The canteen downstairs of the Maternity and Children's Hospital is actually a small food street.

It has everything you want to eat.

Cooking and frying all kinds of delicacies. Of course, pregnant women who have just given birth must not eat these things that are heavy in oil, salt, and sugar.

Qin Yang came down to buy some light millet porridge and some bone soup for Li Mengyao to supplement his nutrition.

Pregnant women who have just given birth can only eat these lighter foods first.

He walked into the food court, stopped in front of a shop specializing in porridge, and then asked the boss for a bowl of millet porridge and a side of pickles.

The boss nodded, naturally knowing why Qin Yang bought these things.

This is a maternal and child hospital, definitely for the wife who has just given birth.

After giving Qin Yang a portion of millet porridge, he took the millet porridge to the side and bought corn and ribs soup.

After shopping, I went directly back to the hospital ward.

After returning to the ward, Qin Yang's father-in-law and mother-in-law took care of him here.

The Li family was not short of money, and Longhushan was not short of money either. The most important thing was that after the Tianshi Shengzhi official learned about this incident, they immediately vacated the largest suite in the entire hospital.

Therefore, the environment where Li Mengyao lives is still very good.

The entire suite has six rooms, and the environment is no less than the presidential suite in a large hotel.

Therefore, it is very convenient for Qin Yang's father-in-law and mother-in-law to take care of him and live here.

They were originally in the imperial capital, and they would definitely come over when they learned that their daughter had given birth.

A group of relatives from the Li family also came.

Qin Yang doesn't have many relatives, but Li Mengyao's family still has many relatives.

These relatives were quite surprised when they saw Qin Yang coming back from buying porridge and soup.

After all, the Qin Yang they had in mind before was the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master, and he would only appear in major news events.

For example, kill the top monks and kill the zombie king.

Now Qin Yang's status on Blue Star is no less than that of the top heads of countries.

It was one person who suppressed the entire existence of Blue Star.

But even such a legendary figure came back with millet porridge and pork rib soup.

The huge impact of the picture also made them feel what contrast is.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, this is his own wife.

Moreover, Master Longhu has passed down the bloodline and tutoring of the Zhang family for generations, and his character is excellent.

Relatives of the Li family couldn't help but sigh that Li Mengyao was really lucky and married to the right person.

These relatives of the Li family are actually from the imperial capital and are based in the upper echelons of society.

There is no shortage of resources and wrist energy.

It is also easy for the children of the Li family to find high-quality men and women in society to marry. If they extend an olive branch, countless elites in society will actively pursue them.

There are even many sons-in-law who come to the house.

But people in the elite still can't compare with the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Masters.

The Celestial Master is a being who can dominate the world by one person. He has transcended to the level of mortals. How can he compare?

These relatives lamented that if it were their daughter, it would be great to marry this heavenly master.

I often see these relatives and Li Mengyao's parents coming, and they also entertain them.

Then he sat on the edge of the bed and ate for Li Mengyao.

Taking out the millet porridge, Qin Yang looked at the extremely bland rice porridge.

This rice porridge is still not enough to nourish the body of ordinary people.

Just carbs alone add too little energy.

Qin Yang turned his hand, and a piece of elixir he cultivated appeared in his palm.

It looked like a ginseng, but the color was blood. He put the ginseng directly into the millet porridge and gave it to Li Mengyao as a side dish.

Li Mengyao and a group of relatives watched Qin Yang take out a bloody ginseng with his backhand.

These relatives were also dumbfounded.


ah? ?

What are you doing?


How could you just take out such a big ginseng and serve it to Li Mengyao as a side dish?

And what’s the color of this ginseng? Red?

Relatives of the Li family have high social status and have access to channels that ordinary people cannot.

Ginseng is rare for ordinary people, but the Li family still has a lot of it.

These relatives also occasionally used ginseng to replenish their bodies.

But the common ginseng on Blue Star, even the old mountain ginseng, is all yellow-white in color.

This is indeed the first time I have seen this kind of ginseng in Qin Yang's hands.

And they eat ginseng, because ginseng is so nourishing. They eat ginseng on weekdays, that is, cut into small pieces and eat it.

Qin Yang took out one and gave it to Li Mengyao to eat whole?

What kind of rich man is this?

The relatives of the Li family were stunned.

Some of them couldn't help but remind them.

"My God, Master this ginseng? Ginseng is very strong, so I don't want to eat it like this. Eating it like this will hurt your body."

"Yes, it's too much. Xiaoyao has just given birth to a baby, so you can't make up for it like this."

Tips for facing these relatives.

Qin Yang said: "It's okay, don't worry, this is our specialty blood ginseng from Longhu Mountain. It can replenish qi, increase blood and nourish the skin. Its energy is not as powerful as the ordinary wild ginseng on Blue Star.

Wild ginseng is an over-supplement, but I don’t think so. One pill a day helps the body recover faster. "

Of course Qin Yang knew what they were talking about.

Ginseng is very powerful, so pregnant women who have just given birth should not eat it all at once.

But Qin Yang is no ordinary ginseng.

It was a variety of elixir that Qin Yang started cultivating when Li Mengyao was just pregnant.

It was just to replenish Li Mengyao's body after giving birth.

The effect of this kind of blood ginseng is not as terrifying as that of wild ginseng, and of course it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

The reason why Li Mengyao can eat is because she has practiced.

She has a foundation in cultivation, and her physique is naturally stronger than that of ordinary people, so she has no problem eating.

After hearing what Qin Yang said, these relatives didn't say much.

After all, they are not professionals, and their pharmacological foundation must be stronger than theirs.

After all, the five skills of fortune telling in Taoist Mountain are the basic courses.

How can these seven aunts and eight aunts dare to question the Heavenly Master?

They watched Qin Yang feed Li Mengyao blood ginseng.

Okay, okay, it’s really a specialty of Longhu Mountain.

Even though they were far away, the fragrance of ginseng still reached their noses.

You can tell with your feet that this is a good thing.

I had dinner for Li Mengyao.

Li Mengyao herself has the constitution of a practitioner.

Coupled with eating a blood ginseng, her body will naturally recover much faster than ordinary pregnant women.

After eating she was able to get out of bed and walk.

In the next few days, Qin Yang took care of Li Mengyao in the ward and never left her.

Moreover, the hospital also has special tutorial classes to assist parents who have just started to become parents.

Naturally, the two newbies, Qin Yang and Li Mengyao, also had to go to class.

During the tutorial class, the mother and father who were in the same hospital were just attending a normal tutorial class.

But he never expected to meet the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master.

When they saw Qin Yang here, they were shocked and speechless.

Good guy, aren't you dreaming? See the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master here?

Qin Yang's current identity and status are quite terrifying in the Dragon Kingdom and even in the world.

How can I give birth to a child here and take the same class as the Heavenly Master?

These parents instantly felt that the more than 1,000 yuan tutorial was well spent.

Later in the tutorial class, the teacher also discovered Qin Yang's identity.

This is the most difficult class this teacher has ever had in his life. The pressure is too great.

Qin Yang also saw the teacher's nervousness. He said that he was just an ordinary person who accompanied his wife to give birth to a child, and now he just came to learn how to take care of the child.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry, and those who master them come first.

In this regard, you are the teacher and we are the students, so there is no need to be so nervous.

After listening to Qin Yang's words, the teacher also relaxed a lot.

Then the class started.

Qin Yang did learn a lot in the course, and he knew some basic operations of taking care of children.

Many fathers saw Tianshi changing diapers and making milk powder for their twins in class.

Moreover, he has just taken the first class, and his operating techniques are so proficient. Qin Yang’s learning speed is the fastest among all the dads in the entire course, and it is also the most standard.

Many mothers are also envious.

Do you see it? This is the operation.

This learning efficiency is terrifying, no wonder he is a heavenly teacher.

These dads also don’t know what to say, and they don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Even if you give birth to a child, you will be scolded, but if the other party is a heavenly master, then it will be fine.

Being compared every day, they have nothing to say.

They would even feel proud if they could even compare with the Heavenly Master.

After all, this man is truly the strongest man standing above all the countries in Blue Star.

Being able to compete on the same stage with the Celestial Master one day is already a dream that many people cannot realize.

In the tutorial class, these fathers watched Tianshi skillfully change their children's diapers, and they couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Damn, who would have thought?

These hands were used to fight zombies before.

They have seen the video of Tianshi beating zombies, no matter you are a black zombie, a hairy zombie, a flying zombie, or a drought zombie.

Every time he smoked, he made no sound.

The five thunders rectify the law and kill indiscriminately.

But now I am changing diapers here, which is such a contrast.

Sure enough, a real man, even the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master, cannot pass this level.

During the course, Li Mengyao also had a great conversation with other mothers.

I made friends with all these mothers and agreed to go directly to the confinement center together after leaving the hospital.

She saw that some mothers were not recovering so quickly, so she gave them a few blood ginsengs given by Qin Yang.

It is said to be a specialty of Longhu Mountain. After eating it, it is good for the body and can help the body recover faster.

But if these mothers were ordinary people, they wouldn’t eat that much, and their bodies wouldn’t be able to tolerate it.

Li Mengyao told him to divide a blood ginseng into three pieces and eat them in three days.

These mothers were also very surprised to receive the blood ginseng given by Li Mengyao.

I didn't expect that I could get such benefits from confinement with Tianshi's wife.

Just by holding this blood ginseng in your hands, you can already feel the energy and aroma contained in it.

The value of this thing is not ordinary high, and it is also something from Longhu Mountain.

Maybe it was cultivated by the Heavenly Master himself.

Can anything produced by Master Longhu be bad?

Produced by Longhu Mountain, it must be a high-quality product!

You can't even buy this thing.

These mothers accepted Li Mengyao's gifts, and after returning home, someone took a video to share.

I shared the gift I got during confinement with the wife of Master Longhushan.

They filmed this blood ginseng in a video and posted it to their WeChat Moments.

Originally I just wanted to post it in my circle of friends.

As a result, it was later transferred to the Internet by friends around me, and it immediately became popular on the Internet, and it also became a hot search.

Very few people knew about Master Longhu's birth. Only the official people, Longhushan and the Li family knew about it.

After all, Qin Yang still didn't want this kind of thing to cause such a big fuss.

But in the end, I didn’t expect that the matter would be conveyed through this channel.

And it’s also on trending searches.

" # Tianshi's wife is pregnant, and she is currently giving birth at the Maternity and Children's Hospital."

" # The Heavenly Master is happy to have a son and a daughter, both children."

" # What are the benefits of taking a maternal and infant nurturing class with the Heavenly Master?"

" # I cried with envy!"

Many netizens appeared in these hot searches and followed them with comments.

"Good guy, Tianshi's wife has given birth? When did she get pregnant? There was no news at all before."

"Nonsense, Tianshi is not a celebrity. He definitely doesn't want too many outsiders to interfere with his family affairs, so he didn't announce it."

"This is too sudden. When I woke up, you told me that the Heavenly Master has a child."

"It's over, it's over. When I go home for the Chinese New Year this year, my parents are urging me again. The Heavenly Masters all have children, and I don't have a partner yet!"

"Okay, okay, when the wedding was held in Longhu Mountain, I was single. Now that the Celestial Masters have both children, I am still single. I really came to the human world to make up for it."

"However, Tianshi's luck is really good. He gave birth to both a daughter and a daughter. I cried with envy. My family gave birth to a son in the first birth, and twin sons were born in the second birth. I asked for a daughter but couldn't get it!

My husband is smoking when driving screws on the assembly line. It’s too stressful! "

"What kind of magical luck is this? I also want a son and a daughter!!"

"What you are saying is different from what your job is, master? In terms of luck, is there anything in the entire Dragon Kingdom that can compare with Tianshi Mansion?

Needless to say, the destiny of the Heavenly Master? It must be good! "

"That's true. He's almost ascending. Do you need to talk about luck?"

"I also want to undergo confinement with the Heavenly Master. That blood ginseng doesn't look like an ordinary medicine!"

"After all, it's something from Longhu Mountain, there must be no ordinary goods!"

"I'm so envious, sister. If I had had this thing when I was in confinement, maybe I wouldn't be at the root of the disease."

"Evaluate the effect of this blood ginseng, we want to know too!"

Countless netizens left messages online, and many wanted to let those mothers test the effects of Longhu Mountain’s blood ginseng.

These hot searches and news were also seen by those mothers who were in confinement with Li Mengyao.

Someone from them immediately posted a video to evaluate the effects of Longhu Mountain Blood Ginseng.

After eating a piece of blood ginseng, my face became visibly rosy.

Apparently it has a strong nourishing effect.

Giving birth is usually accompanied by severe blood loss, so the mother has just given birth and is very weak and needs a large amount of blood replenishment.

These blood ginseng has a very good hematopoietic effect. After eating it, my whole body feels warm and sunny, and it is not mine.

According to the personal tests of these mothers, blood ginseng has an analgesic effect after eating it.

And the effect is very fast, it can be clearly felt within almost a minute, because the pain caused by giving birth is greatly reduced.

This kind of effect cannot be achieved by the painkillers in the hospital, and the painkillers will have some impact on the mother who has just given birth.

So the effect of this blood ginseng is really good.

After reading the reviews, many people were envious.

This is so lucky! (End of chapter)

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