September 3.

Pengcheng University, playground.

Training Family, Breeding Family, Elven Medicine, Elf Battle Referee, Uncharted Research Department...

More than 1,300 new students gathered in the playground.

Peng Yun is also one of more than a thousand students.

On the rostrum, a Blizzard King stood on one side, slowly sending air conditioning to the sky, keeping the entire playground at about 26 degrees Celsius.

"Students, let's welcome Lu Ye, president of Pengcheng University, with applause, to speak for everyone."

Saying that, the teaching director clapped his hands vigorously and stepped down from the rostrum.

At this time, the space around the rostrum seemed to be like water, rippling outward.

Everyone noticed this detail.

"This is the spatial tremor caused by the super elves!"

Peng Yun, who contained the power of super energy, immediately sensed the difference.


On the rostrum, a middle-aged man of forty years old appeared without warning.

Beside the middle-aged man, there was also a yellow, bipedal humanoid elf.

Long beard, pointy ears, shiny head.

The chest and shoulders seem to be wrapped in brown armor, and the hands have three fingers, and each hand holds a spoon.

That's right, this elf is the Hudi of the superpower system.

【Spirit: Hudi

】【Gender: Male】【Attribute: Super Power】

Characteristic: Spiritual power (By exercising the spirit, you will not fall into fear by the opponent's moves.) [

Level: 55 (Champion Intermediate

)] [Potential: Champion

] [Personality: Introverted + Special Attack - Attack)] [Skills:

Mindfulness, Bending Spoon, Body Fixing, Teleportation, Illusion Light, Reflective Wall, Exchange Field, Spiritual Blade, Mental Strengthening, Foreseeing the Future, Meditation. 【

Genetic Skill: Magic Reflex

】【Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)


"Principal Lu!!"

"It was Principal Lu's Hudi who used teleportation just now!!"

Someone in the crowd recognized the middle-aged man on the rostrum.

"I'll go, use teleportation to get there? That's too funny!

"Calm, I heard that Principal Lu's Hudi is a champion-level elf!"

"Take someone to use the teleportation sprinkler, I heard that Principal Lu has not walked by himself for many years."

"Everywhere you go, let Hudi use teleportation."

"That's called a come and go free dashing!"

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Peng Yun was full of admiration for this middle-aged Principal Lu.

Regardless of whether this Lu Ye is the one who popularizes the poison guard.

But just this appearance, enough fun!!

The middle-aged Lu Ye pressed his hand, and Hu Di beside him bent the soup spoon in his hand slightly, and an invisible spiritual force immediately spread towards the entire playground.

Feeling the unusual fluctuations in the space, the students, who were talking about it, immediately booed.

Seeing that the students were already booing, the middle-aged Lu Ye felt very satisfied.

Then adjusted the microphone and spoke: "Hello everyone, I am the president of Pengcheng University, Lu Ye."

"First of all, on behalf of all the faculty and staff, I would like to welcome all the new students."



students and teachers at the scene applauded their faces.

The applause was a little quieter, and the middle-aged Lu Ye continued: "From today onwards, the students will officially become part of Pengcheng University.

"I hope that students will study hard and improve every day."

"Ideologically, academically, we can step to a whole new level."

"At the same time, I also hope that the students will remember the motto of Pengcheng University."

"May you stand on your own and still be embraced by the world."

"May you be disciplined as the sun rises and sets, forging yourself and reaping freedom."

"May you be self-reliant and strive for rebirth in the new era."

"Today, you are proud of the school."

"Tomorrow, the school will be proud of you."

... ...

In the applause, the middle-aged Lu Ye waved.

Then there was another fluctuation of space, and Hu Di once again used teleportation.


The middle-aged Lu Ye disappeared in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the vice principal spoke and the teacher representative spoke.

The whole process took more than an hour.

Just when Peng Yun was a little drowsy.

The mechanical female voice of the system symbol sounded in her head, and she was instantly awake.

[Hint: The time has come and the host has obtained a clue order.] 【

Hint: There are currently two clue orders for the host. "

Finally saved enough two clue orders!"

"Larulas, I'm coming!!"

With a trembling hand with excitement, Peng Yun hurriedly called the system in his mind.

"System, I'm going to search for 6V female Larulas baby egg!!"

[Hint: The host is sure to use two clue orders to search for 6V female Larulas baby eggs? ]

Without saying a word, Peng Yun immediately replied: "OK!!" "

[Hint: You have received a request from the host, consume two clue orders, and start searching.] 【

Hint: Searching...】【

Hint: 18056 meters ahead, a 6V female Larulas baby egg appears. 】

... ...

... ...

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