The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.


But as soon as he stepped on the flying sword, he was pulled down by Jiang Yichen.

"Does the Pavilion Master intend to challenge the Sword Immortal alone?" Jiang Yichen frowned.

"What else?"

Jiang Yichen shook his head, and then said earnestly: "The Pavilion Master is now the face of the Soul Binding Pavilion, how can he not have a follower around him."

He pointed to the big sword box on Xiao Ruolin's back, "Yes! How can a leader of a Jianghu force carry such a cheap black box."

Jiang Yichen gave a look, and Zishu immediately understood, and hurried forward to carry the sword box on Xiao Ruolin's back.

"I should be the one to do this kind of rough work. How can I let the Pavilion Master carry this black lump around?" Zishu laughed twice, with a flattering look.

"Okay..." Xiao Ruolin agreed reluctantly.

At this time, Lin Mengyao came over with three Night-Shining Snow horses.

"What is this?" Xiao Ruolin pointed at Lin Mengyao in confusion.

Jiang Yichen smiled and then said, "How can a rough man like Ah Da serve the Pavilion Master well? We have been exhausted all the way, so of course we have to choose someone who is considerate and careful. The Soul-Binding Pavilion is basically full of rough men, and Master Lin is just the right person."

Lin Mengyao smiled slightly and bowed to Xiao Ruolin.

Xiao Ruolin nodded in response. He didn't expect that a lady from Tianqi would be willing to follow them to form a killer organization.

This is really rare...

In this way, the three of them rode on the Night-Shining Snow and headed south.

The sky was blue and the clouds rolled and spread.

The breeze blew, making the maple leaves rustle and fall.

Xiao Ruolin stood on the top of the mountain, looking down, and saw the mountains were endless, surrounded by clouds and mist, and it was extraordinary.

This is the Maple Valley, the main altar of their Soul Binding Pavilion, and the place where he and Langya Wang Shu were ambushed.

"What a beautiful view."

Zishu and Lin Mengyao stood side by side beside Xiao Ruolin, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance and exclaimed.

"It's really beautiful. I almost died here that year." Xiao Ruolin sighed faintly.

"After we led away the pursuers, we found the scraps of clothes left by the Pavilion Master on this mountain. Everyone turned the entire mountain over, but couldn't find the Pavilion Master. Pavilion Master, you don't know how worried Elder Jiang was about you at that time." Zishu was full of emotion.

Listening to these things, Xiao Ruolin felt a warm current in his heart.

"Master, you pulled us out of that abyss. I am a rough man and don't understand those tricks. I only ask you, Master, don't hide anything from us in the future." Zishu looked at Xiao Ruolin with an extremely serious look.

Although Lin Mengyao didn't say anything, she also looked at Xiao Ruolin tacitly.

I don't know when, I have become a ray of light in the hearts of these people.

Xiao Ruolin raised the corners of his lips and showed a gentle smile. He smiled lightly and patted Zishu's shoulder: "I am an honest man, how could I do those things to deceive you."

"I think so too." Zishu smiled happily: "Then let's get going quickly, Master."

"Okay!" Xiao Ruolin nodded, and then jumped up and jumped onto the back of the horse.

The horse's hooves clattered, raising a cloud of dust.

The maple leaves were falling, red as fire, and reflected between the eyebrows of the three people, looking so bright and moving.

At a tea stall on the official road, a group of martial arts heroes sat together, discussing the recent major events in the martial arts world.

"Hey! Have you heard? Recently, a new force has emerged in the martial arts world. In just three years, it has overshadowed the old forces such as the Leijiabao Tangmen."

"Are you talking about the Soul Binding Pavilion?"

"Yes, and according to rumors, the leader of this new force is a little kid. Although he is a junior, his strength is quite strong. I heard that he has reached the free and easy heaven realm at the age of thirteen."

Free and easy heaven realm!

"The Sixth Prince, who was hailed as the first genius of Beili, became a legend when he entered the free and easy world at the age of seventeen. What kind of monster is the head of the Soul Binding Pavilion?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hearing this news, all the knights took a breath.

In the corner of the tea stall, there were three people sitting. One of them showed dissatisfaction on his face after hearing the conversation of the knights.

"Master, someone is scolding you. I'm going to teach him a lesson!" Zishu was about to stand up when he was held down by Xiao Ruolin.

"Stop it, they are praising me." Xiao Ruolin looked helpless.

"They are calling you a monster, how can this be a compliment?" Zishu's eyes widened.

Oh no, could the Master have some...

A strange habit?

Zishu thought with his chin twirling, his expression still serious.

Perhaps he should redefine the Pavilion Master's preferences.

Xiao Ruolin directly used a force to split Huashan, interrupting Zishu's strange thoughts.

Seeing that Ah Da's tongue was stretched out by Xiao Ruolin's hand, Lin Mengyao couldn't help but cover her lips and chuckle.

This smile was like a blooming ice lotus, making the pedestrians on the official road look obsessed.

Lin Mengyao also noticed the eyes of the people around her and lowered her head shyly.

At this time, a man in black clothes suddenly approached and bowed to Xiao Ruolin: "Miss, may I ask how old you are? Where do you live?"

This question was very abrupt, which made Zishu a little unhappy.

Damn it!

Did this guy completely ignore him and the Pavilion Master? He dared to pick up girls in front of the two men.

No! The Pavilion Master was still a young man with high spirits and had not yet experienced the happiness of a man.

Rat slammed the tea table, stood up and scolded: "Little brat, can't you see your two grandfathers sitting at the table?"

This shout startled everyone at the tea stall, and they all turned around to watch the show.

"If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the flower-picking thief Mr. Shenxu? Which girl has he taken a fancy to?"

"The two girls at the table are not bad. They must have been favored by Mr. Shenxu. Alas! It's pitiful."

"Look at that man. Although he is strong and muscular, how can a man protect two women in front of Mr. Shenxu?"

"Is there anyone who can report to the police for that brother? Two flowers are stuck in Mr. Shenxu's cow dung. I can't bear it."

"What's the point of reporting to the police? The bounty of a flower-picking thief is only worth a few dollars. What's more, which of the heroes present has entered the four realms?"

A group of knights talked about it, some regretted and some gloated.

Hearing the discussion of the people around him, Zishu frowned slightly.

What a bullshit Kidney Deficiency Master, who would give himself such a title.

"My dear brother, I am talking to these two beautiful girls, not you. If possible, please leave. I don't want to be rough in front of these two beauties." Kidney Deficiency Master had a slight smile on his face, as if he didn't take Zishu seriously at all.

In this world, the strong are respected, and he is a master who has entered the fourth realm.

His only hobby is picking flowers. He vowed since he was a child that he must pick every red and attractive flower in Beili.

For this reason, he has been practicing hard with his master since he was a child, so that he can force women from his mother's family and plunder the wives of young and beautiful people in the future.

Pick every wild flower he encounters on the roadside!

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