let the queen know about this."

Xiao Ruolin was relieved. He turned around and gestured to Lin Mengyao: "This is my closest family. Don't be afraid. She will take good care of you."

Lin Mengyao nodded timidly.

Xiao Ruolin smiled and told the old mama before leaving: "Mama, this child is a little sensitive, but you must take good care of him."

"Your Highness, don't worry. I have experience." Rong Mama responded, and Xiao Ruolin left.

Lin Mengyao stood there, watching the young man gradually disappear around the corner, and suddenly a feeling of bitterness surged in her heart.

She didn't expect Xiao Ruolin's identity to be a prince, and she couldn't believe that she, with her humble identity, could have contact with him.

Lin Mengyao lowered her head, her eyes dim, and the sadness and loneliness in her heart were all visible.

If he was just an ordinary citizen, how great it would be...

Fengluan Palace.

Before Xiao Ruolin stepped into the gate, he heard a voice coming from inside.

"Queen, Xiao Shisan has grown up, and it's time for him to have his own mansion. He can't live with you at such a big age, right? That's too unreasonable."

"If your majesty wants to separate us mother and son, just say it directly, why beat around the bush."

"Haha... the queen is smart."


Xiao Ruolin frowned and paused.

This familiar voice, no need to guess, know that his cheap father is harassing his mother again.

Xiao Ruolin coughed twice and raised his voice to shout, "Mother! Your son is here to see you."

"Oh!" A cry of surprise was heard in Fengluan Palace, and Queen Hu immediately stood up and left Emperor Mingde's lap.

She hurriedly tidied herself up, her face flushed.

As soon as Xiao Ruolin walked in, Queen Hu greeted him warmly and gave her baby son a big hug.

"Mother, is your father harassing you again?" Even though Emperor Mingde was present, Xiao Ruolin did not shy away.

Queen Hu couldn't help laughing at Xiao Ruolin's words, and she patted her son's head in a stern manner.

"How can you say that about your father, little guy?"

Xiao Ruolin pouted and stuck out his tongue at Emperor Mingde.

The mother and son were very warm, but Emperor Mingde was the only one who was heartbroken.

This stinky boy!

Not only did he often disturb his intimacy with the queen, but he also didn't give him, the king, any face.

No! We must find a way to drive him out of the palace.

As soon as this thought came up, Emperor Mingde immediately dismissed it.

The Queen is going to have a hard time!

He pretended to be kind and said, "Little Thirteen is here! How is it? How about the mansion that your father gave you? That's where your mother and I lived before."

Xiao Ruolin raised his eyebrows: "The mansion is very big, I like it very much, thank you father for the reward."

Emperor Mingde waved his hand and said generously: "Why do you say such things between father and son."

But he thought in his heart:

Stinky boy! If you like it, why don't you move out quickly? You are so old, how long will you stick to your mother!

Emperor Mingde took a sip of the tea on the table, and then said calmly: "Since you like it, your father will send someone to clean the mansion. It has not been used for many years and is covered with dust."

"No need, father, your son is still an adult, and I want to stay with my mother more." Xiao Ruolin said with a smile.

The smile on Emperor Mingde's face froze, and he spat out a mouthful of tea, almost choking to death.

He looked at his "sensible" little son with a smile on his face, thinking in his heart: Little Thirteen, you are really my good son!

As the king of a country, when has he ever suffered such a setback?

This is really something that you can neither love nor hate!

The queen didn't give him a little son, she clearly gave him an ancestor!

Seeing Emperor Mingde's aggrieved expression, Xiao Ruolin raised his mouth and felt secretly happy.

There were no fun entertainment facilities in ancient times, but it was very interesting to not be angry with her own old boy.

Queen Hu couldn't help laughing. She pretended not to know about the war between father and son, as long as her precious little son had the upper hand.

Emperor Mingde never forgot the prediction of the Imperial Observatory, and now he saw Little Thirteen here.

He asked indirectly: "Xiao Shisan, how is your martial arts training going? Have you made any progress?"

In his eyes, Xiao Shisan didn't like to study literature, and his grades in the Jixia Academy were average every time, far worse than the sixth and second sons.

His literary skills were just average, so he was afraid that his martial arts skills would affect the future situation.

If the literary and martial arts skills were good,

All are normal, the rumor of Beili disaster star will be broken.

He watched Xiao Shisan grow up since he was a child. Except for being a little naughty, he is normal in other aspects.

He really couldn't understand why the heavenly masters of the Imperial Observatory would assert that Xiao Shisan would become the calamity of Beili.

Looking at Xiao Shisan's face, which was as handsome and tender as when he was young, Emperor Mingde sighed.

This is clearly an ordinary child...

Xiao Ruolin sat down opposite Emperor Mingde with a serious face: "Father, I am now a top master. I believe it won't take long to surpass the five major supervisors."

"Oh?" Emperor Mingde raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "My five major supervisors are all top masters. They are rare in the whole world. What realm are you at now?"

Listening to the conversation between father and son, Queen Hu smiled a little.

She sat down and peeled grapes in the fruit plate for Xiao Ruolin.

After eating a grape fed by his mother, Xiao Ruolin held up five fingers and said, "He is at the fifth level of martial arts. He is simply a genius."

Five! The fifth level...

Emperor Mingde was immediately furious. He couldn't help rubbing his temples and gave a thumbs up, praising, "Excellent... Excellent!"

After he said these two words, there was no more news.

Now he is completely fine. The prediction of the Imperial Observatory can be put aside for now.

If Xiao Shisan's talent is like Chu He, he would be a little worried, worried that Xiao Shisan would become something that would affect Beili in the future.

Chu He is both civil and military, while Shisan is not good at both.

What else does he need to worry about?

Emperor Mingde is somewhat lucky. There is nothing wrong with being mediocre.

In the future, when he is old, he will give him a piece of rich land.

Be a free and easy prince, away from all the conspiracies and tricks in the court.

Always free and playful, it's good to be so...

Sensing the sad look on Emperor Mingde's face, Xiao Ruolin held his hand and asked with concern: "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Emperor Mingde came back to his senses and comforted him with one hand: "Nothing, it's just that a lot of things have happened recently, and father is a little tired."

Listening to Emperor Mingde's slightly tired words, Xiao Ruolin thought for a while and asked a question he had always wanted to ask.


"If one day father makes a wrong decision and Xiao Shisan chooses to stand on the opposite side of father, father will deal with Shisan like this?"

As soon as Xiao Ruolin said this, Queen Hu's face changed.

Emperor Mingde was also stunned.

He looked at Xiao Ruolin strangely, stretched out his hand and flicked his forehead: "Silly boy, what are you talking about."

Xiao Ruolin did not cover his red forehead, but still said seriously: "Father, I am very serious! Father made the wrong decision, and this decision will make me very angry! I am more angry than ever before!"

Emperor Mingde was a little amused. He touched Xiao Ruolin's head and said with a doting face: "Father is the ruler of a country, he will not do anything wrong, don't worry."

Empress Hu couldn't help laughing, covering her mouth and laughing: "Although your father is sometimes unruly, he is the king of Beili after all. How can he say that you are correcting his mistakes."

"But father is also a human being. No one is perfect. How can he not make mistakes in his life." Xiao Ruolin said dissatisfiedly.

Emperor Mingde laughed up to the sky. This little guy said the truth.

No one is perfect!

He touched his beard and said seriously: "If the emperor does something wrong, Xiao Shisan will cut off the emperor's beard. I have grown this beard for a long time, and it is very beautiful!"

Then, he scratched Xiao Ruolin's small and delicate nose.

"But if Xiao Shisan is wrong, the emperor will beat you hard with a stick, and let your mother hold the stick, and let your mother beat you until your butt is broken."

Empress Hu glared at Emperor Mingde unhappily and said angrily: "Your Majesty should do it, I can't bear it."

This warm scene fell into Xiao Ruolin's eyes, making him inexplicably nostalgic.

If it continues like this, how great it would be...

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