The emperor looked at the sword stuck in the ground with lingering fear, and thought of the prediction of the Imperial Observatory, and his inner uneasiness became stronger.

"Jin Xuan!"

"Your Majesty, I am here."

Emperor Mingde took a deep breath and calmed down: "Take your men to search the nearby palaces and make sure to find the assassin!"


Jin Xuan was stunned.

Emperor Mingde frowned slightly: "What are you still standing there for?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Jin Xuan turned around, waved his hand, and said to everyone: "Come on, search for the assassin."

After everyone left, Xiao Ruofeng came over and asked softly: "Brother, the palace is heavily guarded. This sword is clearly an alien object. Where did this assassin come from?"

Emperor Mingde shook his head and sighed slightly: "Ruofeng, I am not looking for an assassin, but to shut up those people in the court."

Then, he looked at the baby in Hu's arms, with a sad face.

"The queen has been pregnant for three years, and the Imperial Observatory regards the baby in the womb as an ominous sign. The ministers in the court criticized it, and all the words were that my little thirteenth was a monster. This matter has long been spread throughout Tianqi, and now these problems have occurred. What should I do..."

Hearing this, Xiao Ruofeng was stunned.

The thirteenth child of my brother was regarded as an ominous sign by everyone before he was born, and now there is such a strange phenomenon.

I'm afraid that tomorrow morning, the memorials from the ministers will pile up like a mountain.

Hu also noticed that the atmosphere was not right. She hugged the baby in her arms tightly and begged Emperor Mingde with almost pleading eyes.

Facing his beloved wife's eyes, Emperor Mingde nodded slightly, indicating that she should relax.

Hu's eyes moved to the delicate baby in the swaddling clothes. Her face was full of maternal softness, but she revealed a trace of barely perceptible sadness.

Emperor Mingde's eyes dimmed when he saw this scene.

Why was his child sentenced to death by the Imperial Observatory before he was born?

The status of the Imperial Observatory in Beili is self-evident. It can be said to be the most authoritative institution in the entire Beili.

The national master can still suppress other celestial masters of the Imperial Observatory, but who should stop the mouths of those ministers in the court?

Today's Beili is no longer the Beili of the Xiao family.

Seven years later...

——Jixia Academy

"The Tao that can be told is not the real Tao; the name that can be named is not the real name."

In the academy, the sound of students reciting poems can be heard.

Xiao Ruolin raised his head and glanced at the elegant gentleman sitting on the podium, and then his eyes fell on those students.

"This ancient academy is even more boring than the school in my previous life. I really want to practice sword!"

"Practice sword?"

A gentle and easy-going voice suddenly came from behind.

Xiao Ruolin turned around abruptly, and the master who should have been in the academy appeared behind him at some point, looking at him with a smile on his face.

This man is not simple!

"May I ask why the little prince wants to practice sword?" The master asked with a smile.

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the students in the academy focused their attention here.

"I heard that there are five great sword immortals in the world, and the students are very yearning. I want to practice sword skills and learn from them." Xiao Ruolin answered without hiding anything.

After hearing his answer, there was a burst of laughter in the school.

"Ruolin, you are a prince, but you want to learn to wield swords and guns from those country folks. Are you deliberately trying to make us laugh?"

"How can a scholar practice martial arts? Isn't that what a reckless man should do?"

"How can a person of the Jianghu and the grass roots enter this high-ranking academy? It's unlucky..."


Faced with the sarcasm of this group of people, Xiao Ruolin was not angry.

After all, it was normal for ancient scholars to look down on warriors, not to mention that these people were spoiled and pampered young men.

Scholars who claim to be superior naturally disdain such things.

"If I remember correctly, His Majesty seems to have forbidden the little prince to practice martial arts. Am I wrong?" Mr. Jijiu looked at the child in front of him with interest.

Although the child was not very old, he gave people a sense of calmness and composure, which made him a little curious.

"Sir, please stop talking. I get angry when I think about this. My father forbids me from touching anything related to martial arts, even peeking at my brother practicing martial arts. This old guy really pissed me off." Xiao Ruolin looked angry.

The system clearly gave him a peerless sword, but that sword was put into the No. 1 Building in the World by his cheap father, and he couldn't take it out even if he wanted to.

For some reason, other princes can learn both literature and martial arts, but he is strictly controlled by Emperor Mingde and can only learn literature.

Thinking of this,

Xiao Ruolin felt very aggrieved.

As soon as he said this, the entire Jixia Academy fell silent.

What a guy! He actually called the current emperor an old boy. He was so bold!

All the students had such thoughts in their minds.

"If you enter the world with a pen, you may become a sword immortal. Let's stop here for today." Mr. Jijiu said this and turned away.

Looking at Mr. Jijiu's back, Xiao Ruolin was thoughtful.

He always felt that this teacher was of great origin, unlike the previous teacher, who was pedantic and stubborn.

While he was thinking, outside the school, a heroic young man called out: "Ruolin, go home."

"I'm here!"

Xiao Ruolin responded happily, packed up his things and ran out of the school.

Outside the school, a young man in a green shirt stood under the shade of a tree waiting for Xiao Ruolin, and next to him stood an equally heroic young man.

Seeing the two, Xiao Ruolin waved his hands and greeted them with a smile:

"Royal brother, Brother Lingchen!"

Xiao Lingchen turned his head slightly and nodded to Xiao Ruolin.

Seeing this, Xiao Chuhe frowned slightly and said, "Xiao Lingchen, why do you always follow me?"

Xiao Lingchen raised his eyebrows and immediately retorted, "What do you mean by I follow you? I came to see Ruolin."

"Ruolin, Ruolin is so affectionate. This is my brother. If you want, ask the uncle to have another one, don't take my Ruolin away." Xiao Chuhe was a little unhappy.

I used to think this guy was annoying, and since my mother gave birth to Ruolin, this guy has become even more annoying.

Now he follows him every day, and his own Ruolin calls him Brother Lingchen.

This intimate name can only be called by him.

"I don't." Xiao Lingchen said with a smile.

Looking at his playful appearance, Xiao Chuhe couldn't help but want to beat him up.

"Why, you want to fight? I'm always here for you." Xiao Lingchen raised his lips provocatively.

"Can you beat me?" Xiao Chuhe looked relaxed.

"I can't, but when I get hurt, I'll let my brother Ruolin apply medicine to me." Xiao Lingchen looked matter-of-fact.

Xiao Chuhe was so angry that his teeth itched. This guy didn't bother those ladies of Tianqi, but always revolved around his brother.

"Hmph, I won't bother with little brats." Xiao Chuhe snorted coldly and left.

Xiao Lingchen shook his head and followed him: "What are you talking about? Aren't you also a little brat?"

He didn't like to pester Xiao Ruolin, but he thought it was very interesting to tease Xiao Chuhe like this.

"Brother, what did the uncle teach you today?" On the way back, Xiao Ruolin couldn't help asking.

Before Xiao Chuhe could speak, Xiao Lingchen took the initiative to say: "Xiao Ruolin, what my father taught me today was not simple."

"Did he teach me swordsmanship?" Xiao Ruolin asked curiously.

Although the system would assign him tasks every day, such as doing 10,000 push-ups to improve his cultivation, and 10,000 sit-ups to improve his cultivation.

But there was no reward for swordsmanship. The martial arts realm in this world is divided into thirteen levels.

In addition to the first to ninth grades, there are four more realms above the first grade.

Because of the system, he started practicing at the age of four. Now he is at the second grade of martial arts and is about to touch the threshold of the first grade.

But the problem is that he only has cultivation but no skills. From the age of four to five, for a whole year, the tasks issued by the system only rewarded cultivation but not skills.

He was eager to learn some martial arts secrets, but Emperor Mingde was strict and sent a eunuch to watch him in the dark, which made it impossible for him to learn secretly.

"The sword technique that my father taught Chu He today is called the Splitting Nation Sword Technique!" Xiao Lingchen looked at Xiao Ruolin solemnly.

Splitting Nation Sword Technique! Xiao Ruolin was a little excited.

He had read the history books of Beili. The Splitting Nation Sword Technique was created by Xiao Yi, the emperor of Beili. Needless to say, the power of the sword technique is very powerful.

Moreover, just hearing the name is extremely domineering. Coach, I want to learn this!

"Brother, I want to learn this!"


The two answered in unison.

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