Regarding the current situation of Blue Star,

Qin Yang is about to face the revenge from Sanxian Island, and Qin Yang knows the strength behind Sanxian Island.

It's just that he doesn't know how many people will come to Sanxian Island now.

When the opponent has a great monk in the realm of refining the void, Qin Yang's act of killing the enemy across the border by transforming into a god to defeat him is outrageous.

Naturally, the higher your cultivation level, the better it is for you.

Therefore, if Qin Yang can break through to the middle stage of divine transformation now, he will break through to the middle stage of divine transformation.

A small improvement in realm can bring a huge increase in strength.

The problem now is that all the spiritual energy stored inside the planet has been swallowed up by Qin Yang's divine body.

If he wants to break through to the middle stage of becoming a god, he needs more spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy needed to break through the small realm is not enough even if Qin Yang sucks up all the spiritual energy on Blue Star.

He could only focus on his own system mall.

There are spiritual stones for sale in your own system mall.

A point of reputation is exchanged for a piece of spiritual stone.

The spiritual stone contains a large amount of spiritual energy, which can be absorbed directly, and its purity is purer than the spiritual energy naturally generated by heaven and earth.

When he broke through to the Nascent Soul before, Qin Yang exchanged his reputation points on a small island in Blue Star and built a spirit-creating formation composed of several spirit stone mountains!

At that time, Qin Yang spent 50 million reputation points to exchange 50 million spiritual stones to build 50 mountains of spiritual stones.

The formation formed by those mountains was barely enough for Qin Yang to break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

Now that he has broken through to the state of becoming a god, the amount of spiritual stones Qin Yang needs has increased almost countless times.

Therefore, 50 million spiritual stones are just a drop in the bucket for Qin Yang now and are not enough at all.

Qin Yang estimated that if he wanted to break through now, he would need at least 50 billion spiritual stones to support him.

And even 50 billion reputation may not be enough.

"No matter how much it is, let's exchange it first."

Time is tight and the task is heavy. Who knows when the people from Sanxian Island will come to Blue Star.

He had no time for hesitation and delay.

If you want to break through the realm, it’s early.

Qin Yang swallowed all the spiritual energy on the planet in one gulp.

Feng Shi also came over at this time.

He thought Qin Yang had quit his cultivation state.

After all, all the spiritual energy on this planet has been swallowed up.

How can you continue to practice without spiritual energy?

Feng Shi said: "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Qin for breaking through to the realm of divine transformation. Fellow Daoist was able to defeat the Dao-cutting Blade. The future is limitless! Congratulations!"

Feng Shi congratulations.

Qin Yang: "I would also like to thank fellow Daoist Feng for your kindness in protecting the Tao."

Feng Shi replied: "Fellow Taoist is too polite, and I can't help you much."

He really didn't help much, because Qin Yang broke through and no one came to make trouble. On the contrary, he was lucky enough to watch a hearty breakthrough battle.

Feng Shi continued to ask: "Fellow Taoist, are we going to return to Blue Star now?"

"Wait a moment, I feel that my current level of cultivation in the early stage of divine transformation is not enough. I am planning to break through to the middle stage of divine transformation. By then, I will have greater confidence in facing the Void Refining Realm monks from the Three Immortals Island."

After listening to Qin Yang's words, Feng Shi was stunned for a moment.

"You still want to break through? But fellow Taoist, there is no spiritual energy here. Your divine body is too big. Even if you want to break through a small realm, the spiritual energy required is massive.

Even if we return to Blue Star, swallowing all the spiritual energy on Blue Star is probably not enough. "

Feng Shi didn't quite understand what Qin Yang meant now.

Are you still going to make a breakthrough here?

How can one break through without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?

Unless this planet can have another burst of spiritual energy, but...

It’s impossible.

That was all the spiritual energy reserves on this planet just now.

As soon as Feng Shi finished speaking, Qin Yang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will naturally have my own way."

After speaking, Qin Yang opened the system mall.

He directly chose the spiritual stone item.

Then with a thought, he confirmed the exchange for 50 billion spiritual stones.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for spending 50 billion reputation to exchange for 50 billion spiritual stones, which have been distributed to your system warehouse!"

Qin Yang looked at the spirit stones sent to his warehouse.

He rose into the air and extracted all the spirit stones.

Then, using this planet as the base, a huge spirit stone formation began to be arranged.

50 billion spirit stones, piled on a planet, are extremely huge.

Therefore, Qin Yang’s scale this time is huge.

He wants to use the entire planet as a formation to lay out a huge spirit-creating formation.

At that time, as long as he sits on this planet, he will be able to absorb all the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone as quickly as possible.

He took out all 50 billion spiritual stones to form giant mountains of spiritual stones.

The giant mountain this time was even bigger than the Lingshi Mountain that Qin Yang had piled up on the Blue Star Pirates before.

Qin Yang spent half an hour setting up this huge planet formation.

The formation layout was completed and Qin Yang activated the formation.

Immediately, this formation began to directly extract all the spiritual energy within the spiritual stone.

The terrifying spiritual energy was extracted from 50 billion spiritual stones by the formation.

Sweeping the world.

On the entire earth-yellow planet, the spiritual energy this time was more than ten times larger than the spiritual energy spurted out during the great spiritual energy explosion just now.

This is the amount of spiritual energy contained in 50 billion spiritual stones!

He saw Qin Yang taking out 50 billion spiritual stones with his backhand.

Feng Shi was dumbfounded.

Damn it!

"This...this, so many spirit stones?"

Even if Feng Shi works at Tiangu Auction House, he rarely sees so many spirit stones at one time!

Spiritual stones are also hard currency in the universe.

Among the trading currencies of Tiangu Auction House, spirit stones are also absolutely in circulation.

50 billion spiritual stones is a huge amount of money at Tiangu Auction House.

Originally, Feng Shi thought that Qin Yang was in this remote planet and lacked resources.

Now it seems……

Feng Shi: "..."


Who is in need?

As expected, he is the genius of that holy land.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Although people are on this remote planet, there is really no shortage of spiritual stones!

50 billion spiritual stones, only that Holy Land can take it out without any effort.

This many spirit stones should be enough for this fellow Daoist Qin to break through the middle stage of divine transformation in one go.

Qin Yang sat down cross-legged, sitting in the center of the formation.

Feel the spiritual energy frenzy brought by 50 billion spiritual stones.

Qin Yang summoned the divine dharma body.

At this moment, the great Heavenly Immortal Art in his body was operating to the extreme.

On the earth-yellow planet, the God-incarnation Dharmakaya overlooks the planet.

Open your mouth and inhale gently.

All the spiritual energy was sucked into Qin Yang's body like a tornado.

It's like taking a breath of fairy air.

Then, Qin Yang's cultivation level changed drastically in an instant.

Under the rapid blessing of the great immortal art.

Qin Yang's body made a "boom" sound.

As a breakthrough aura rose behind him.

The middle stage of becoming a god!

50 billion spiritual stones were burned instantly.

Turned into pieces of waste stone.

Only then did he barely break through to the middle stage of becoming a god.

Feng Shi looked at the Lingshi Mountain beside him, which was instantly sucked dry by the dharma body.

He touched the Lingshi Mountain, and instantly the huge Lingshi Mountain turned into powder.

After the spiritual energy is absorbed, the spiritual stone ceases to exist.

Feng Shi sweated profusely in his heart: "Good guy... The transformation stage consumes such terrifying spiritual energy. From now on, it will be a money-burning machine..."

The cultivation of monsters is really inseparable from resources...

Feng Shidu thought: This is too expensive.

If you want to give it to him, he can’t afford it through cultivation. (End of chapter)

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