The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Accompanied by Jin Xuan's sharp voice, several ministers immediately stopped arguing.

In the entire Pingqing Palace, except for the Prince of Langya, the Grand Master, and the Marquis of Jinyi Lanyue, all the civil and military officials knelt down and shouted:

"Long live the emperor!"

The Emperor Mingde came slowly, wearing a dragon robe and a jade crown, looking majestic. He sat high on the dragon throne and glanced from below.

"My dear ministers!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone responded and then stood up.

There were three people in the court who did not have to kneel down to the emperor.

The first one is Beili Grand Protector Langya King Xiao Ruofeng; the second is Beili Elder Grand Tutor Dong Zhu; the third is Jinyi Lanyue Marquis Xiao Yueli.

They are all the right-hand men of Emperor Mingde, and the first two are deeply loved by the people of Beili.

Emperor Mingde is sitting on the dragon throne, with a majestic face.

"If you have something to say, please report it. If not, please leave the court!" Jin Xuan shouted loudly.

Then, a group of civil officials began to come forward to give advice, all about trivial matters such as this year's crop harvest and oxen plowing the land.

Emperor Mingde yawned and supported himself lazily, occasionally answering a few words, and about half an hour passed.

It was not until the Minister of Revenue Li Ruozhong came forward to report the emergency of the national treasury that Emperor Mingde took it seriously.

"Your Majesty, due to the floods in the south this year, dams were built in various places to prevent floods. The amount of work is huge, and there is not much silver left in the national treasury." Li Ruozhong said slowly.

Emperor Mingde glanced at Jin Xuan, then raised his hand and said softly: "Announce!"

Jin Xuan understood and walked slowly to the front under the gaze of hundreds of eyes in the court.

Announced the "Twelve Tax Laws" to solve the problem of Beili's treasury emergency.

However, after Jin Xuan read out the tax law.

The whole court was shocked!

Because the "Twelve Tax Laws" can not only solve the problem of Beili's treasury emergency, but also expand it.

But the biggest problem is that it increases the taxes of the people.

It can be said that the "Twelve Tax Laws" is the most severe tax law since Beili left the court.

It even changed the system of Beili for a time!

In the court, hundreds of officials talked about it, and a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

These discussions were naturally heard by Emperor Mingde.

However, he did not have any expression, but just looked coldly at the ministers who were arguing below.

In his opinion, Beili has been stable for too long, and there has been no war for many years.

The people live and work in peace and contentment, and their lives have long been rich. Building dams and reservoirs are all feedback to the people, and it is natural to increase taxes.

Not only that, in order to create a prosperous era, it is necessary to store countless silver.

The final result will also be fed back to the people, and they will surely understand.

Doing this is all for Beili.

He knew that the moment the "Twelve Tax Laws" were promulgated, the court was destined to be unpeaceful.

In the court, the ministers discussed it with red faces, and most of them supported this tax law.

There were only a few who opposed it, and most of the court officials supported it.

Soon, the voices in Pingqing Hall gradually became unified.

The voices of opposition became fewer and fewer, and were soon drowned out by the voices of supporters.

Just when Emperor Mingde was about to finalize it, the three people who had been silent, the King of Langya, stood up.

"Your Majesty! I object!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion in the court.

This Langya King is the confidant of Emperor Mingde, and he is also a brother of the same family. He is also quite prestigious in the court.

He objects?

That's interesting.

"The border areas of Beili are often harassed by Nanjue, and there have been wars for many years. Even Beili is deeply affected by floods. Now the internal troubles have not been resolved, and the foreign enemies are still ready to move."

The Langya King bowed his head and clasped his hands together: "I beg Your Majesty to temporarily put aside the tax law, recuperate, reduce taxes, and reduce public grievances!"

After hearing the words of the Langya King, Emperor Mingde frowned slightly, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"Recruitment, when will it be?" Although the tone of Emperor Mingde was light, it made all the officials present tremble.

Even a fool could hear the displeasure in His Majesty's tone, let alone this group of old foxes in the court.

"Your Majesty, please give the people a few more years. When every household can eat meat every month, it will not be too late to issue the Twelve Tax Laws." Prince Langya lowered his head with a respectful attitude.

"Meat?" Emperor Mingde frowned slightly, his tone a little cold: "Prince Langya means that under my long-term governance, the people of Beili still cannot eat meat every month.


"Your Majesty..." The King of Langya was about to open his mouth to defend himself again.

However, before he could finish, Emperor Mingde interrupted him directly.

"Year after year, month after month, if it goes on like this, resting and recuperating, when will Beili be able to prosper, when will the emperor come to congratulate!"

The words of Emperor Mingde were loud and clear, and every word was pronounced, as if a heavy hammer hit everyone's heart.

"Your Majesty! Nowadays, the prosperity of Beili lies in the fact that every family can have enough food and the people can live and work in peace and contentment." The King of Langya raised his eyes and met the cold eyes of Emperor Mingde, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice.

"Increasing taxes is also to give back to the people better! I do this for them!"

"Then your majesty can use the silver from the treasury instead of reaching out to the people, using the people's money to achieve your goals, how is this different from robbers?"

"Robbers will not build reservoirs for them! Give porridge to disaster relief! ”

“This tax law is unprecedented since the founding of the dynasty. Your Majesty, do you want to set a precedent?”

“I am the king of Beili, so why not!”

“Your Majesty should know that water can carry a boat but can also overturn it. Increasing taxes is tantamount to undermining the people’s trust in the Xiao family.”

“How outrageous!”

The words of the King of Langya immediately made Emperor Mingde furious.

He roared, his face gloomy and terrifying. He slammed the table and stood up, pointing at the King of Langya and shouted: “Is there anything I did for myself? You are deliberately trying to piss me off! ”

This was the first time that Emperor Mingde got angry since he ascended the throne, and it was so severe. It was also the first time that the court officials saw the two quarreling.

Just when the court officials thought that one of them would choose to back down, they never thought that the quarrel between the two would become more intense.

Today, the Prince of Langya changed his usual attitude and spoke sharply, without any scruples because of Emperor Mingde’s identity.

Seeing that the situation was about to develop into an uncontrollable situation, Grand Tutor Dong Zhu and Lan Yuehou hurriedly stepped forward to persuade them to stop.

Finally, Emperor Mingde announced a three-day recess and left with an angry face.

The King of Langya also left in silence with a cold face.

Today's incident soon spread throughout the Tianqi City, causing quite a stir.

Because the King of Langya had never disobeyed Emperor Mingde, and had always been respectful and unconditionally supported Emperor Mingde.

And Emperor Mingde had never scolded the King of Langya. Today, the two seemed to have a tacit understanding, neither of them was willing to give in, and neither of them was willing to admit defeat.

Everyone, including Queen Hu, didn't know the reason, only one person knew the truth behind it.

That person was Xiao Ruolin...

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