Now that the answer had been written, Peng Yun was no longer ink.

Give the test paper to the invigilator in advance, then turn around and walk out of the classroom.

In June, Yangcheng has already been scorching hot.

Prepare to go home and blow the air conditioner.

Just when Peng Yun thought that he was the first to leave the school, he was surprised to find that someone was earlier than him.

The first one to come out of the examination room was a very spirited young man.

At this time, around him, there was a local TV station in Yangcheng who was interviewing.

The beautiful reporter held up the microphone and asked, "As the first student to come out of the examination room, do you have anything to say?" I

saw that the spirit guy did not have the slightest stage fright, and said loudly to the camera: "Tianmei! Strengthen the upper single Charizard!

"I, the sun!!"

Peng Yun, who was passing by the side, was stunned for a moment, this picture seems familiar!

History, it's such a coincidence!

Peng Yun smiled and walked in the direction of home.

On the way, some passers-by passed by with their own small elves.

[Elf: Katy Dog

] [Gender: Male] [

Attribute: Fire. 【

Feature: None】【Level: 5 (Novice Level)】【Potential: Novice Level

】【Personality: Shyness (No Change)】【

Skill: Long Howl...】【Genetic Skill

: None

. 【

Individual value qualifications: HP (2), attack (15), defense (19), special attack (4), special defense (18), speed (2)...

[Elf: Eevee

] [Gender: Female] [Attribute: Normal] [Characteristic: None

] [Level: 9 (Novice Level)

] [Potential: Normal Level

] [Personality: Fear of Loneliness (+Attack-Defense)

] [Skill: Sand Picking...] [

Individual Value Qualification


HP (8), Attack (11), Defense (13), Special Attack (11), Special Defense (31), Speed (12)]


As long as there are passing elves around, Peng Yun will activate the system's probe function to view.

He looked around and found a rule, and if the individual value reaches 31, it is called V.

For example, if the attack individual value reaches 31 points, that is 1V.

If both the attack and speed races have a value of 31 points, it is 2V.

And so on.

Elves with V have greater potential than elves without V.

But this is understandable, each ability has V.

That means that this elf has achieved perfection in this regard.

If it is a 6V elf, it deserves to be the best in its group.

6V elf, conservatively estimated potential can reach the level of heavenly king!

Just thinking about it, a mechanical female voice sounded in Peng Yun's head.

[21 meters ahead, 4V small Lada was found in the sewer on the right. Ouch

, not bad!

It's actually a 4V genie!

Peng Yun immediately looked in the direction prompted by the system.

In the sewers, a dark blue figure faintly flickered.

It can actively detect high-quality wild elves.

Nice, very good!

"This is a reliable system!" Peng Yun sighed.

As for that little Lada 4V?

Sorry, Peng Yun didn't have the idea of accepting it.

Little Lada, who wanders in the sewers all year round, does not conform to Peng Yun's aesthetics.

Secondly, the racial value of the Lada race is too low!

Even if little Lada evolves into Rada, there is only a pitiful 413 points.

Only the speed of 97 points is barely passable, and the other values are really miserable.

Moreover, even if Peng Yun had the intention to accept it, he had no other elves on hand now.

Did he run into the sewers and have a human and elven PK with little Rada?

"Fortunately, it's just a 4V little Rada, if it is replaced by Larulas, it is estimated that the blood pressure will rise immediately!"

Peng Yun shook his head and continued to walk in the direction of his home.

... ...

... ...

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Peng Yun returned home and put aside the admission ticket.

"My son is back!"

"Mom has already cooked!" Mother Lu Shuyan happily pulled Peng Yun to sit at the dining table.

"Boy, how was this scientific expedition in the morning?" Father Peng Jinhua asked with a little expectation.

"No problem."

"This year's elvology, it's very simple."

"If there are no accidents, you should be able to get full marks."

Peng Yunbi made an OK gesture, and then focused on dealing with the brain supplement lunch made by his mother, and... Herbal tea.

Elves learn such a simple subject, it is simply hand-to-hand!

"That's good!"

Peng Jinhua knows his son's usual academic performance, and also knows Peng Yun's personality, and he will not talk big.

He continued to ask, "In the next few exams, is it possible to work hard and impact a wave of Jinghua University?" Peng

Yun, who was eating, remembered that the next subject was mathematics!

Just a headache!

Even if this world is a world where the two planes of elves and humans are integrated, there is still mathematics in the college entrance examination!

Mathematics as a subject?


No, it won't!

People are in a hurry to do everything?

Only no matter how hard the math problem is, you can't do it!

Mother Lu Shuyan comforted on the side: "In fact, with my son's score, there is no problem at all in Kaopeng City University.

"Pengcheng University is not bad, at least it is 211."

"And Pengcheng is also close to our Yangcheng, so if you get homesick, take a train."

"The front foot herbal tea pot is ready, and before it is cool, the back foot person has already arrived home."

"By the way, I also heard about Lu Ye, the president of Pengcheng University."

"He is very accomplished in teaching and educating people, and he was also a great trainer when he was young."

Peng Yun, who was eating, heard this and almost spewed out the food in his mouth.


Teacher Lu?

Replace the poison guard with a popular man?

... ...

... ...

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