The matter was just as Xiao Yu had guessed. The next morning, a notice appeared on the bulletin board of Tianqi.

The content was: The Sixth Prince of Beili disobeyed the emperor's order, injured the court soldiers, ignored his father's order, and openly pleaded for the traitors, which angered His Majesty. He was demoted to a commoner and exiled to Qingzhou.

As soon as this notice came out, it caused a sensation in an instant. Whether it was the people in Tianqi City or the royal nobles, they were all in an uproar.

As everyone knows, the Sixth Prince is the most favored prince of the current emperor. He is not only good at both civil and military affairs, but also very talented, and is deeply loved by the current emperor.

He is the leader of the younger generation of the Xiao family. Now he is demoted to a commoner for pleading for the King of Langya. It is really sad.

After the example of the Sixth Prince, no one in the whole Tianqi dared to speak well of the King of Langya.

Even the most favored prince was demoted. There are many examples before. Who dares to say more?

Even the Imperial Observatory said that the punishment of the King of Langya could not be delayed.

The emperor wanted the King of Langya to die, who could stop him?

Even among his old friends, there are still three who are not in the city. In addition to one who died in battle and two who hid in the rivers and lakes, Baihu, one of the four guardians, has already expressed his attitude.

Then, the only one who can save the King of Langya is Qinglong, one of the four guardians of Tianqi.

The heir of the sword tomb-Li Xinyue!

However, on the night when the Yulin Army put down the rebellion, the outside of Li Xinyue's mansion was surrounded by soldiers.

Among them, there are dozens of top masters from the imperial city to guard them. If there is any disturbance, they will be killed directly.

Seven days later, it is the day of the execution of King Langya.

A carriage left Tianqi today, and on the city wall, Xiao Ruolin looked at the carriage quietly. Although his face was calm, his heart was extremely touched.

"I want to buy osmanthus flowers and carry wine together, but I will never travel as a young man in this life."

After today, there will be no more heroic and vigorous Sixth Prince of Beili, only an innkeeper, and the autumn wind is bleak.

Although he knew it was a dead end, Xiao Ruolin still refused to give up.

He was an outsider before, just immersed in it and enjoying the second life of the story.

But now he is already in the game, so he may not be unable to turn the tide.

Xiao Ruolin jumped up, surrounded by three swords, the wheel as a ladder, Gan Jiang and Moye paved the way, stepping on the sword body step by step, walking in the air.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the sky was dark and depressing, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

The Prince of Langya, wearing white and with shackles on his hands, slowly walked out of the dark and damp cage.

Although he was dying, he did not look vicissitudes of life. He was in prison, but he did not lose his grace.

On the execution ground, the emperor sat on a high platform, with a curtain behind him. Below, there were ministers and soldiers standing in a black mass, solemn and rigorous.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Justice, the Prince of Langya walked all the way to the execution platform.

All the courtiers under the stage sighed, and many even covered their tears with regret.

A young man appeared quietly on the execution ground, walked to Queen Hu, and took her hand.

Feeling a little cold, Queen Hu immediately lowered her head and found that it was her youngest son who had been missing for many days.

She got angry on the spot, and for the first time in her life, she scolded her youngest son, and kept complaining.

Xiao Ruolin held his mother's hand tightly, without saying anything or refutation, but tears filled his eyes.

Queen Hu was immediately distressed, and could not bear to blame him anymore. She hugged her youngest son into her arms and choked up and said, "Let's go home."

After saying that, she wanted to leave the execution ground.

But Xiao Ruolin shook his head gently and buried his head in his mother's arms.

Queen Hu thought that her son wanted to send her uncle off for the last time, so she stopped talking and just patted his back gently.

She was secretly glad that her youngest son did not anger His Majesty like her eldest son.

Originally, she thought that Lin'er would be the most noisy, but she never thought that Chu He was the most worrying one.

At this moment, she only prayed that her child would not leave her again.

"It's noon! Prepare for execution!" The executioner threw out the token, his voice loud and majestic.

The executioner spat, wiped his palms, and then swung his sword.

At this moment, there was a big commotion on the west side of the execution ground.

A woman holding a sword slowly broke into the execution ground, and at her feet, dozens of imperial city masters lay.

The woman's face was as cold as frost, and she jumped onto the execution platform.

The executioner was shocked, and swung his sword to chop, but was kicked away by the woman.

A piece of fat drew a perfect arc in the air, fell heavily on the high platform, and landed in front of the person behind the curtain.

The cold voice of Emperor Mingde came from behind the curtain.

's voice: "Li Xinyue, are you also going to rebel?"

Li Xinyue stood with her sword horizontally, laughing at herself, her voice clear and firm: "I have never rebelled, and I will not rebel, but someone forced me to rebel."

The King of Langya raised his eyes slightly, and a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Emperor Mingde did not speak, but raised his hand and waved it gently.

In an instant, the five great supervisors of Tianqi, the Heavenly Master of the Imperial Observatory, and the White Tiger, one of the four guardians, all showed a hint of killing intent.

Except for the great supervisor Jinxuan, the other four supervisors took the lead and went straight to Li Xinyue.

And Li Xinyue did not hesitate to meet the opponent, and used her famous skill Jianxin Jue to fight against four alone.

Her swordsmanship was very exquisite, the sword light was dazzling, like mercury pouring on the ground, and every move was extremely aggressive.

However, facing the encirclement and suppression of the four major supervisors, Li Xinyue did not have an advantage, and even had a faint sign of defeat.

The offensive of the four prisons became more and more fierce, almost drowning her.

However, her eyes did not change at all, still indifferent and calm.

Such people seemed to have no fear of death or pain at all.

But some people are alive, perhaps they have already died...

Xiao Ruolin looked at the other party silently and saw the relief in the other party's eyes.

Perhaps the other party had long wanted to be free...

At that moment, he felt an indescribable taste in his heart.

That look was so similar to Uncle Wang's, which made him unable to help but raise the question of his previous life.

Why do people live?

Is it to live to die?

Or to suffer all kinds of things in the world and then die generously?

After half an incense stick, Li Xinyue gradually began to lose strength, and the sword power became weaker and weaker.

Blood dripped down the sword body, staining her snow-white gown red.

Xiao Ruolin hesitated, his hand on his lips, and a trace of struggle flashed in his heart.

On the execution platform, there was his uncle, who was also his family.

But behind the curtain, there was his father, the king of Beili.

If he took action at this moment, it would mean that he would go against his father and choose to stand on the opposite side of his father.

And by then, I am afraid that his hard-earned family affection.

would also disappear into thin air...

His brother still had the courage to stand on the opposite side of his father, but what about him?

Did he have the courage to stand on the opposite side of his father?

At this moment, a white shadow flashed across the gray sky.

The white shadow came at a high speed, carrying the power of a sword, and approached Tianqi City.

In an instant, Lingshuang and Ao Xue, the weather suddenly turned cold.

Qi Tianchen looked up and saw sporadic snowflakes floating in the air. He frowned and protected Emperor Mingde. He said, "Your Majesty, this place is dangerous. Please retreat temporarily."

"Why?" Emperor Mingde said lightly.

"Nan has a sword force that is pressing directly against Tianqi, with the sword pointing at the emperor."

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