"Sir, this is the garlic you want." The waiter brought two cloves of garlic from the back kitchen and placed them on the table.

"Okay, you're in trouble!" Peng Yun took the raw garlic and took the initiative to peel it.

Then put the peeled garlic in front of Song Ying.

"You eat!"

"Eat quickly!"

"Not enough, I'll let the waiter serve some later." Peng Yun helped Song Ying grill meat while feeding.


order to satisfy Peng Yun's curiosity, Song Ying took a bite of meat and ate another piece of garlic.

Watching Song Ying chew and swallow a piece of garlic completely, Peng Yun couldn't help but exclaim: "Si Guoyi!!" If

he could, Peng Yun wanted to take out his mobile phone and take a picture of Song Ying eating garlic.

Send it to mom and dad!

The two couples saw that the delicate Song Ying ate garlic raw, and it was estimated that she would have exactly the same expression as Peng Yun.


the object of being fed, Song Ying looked depressed.

Reluctantly accepted Peng Yun's feeding.

Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to confess with Peng Yun, but I never expected to get stuck on a piece of garlic.

Now, Song Ying feels like an animal in a zoo.

Peng Yun, on the other hand, is a person visiting the zoo!

There is still a little ambiguous atmosphere!

How else to confess this!

A meal was spent in Song Ying's tastelessness.

... ...

... ...

After eating, Peng Yun and Song Ying strolled side by side on the campus path.

Perhaps because the entire Pengcheng University was closed for three full days, there were obviously more couples walking around than before.

In contrast, the couples' emotions are also warm and unrestrained, and their boyfriend and girlfriend tell about lovesickness that they have not seen for three days.

Song Ying lowered her head while following Peng Yun's footsteps forward.

In my heart, I was silently calculating!

"If you let the dog tie him up directly!"

"Then bring it back to Longjiang, wait for the raw rice to cook mature rice, and then release him out!"

"I don't know if there is a drama like this!"

"But his Marulah is also quite strong, and Peng Yun will be captured?"

"Hmm... The solution is a good way... But what if the dog can't beat his Marra!

"It should be possible, after all, Marula is four times weaker in fighting

..." "It's not a good idea..." "

However, commanding elves to attack humans is a felony!!"

"You can't do something that breaks the law..." Just

as Song Ying was thinking about it, Peng Yun, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

Song Ying, who was 'plotting', failed to stop in time and crashed straight into Peng Yun's arms.

Feeling the warm, soft embrace hugging herself, Song Ying reacted.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you thinking, thinking so fascinated?"

Peng Yun let go of Song Ying slightly, but kept close and close to her.

How close?

Let's just say that you

can smell the fragrance of shampoo coming from Song Ying's hair.

Too close, Song Ying's cheeks were a little red and hot, and she whispered: "No... Peng

Yun looked at Song Ying, who was a head shorter than herself, and said softly: "Song Ying, I want to ask you a question." "


" "You said~" Song Ying lowered her head and looked at her somewhat uneasy toes.

"Be my girlfriend, okay?" Peng Yun said softly.


Song Ying subconsciously replied yes, anyway, she would agree to whatever Peng Yun said.

But not long after that, Song Ying reacted immediately!


"What did you just say?"

Song Ying's eyes widened and looked at the handsome Peng Yun in front of her incredulously.

Peng Yun laughed lightly and repeated again: "Is it good to be my girlfriend?" "

Song Ying was still immersed in the emotion of planning and confessing failure one second, but the next second she ushered in such a big reversal!

I couldn't help but confirm it again: "You... You you... Are you serious?

Peng Yun scratched Song Ying's cute nose and said with a smile: "Of course it's serious."

"Would you like to?"

The smile between Song Ying's eyebrows was like a lake of spring water rippling outward.

The corners of the mouth are upturned, and cute pear swirls emerge.

Qi Zhu's lips: "I do!" "

It's so pretty."

Peng Yun stepped forward slightly and caressed her cheek.

Song Ying only felt that there was a four-season deer jumping alive in her body, causing her heart to jump out!

Subsequently, Peng Yun gently imprinted his mark on Song Ying's smooth forehead.

The gentle evening breeze seems to have become much gentler because of this pair of bi people.

Peng Yun is not stupid, he has long known that Song Ying likes himself.

It just so happens that Peng Yun looks like a soft girl on the outside, has a generous personality, and Song Ying, who is decent in the world, has a good impression.

Since both parties like each other, they might as well be together.

... ...

Pengcheng University, downstairs in the women's dormitory.

"That... I'm going back to the dormitory..." Peng Yun greeted with a smile.


Song Ying wrapped her hands around, looking like a little girl.

Seeing that the other party was so cute, Peng Yun couldn't help but imprint his mark on the other party's smooth forehead again.

Then he left satisfied.

Looking at Peng Yun's figure, he disappeared at the end.

Only then did Song Ying withdraw her gaze and happily run back to her dormitory.

Pushed open the dormitory door vigorously, and excitedly announced to the three roommates who were a little confused: "Old lady, finally off the list!" "

... ...

... ...

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