The king of Bai was very happy.

After listening to his subordinates' report, Xiao Chong frowned slightly and said in a serious tone: "Send the order, any news about Xiao Shisan, whether true or false, send someone to inform me as soon as possible."

The scholar-like counselor was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "Your Highness, the Thirteenth Prince and the Sixth Prince are both from the same faction, and the Sixth Prince is your biggest competitor. Why does your Highness spend his time on the Thirteenth Prince?"

The counselor was puzzled. The Sixth Prince was the most favored by Emperor Mingde, and now he was finally demoted to Qingzhou because of the Langya Prince's treason case.

Your Highness did not seize such a good opportunity, but spent manpower to find someone who stood by the Sixth Prince, and that person was the Sixth Prince's younger brother.

Isn't this asking for trouble?

Xiao Chong shook his head, raised his hand and said: "The war between us and the Sixth Brother has nothing to do with Xiao Shisan. Just because Xiao Shisan sincerely called me the Second Brother, he will always be my Thirteenth Brother."

In the 16th year of Mingde, the historian recorded:

Emperor Mingde promulgated the "Twelve Sects Tax Law", which was the most severe tax law since the Northern Expedition. The King of Langya opposed the tax law in court in the Pingqing Palace. Emperor Mingde and the King of Langya had a fierce debate, and finally ended the topic with Emperor Mingde taking a three-day leave of absence.

However, seven days later, Tianqi was invaded by the rebels. On that day, an unprecedented riot broke out in Tianqi. The imperial guards of the imperial city carried the rebels, and the royal majesty was severely damaged. Emperor Mingde ordered the troops to be stationed a few miles away from Tianqi City to quell the rebellion. The commander of the Yulin Army, Xie Lingyun, led 10,000 Yulin Army soldiers into the city to suppress the rebellion. Soon the riot was quelled, and the Langya King was imprisoned. He did not say a word until the execution day.

On the day when the Langya King was executed, Jianxinzhong and Langya King’s friend Li Xinyue took a sword to rob the execution ground. On the same day, the thirteenth prince of Beili held a sword and confronted Emperor Mingde. The execution ground was in chaos, and the Langya King fled and disappeared with the thirteenth prince.

The cold winter is coming, and the snow is falling.

In a secluded valley in Beili, there stands a courtyard built of thatch. Although the courtyard is small, it has everything.

Smoke rose from the thatched cottage, and an old immortal was brewing medicine in his hands, while a middle-aged man stood beside him.

The man looked at the half-old immortal anxiously and asked, "Sir, may I ask when my nephew will wake up? He has been in a coma for three months."

While the half-old immortal was boiling the medicine, he held a piece of grass in his mouth: "It may be as short as half a year, or as long as several years. It may be today, it may be tomorrow, or it may never wake up."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was suddenly shocked. He looked at the half-old immortal eagerly: "Old sir, my nephew is at the prime of his life, and he is full of vigor and vitality. You must save him."

"I am saving him now, am I not saving him?" The half-old immortal frowned: "You know you are worried now, but why didn't you feel sorry before, and let a ten-year-old child suffer such a serious injury, and his internal organs were all dislocated. If he hadn't met me, he would have died long ago."

The middle-aged man was full of guilt, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let him get involved in our generation."

The half-old immortal boiled the medicine, put on gloves, and lifted the medicine jar.

The middle-aged man hurried to the table and placed the bowl.

After pouring a bowl of medicine, the half-old immortal walked to the edge of the bed, looking at the handsome young man with no blood on his face and only one breath left, his heart was full of regret.

"What a handsome young man, but now he is like this." The half-old immortal shook his head.

Then he sat down, slightly lifted the young man's head, and fed him the medicine.

"Whether you live or die depends on your own luck, but I have tried my best." The half-old immortal muttered while feeding.

The medicine slowly went into the boy's stomach through his mouth, and the white snow covered the valley.

Just like the boy's hope that was covered...

Day after day, year after year, the biting cold wind rolled the goose feather snow and covered the whole valley with silver, and the whole valley was covered with white hair.

In the twelfth month of winter, the frost and snow fell, and there seemed to be willows and spring shade on the lips;

If you want to ask where to find the mellow fragrance, there is a small thatched cottage in the snow valley in the forest.

In the white courtyard, two people were roasting by the fire.

The half-old immortal tore off the burnt gray skin of the sweet potato and glared at the middle-aged man unhappily: "You have nothing to do outside? Why don't you go see your family and stay here with me?"

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, exhaled a breath of white air, and slowly said: "If I go out, it will only make this world more chaotic. It's better not to see it. Retiring to the mountains and forests like this may be my final destination."

"You young man, you eat my food and use my things, of course you

All right. "The half-old immortal curled his lips.

The middle-aged man smiled, "Old man, although I am half-disabled, I am good at chopping wood and hunting. You are wronging me by saying that."

"Then why are we eating sweet potatoes instead of meat now?" The half-old immortal asked.

The middle-aged man was speechless for a moment, and roasted his sweet potatoes in depression.

He looked up at the hut with a melancholy face: "When will my poor nephew wake up..."

The half-old immortal glanced at him, ate the roasted sweet potatoes, and said vaguely: "I didn't know your relationship, I thought you were father and son, so I was looking forward to it."

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed: "Not father and son, but better than father and son. If it weren't for me, the emperor's uncle, how could he have suffered this disaster."

The half-old immortal hit the middle-aged man with a stick and cursed: "I am just an old man who lives in seclusion. Don't let me hear about your things outside. "

The middle-aged man hurriedly apologized, and as an apology, he gave the other party his freshly baked sweet potato as compensation.

The half-old immortal took the sweet potato, smiled with satisfaction, and then forgave the middle-aged man.

Unlike this quiet secluded valley, the outside world is still spinning like a pointer.

In the eighteenth year of Mingde, the Sixth Prince, who was demoted to Qingzhou because of the Langya King's treason case, was recalled to Tianqi by Emperor Mingde, and was exempted from all crimes and posthumously named the King of Yong'an.

On a rainy night, a carriage was galloping on the official road.

The driver raised his long whip and galloped the horse, just because there was a person of extremely noble status sitting in the carriage.

The nobleman paid several times more tolls and asked him to go to Tianqi as quickly as possible. For this reason, he traveled day and night just to live up to his trust.

"Such a heavy rain, it's really a ghost. "The driver could not help but complain.

But suddenly, a man appeared in front of the official road, a man wearing a bamboo hat.

"Whoa!" The driver pulled the reins abruptly, and the horse immediately neighed harshly.

The person in the sedan slowly opened his eyes.

The driver squinted and saw the figure under the evening rain: "Who?"

He slowly put his hand on his waist, wandering around the world, being a driver for the people of the world, it is really difficult to survive in this world without some real kung fu.

However, the man in front did not say a word, but walked towards the carriage step by step, slowly and steadily.

With every step, the horses retreated in panic. If it were not for the reins pulling them, they would have run away long ago.

Just because the man opposite exuded a faint murderous intent.

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