At the beginning, the Tianshi Sword was stolen, and the poor man used the backhand grenade method

Chapter 190 Kendo? If you are an inexperienced person, please get past me first (a 4000-word chapter

This barrage floated by and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Onimaru Kunitsuna?

what is that?

Many people still don’t understand Sakura’s sword.

I don’t know the names of Sakura’s swords. Many of Sakura’s famous swords are not famous in the Dragon Kingdom.

Including Onimaru Kunitsuna mentioned in this barrage.

During the live broadcast, live broadcast barrages kept scrolling.

"Boss, don't say half a sentence! Tell me clearly! What is Onimaru Kunitsuna?"

"Let me introduce you briefly. The so-called Onimaru Kunitsuna is Sakura's famous sword!

This is a famous sword made by a blacksmith who fasted for three years.

According to legend, Hojo Tokimasa, the first leader of the Kamakura shogunate, was harassed by imps every night after he pacified the world.

Because I couldn't sleep, I asked a mage and an onmyoji to do something, but it didn't work.

Shi Zheng finally fell ill, and he was very distressed. One night Shizheng dreamed that a sword turned into the image of an old man appeared in front of him.

The old man who was transformed into Tachi said: "My body is too dirty to save you. Let someone clean my body." After saying that, it changed back to its original shape.

Shizheng believed in this dream so much that he immediately cleaned up the sword the next day.

Shizheng lit a pot of fire charcoal in the house. At this time, he found the shadow of a ghost on the brazier, which was very similar to the ghost that appeared in his dream every night... At this time, the sword guarding Shizheng poured into the brazier. Next, cut off the imp's head.

After that, Shizheng's condition gradually improved and he recovered.

For this reason, Tokimasa named the sword "Onimaru" and it became an heirloom of the Hojo family. Later, the Hojo family fell, and Onimaru passed through the hands of Nitta Yosada and was passed down to the rulers of the Ashikaga, Oda, and Toyotomi families. It was collected by the Sakura Imperial Family during the Meiji Era and has been passed down to this day. "

"Onimaru Kunitsuna is one of Sakura's most famous swords. It is called the "Five Swords of the World" by the Sakura Devils along with the other four swords. It is very famous!"

"Damn it, it sounds awesome. I don't know how powerful it is. Speaking of which, it seems that our Dragon Kingdom also has divine swords. The top ten divine swords of the Dragon Kingdom, Chixiao and Chunjun, are similar to Sakura Devil's World Five. Compared with swords, which one is more powerful, boss?"

"Ah do you want me to compare with this? Dimensionality reduction attack, right? This is equivalent to taking the top ten top combat powers in the immortal world, Nezha, Erlang Shen, and Sun Wukong, and running against the five little monsters in Bibo Lake. Ba Bol Ben Bi, how do you compare?"

"What we are saying is, can we not insult the divine sword of our ancestors? Not to mention the top ten divine swords, if all of Sakura's swords are added up, please go ahead with the Yue King Goujian sword..."

"The sword of King Goujian of Yue has been buried in the soil for thousands of years. The sword body does not corrode. One sword can cut through 18 layers of paper. What kind of craftsmanship? You buried the so-called five swords in the world for a thousand years, and only one of them will be corroded when you take them out. The hilt of the sword is gone, how can we compare?"

"The King of Yue Goujian's Sword is not qualified to be included in the ranking of the top ten divine swords. The difference between the Dragon Kingdom and the Sakura Ancient Dynasty is still a world of difference. It is just like fighting in the Dragon Kingdom. It is a small scene with tens of thousands of people, but it can easily be hundreds of thousands or millions. Army.

Boss Cao’s Battle of Chibi, 300,000 people lined up to circle the cherry blossoms several times! Bai Qiyi, in his career as a general for more than thirty years, has documented murders of more than 1.5 million people!

On the Japs side, the so-called ancient wars were the level of fighting between villages. A hundred people was a medium-sized war, and a thousand people was a war recorded in history. How to compare?

Let's put it this way, Boss Cao asked Diao Chan to lead 10,000 soldiers to Sakura, and he was able to hang the Japanese and beat them ten times! "

"6666! But having said that, the Onimaru Kunizuna in Shunsuke Abe's hands does look very strong. It is said that this guy is really good at kendo at Sakura's side. I wonder how strong Tenshi's kendo is?"

"This guy is also cunning. When he first came up, he didn't fight with swords first, but first with swords. He came here completely for the Heavenly Master. After all, the Heavenly Master had never used a sword before, and he didn't know how strong the sword was. This guy is as good as Use your strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, it's insidious!"

Countless tourists, reporters, and live broadcast room viewers in Dragon Kingdom were talking about it.

Watching Shunsuke Abe pull out his sword, he wanted to compete with the Tianshi in swordsmanship.

Many Dragon Kingdom viewers called it shameless.

If you have the ability to directly fight with martial arts, what better way to compare with swordsmanship?

Sakura on the other hand smiled.

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom are so excited. Could it be that they don't dare?"

"Longhu Mountain is so prestigious, doesn't it mean you don't even have the art of swordsmanship? Don't you know how to use a sword?"

"If you don't know how, just admit defeat. In the first round, we, Sakura, will be victorious. Your dragon country's kendo will lose to our Sakura's kendo now. It's not a shame!"

The Sakura Japs jumped up and down.

Shunsuke Abe also looked at the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master in front of him with a smile.

However, his smile is indeed inviting.

Shunsuke Abe is a top kendo master on Sakura's side.

It is no exaggeration to say that the cherry blossoms are number one.

He just used the way of swordsmanship first to give the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master a show of strength.

If there was a sword duel, he felt that he had at least a 70% chance of winning.

So I was sure that the Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Master would not dare.

Now, looking at Master Longhu's reaction, it seems that he really doesn't understand the art of swordsmanship.

After all, judging from the information obtained before, this Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master has indeed never used a sword.

Look at Shunsuke Abe’s triumphant smile.

The anger value of the tourist next to him was directly filled up.

It directly stirred the nerves of the onlookers.

Someone scolded: "Damn it, I can't stand it anymore, let me do it! Give me a sword and I will chop with him!"

"This little devil is so damn insidious, let me get involved! I will kill him even if I risk my life!"

"Brother, forget it. Although this guy is arrogant and sinister, he does have something. You are just looking for death..."

"Yeah, let's just be angry, let's not lose our lives."

Someone next to me advised.

At this time, Taoist Master Xuan Chong on Longhu Mountain couldn't bear it anymore.

He saw that the Heavenly Master was silent for a long time, and then Taoist Master Xuan Chong said: "Immortal Heavenly Lord, Heavenly Master, I am not used to him. I am an old Taoist and I will compete with him! The old Taoist's killing knife can kill the devil with a knife!!"

Taoist priest Xuanchong has never experienced this kind of birdiness.

This little devil, give him a look, right?

Taoist priest Xuanchong said: Decades ago, when I was a teenager, I went to the battlefield to kill Japanese soldiers.

Hundreds of brats died at my hands!

Not bad for you!

Come and die!

However, just when Taoist Master Xuan Chong was impulsive.

Qin Yang, who had been silent next to him, spoke.

He said: "Senior Brother Xuan Chong, you don't need to take action. To deal with Shunsuke Abe, why do you need me to do it myself? Pindao has his own plan, he should be here soon!"

Qin Yang stood with his hands behind his hands and looked towards the top of Longhu Mountain.

He remained silent and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Listening to the Tianshi's words at this moment, a group of Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain couldn't understand.

The Heavenly Master didn't respond for a long time, but now they knew what they were waiting for?

At this time, what are the Heavenly Master waiting for?

Just when they were confused.

At this moment, from the top of Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion,

Two shadows rushed down directly.

These two shadows, one purple and one yellow.

It was like turning into two streams of light, running at extremely fast speeds down the mountain road of Longhu Mountain.

Soon we arrived in front of the main gate of Longhu Mountain.

The stream of light stopped instantly.

The yellow figure among them stopped at Tianshi's feet.

The smaller purple flowing shadow jumped up and jumped into Qin Yang's outstretched hand.

Qin Yang watched these two guys arrive.

He then said: "Abe Shunsuke, you want to compete in kendo, right? To be honest, Pindao is not very good at kendo, but Pindao has raised two pets in the Tianshi Mansion for so many years.

If you want to compete in kendo, why not let them practice with you? "

Qin Yang showed the purple figure in his hand.

This purple figure is very mini, only as big as two knuckles!

Astonishingly, it was a mantis with a body as clear as purple jade, only the two swords on its arms were golden.

This mantis is the purple jade and golden sword mantis that Qin Yang has been raising in the Longhu Tianshi Mansion.

It was obtained through a lottery draw of the system's mythical beast at that time.

The system says that this spiritual beast is extremely malleable and is a natural master of sword training.

So at that time, Qin Yang bought him two sword manuals for the golden sword mantis to practice.

Later, the yellow-skinned ancestor on the mountain,

He also seems to be very interested in the way of the sword.

Sakura's Tian Cong Yun Sword was taken away by Huang Pizi at that time.

Also being taken away were the three Sanmei Swords of Sakura Kijin Otakemaru.

During this period of time, Huang Pizi and Purple Jade Golden Sword Mantis have been practicing sword skills in the Tianshi Mansion.

Both of them are each other's sparring partners.

After practicing until now, it seems that you have achieved some success in the art of swordsmanship?

Just now, Shunsuke Abe talked about how to compete with swords.

Qin Yang has no interest in taking action.

After all, what's the point of fighting between him as a cultivator and a martial arts practitioner?

Shunsuke Abe has practiced swordsmanship for decades. If he were to kill me with a flying sword, he would kill me.

How much do you destroy your Taoist heart?

Can you show some love?

So Qin Yang had no intention of taking action.

Thinking of these two guys in the Tianshi Mansion.

So just now a message was sent to them to come down.

He had been silent just now, just waiting for these two guys.

At this moment, the Purple Jade Golden Knife Mantis and Huang Pizi appeared in front of the mountain road.

Listening to Tianshi's words, Shunsuke Abe and all the tourists and spectators beside him were dumbfounded.


What did they just hear?

The Heavenly Master said, let these two pets compete with Shunsuke Abe?

Are you kidding me?

Tourist from the Dragon Kingdom: "Damn it, did I hear that right? A mantis and a weasel, how do you fight them?"

"Tianshi is crazy? How can a pet fight with Shunsuke Abe? And that praying mantis is so big, I feel like I can crush it to death with one hand! Isn't this a joke?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Mantis, you can talk, but don't talk nonsense about the guy next to you. That's Huangpizi. Huangpizi is very evil. You'd better be careful!"

"Speaking of which, this mantis looks a bit familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before. Who has posted on Weibo?"

Just when countless netizens were discussing it.

At this moment, in a high-end restaurant in Longguo,

Prince Wang, the son of the richest man, is enjoying the delicious food carefully prepared by the hotel chef with his new girlfriend.

At the same time, they were also watching the live news on Longhu Mountain.

When Prince Wang saw the Heavenly Master taking out the purple mantis.

Prince Wang's expression suddenly became very unnatural.

Mr. Wang: Oh my god... isn't this the one on the high-speed rail at that time...

Others couldn't remember it, but Mr. Wang remembered it deeply.

Because he had an encounter with the Celestial Master when he was traveling with his girlfriend on the high-speed rail.

At that time, the Heavenly Master took this purple mantis onto the high-speed train.

After seeing it, Mr. Wang secretly took a photo and posted it on Weibo, complaining about the lack of quality of the Heavenly Master.

Bring your pets on the high-speed train.

He also said that he would crush the praying mantis on the Heavenly Master's hand to death!

But the result was a waterloo for the review.

The comments on Weibo were so one-sided that Mr. Wang quickly deleted it from Weibo.

Master Longhu also dared to complain,

Don't die.

Prince Wang was only a hindsight at that time. After learning that it was Master Longhu, he was so frightened that he quickly deleted his Weibo account.

Later, he also saw the terror of the purple jade mantis with his own eyes.

One knife!

In front of him, the purple jade mantis cut a glass water glass in half with just one knife!

Later, Prince Wang went home to sleep and had nightmares for a month.

I can't sleep well every night.

I got into bed and found that the bed was full of praying mantises!

I'm afraid that the mantis will come for revenge!

Now the Heavenly Master took out this mantis again.

It suddenly brought back the memories of Mr. Wang.

Others don't know how powerful this praying mantis is, but Prince Wang does.

At this moment, the Heavenly Master took out this mantis.

Prince Wang knew that that stupid Shunsuke Abe was going to be in bad luck this time.

If he underestimates his enemy, this purple Heavenly Master Praying Mantis will probably teach him how to be a good man!

Prince Wang: Let you experience what it feels like to have nightmares for a month because of a praying mantis!

At the gate of Longhu Mountain, the purple jade mantis in Tianshi's hand jumped up and jumped in front of Shunsuke Abe.

Huang Pizi next to him also had four swords on his back, stood upright, and walked up to Shunsuke Abe.

Shunsuke Abe looked at the two funny things in front of him.

At first, his face was full of black lines.

I feel that Master Longhu doesn’t take him seriously.

These two things dare to deal with me?

Shunsuke Abe sneered: "Master Longhu, are you not afraid that I will split these two things with one sword? I will not be responsible for splitting them in half with one sword!"

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "If you have the ability, feel free to do it."

Qin Yang said it was optional, as long as you have the ability.

He is indeed not optimistic about Shunsuke Abe.

After all, my two pets are not vegetarians.

Do you want to pretend to beep?

Defeat them first!

Listening to Shunsuke Abe’s crazy words.

The purple jade mantis suffers from the disadvantage of not being able to speak.

But Huangpi Patriarch couldn't bear it anymore.

Damn it, what are you pretending to be?


Do you think you are strong?

This ancestor has practiced the art of swordsmanship for several months and has been practicing for a hundred years. Do you really think you can kill me?

Ancestor Huangpi couldn’t bear it anymore.

It took a direct step forward and began to spar with Shunsuke Abe.

The next second, Huangpi Patriarch directly drew out the four swords on his back.

Each hand holds a Sanmei Sword that exploded from Sakura Kijin Otakemaru's body.

There is also a Sanming Sword that is held by its feet.

And the Sakura divine outfit that burst out from the body of the Sakura Nine-tailed Demon Fox Tamamo Mae.

Tian Cong Yun Sword!

The yellow-skinned ancestor also pulled it out and pinched it with his paws.

Ancestor Huang Pi: Have you ever heard of Huang Pi’s Four Sword Style Kendo?

Are you crazy?


Let's touch it! !

Shunsuke Abe didn't pay attention at first, until he saw the sword clasped on the paws of the yellow-skinned man in front of him, which seemed a bit familiar.

He frowned.


Worri your mother!

Tian Cong Yun Sword! ! ! (End of chapter)

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