The young man in front of him could not be treated with ordinary treatment. Xiao Ruolin changed Sikong Changfeng's original idea with his strength. Sikong Changfeng waved his hand and said loudly, "Come on, welcome the distinguished guest!" With his shout, hundreds of elite disciples of Xueyue City appeared on the street. They stood on both sides of the road with solemn expressions, looking very impressive.

Apart from the ally of Jiangnan Pilitang Leijiabao, the only one who could make Xueyue City welcome them with the highest standards was the Tang Sect in Shuzhong.

But today, a new force was welcomed by Xueyue City with the highest standards. This force was the new force in the martial arts world - Juhun Pavilion.

The commotion in Xueyue City naturally attracted the martial arts forces and martial artists staying in the city.

The three words Juhun Pavilion also completely entered the public's field of vision and attracted the attention of many sects.

Especially Xianxia Sect and Huiyue Pavilion, just because they knew that their pavilion masters were the young man who broke into the pavilion that day, and the young man's stunning appearance made them tremble with love, and they all wanted to make friends with him.

Since ancient times, Xianxia Sect and Huiyue Pavilion only recruited female disciples, and the appearance of the women in their sects was not low, which caused the martial artists to be dissatisfied.

They complained that it was just a killer organization that everyone wanted to fight, but it actually made you old ladies blind.

The two disciples said, what about the assassin organization?

They have a very good reputation in the martial arts world, and because of the Dark River organization, the martial arts world actually thinks that assassins should be like the Soul-Binding Pavilion.

They only accept orders from treacherous villains, not loyal and righteous people.

After this incident, the Soul-Binding Pavilion has officially entered the public eye and is no longer the unknown third-rate organization.

Not only has it made a name for itself in the assassin circle, it has also established its foothold and been recognized by the martial arts world.

Of course, Xiao Ruolin knows nothing about these things in the outside world.

At this moment, he is sitting in the Friendship Pavilion in Xueyue City, explaining the story of the Western Chu medicine man to Sikong Changfeng.

It is said that the land of Western Chu is rich in poisons, which can make people hallucinate, make people lose their minds, and turn them into a killing machine.

And to cultivate poisons, extremely harsh environments and conditions are required. Each poisonous grass must live in extremely hot or extremely cold places, and it also needs to be combined with various rare flowers.

The land of West Chu is mostly deep mountains and old forests, with many rare and precious herbs. It is located in a remote area with few people, which is an excellent place to cultivate medicine people.

In addition, there are West Chu dancers. The organization that cultivates dancers is a huge organization, mostly for the entertainment of the children of wealthy merchants and nobles. It is an excellent place for smoke and willows.

The forces behind it are complicated. It is said that even the Huang family has intervened.

After knowing these things, Xiao Ruolin couldn't help but frown. The border area connecting Nan Jue is so complicated in West Chu.

However, what does this have to do with him?

Xiao Ruolin looked at Sikong Changfeng with curious eyes, hoping that he would answer his doubts.

Sikong Changfeng sighed and then told his identity.

When Xiao Ruolin learned that Sikong Changfeng was a disciple of the Medicine King Xin Baicao, he was stunned.

His master's master is the junior sister of the Medicine King, so doesn't he have such a relationship with Sikong Changfeng?

Sikong Changfeng approached Xiao Ruolin, touched his smooth white hair, and looked at the thousands of white hairs.

"The poison has penetrated into your hair roots. If it was just ordinary black hair turning white, it could still be cured, but unfortunately, the various characteristics of your body have been confirmed. You are a medicine man from Xichu, and the head of medicine men, the Holy Spirit Boy." Sikong Changfeng spoke slowly, with a look of regret on his face.

"Ordinary medicine men lose their minds and are like zombies at the mercy of others. Their hair color and various physical characteristics will not be affected. Only the Holy Spirit Boy has white hair and white bones."

Sikong Qianluo came forward, took Sikong Changfeng's hand away, and felt the hair that she envied with her own hands.

"But father, this white hair is beautiful, could it be that you made a mistake?"

A head full of white hair, thousands of white hairs, and that stunning face, it can be said to be extremely beautiful, this is even more feminine than a woman.

Sikong Changfeng frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed: "Immersed in the beautiful scenery, I ignored the cliff under my feet. Beauty and danger go hand in hand."


Senior Gun Immortal, what will happen to the Pavilion Master? "Zi Shu asked anxiously.

In the past, he only thought that the Pavilion Master's white hair was beautiful, and he didn't think much about it. Now, after listening to what Sikong Changfeng said, the star in his heart finally hung up.

"Affect?" Sikong Changfeng frowned, he stretched out his hand and slightly opened Xiao Ruolin's eyes.

It was a little red, but the pupils were clear and bright, as pure as a baby, without any impurities.

This is what he wondered, why Xiao Ruolin was a medicine man, but he had a mind.

"Little guy, do you remember when you turned white hair? "Sikong Changfeng finally asked his doubts.

When did his hair turn white...

Xiao Ruolin fell into memories. He remembered that year when he and Uncle Wang were hunted by the five great eunuchs of the previous dynasty, and finally fainted due to exhaustion. When he woke up, his hair was white.

He didn't know what happened during that time, but Uncle Wang told him that he was saved by the master, and the condition was to accept him as a disciple.

Could it be the master who did it?

Thinking back to the kind and amiable appearance of Banlaoxian, Xiao Ruolin really couldn't think of Banlaoxian being related to the medicine man.

However, thinking of the strange things that happened frequently around him when he lived in the mountains during those years.

For example, the floor of the room would suddenly ooze blood, and there were skinned animals entangled around him in his sleep, which reminded him of these strange things and a dusty memory in his head.

Xiao Ruolin asked: "Senior Gunxian, may I ask if the Medicine King's junior sister, Doctor Bian, has ever accepted a disciple? "

Hearing the three words Bian Suchen, Sikong Changfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, with a trace of doubt on his face.

"Do you know my uncle?"

Xiao Ruolin nodded slightly and said slowly: "To be honest, my master is the apprentice of the divine doctor Bian."

"Has my uncle ever accepted an apprentice? "Sikong Changfeng raised his eyebrows.

He had never met Master Bian in person, but only heard rumors about her from his master.

It is said that she is a loner, does not show her emotions, and does not like to socialize with others. She never returned to the Valley after leaving Yaowang Valley to train, leaving behind countless good stories in the world.

The divine doctor Bian who saves the world and helps people, the female bodhisattva who brings people back to life.

Although Sikong Changfeng has never met Bian Suchen in person, he has heard a lot about this master, especially her original silver needle acupuncture technique, which can revive the dead and turn bones into flesh.

However, he has never heard from his master that Master Bian has ever accepted an apprentice.

Looking at Xiao Ruolin's white hair, Sikong Changfeng frowned slightly and said slowly: "Can you take me to see your master? "

Xiao Ruolin hesitated. After all, his master had strictly warned him not to reveal his hiding place.

For this reason, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Senior Gun Immortal, the master has a strange temper. Unless he is willing to leave the valley, he doesn't want anyone to disturb him. "

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