In the taxi, the taxi driver was shocked when the two children directly said that they were going to Qinglong Mountain after listening to his story.

What kind of plane? Didn't I just say that something happened at Qinglong Mountain not long ago? You two are specifically going to these dangerous places, right?

Didn’t you say you were here for a trip? Who is a good person traveling to Qinglong Mountain where something happened just now?

Moreover, the name of Qinglong Mountain sounds nice, but in fact it is not a scenic spot.

What are you doing there?

The taxi driver asked: "You two kids couldn't have run away without telling the people at home, right? Why did you go to such a dangerous place like Qinglong Mountain?"

The master is also responsible. He can send them there, but he must ask clearly.

Qin Changsheng said: "Master, don't worry about it. Just send us there. We won't pay you less for the fare."

Qin Changsheng was too lazy to tell the taxi driver so much. It was very troublesome to explain this matter.

There was no way he could tell the taxi driver about the 5,000-year-old mother-in-law Li Guiwang of Huangyan City. There would be no benefit in telling an ordinary person such a thing.

Moreover, he knew that there was gossip among taxi drivers, and it spread very quickly. If this matter was told to this driver, the whole city might know about it within a few minutes.

It would be bad if it caused panic.

So Qin Changsheng didn't say much, just asked him to send them to that place.

Anyway, the fare is paid, I am just a passenger, there is no need to explain so much.

Hearing that Qin Changsheng didn't explain anything, the taxi driver couldn't help but become worried.

Although he wants to make money from these two children, some money must be earned with conscience.

These two children looked so young that he would still trust them if they traveled alone.

After all, people in the city now believe in independent education. This may be the education method of a wealthy family.

But if you have to go to a place like Qinglong Mountain, something is definitely wrong.

The taxi driver hesitated for a moment and said nothing.

The car kept moving forward, and after about ten minutes, the driver stopped the car.

Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu glanced out the window, and they didn't know where they were.

After all, it was the first time for both of them to come to Huangyan City.

Qin Zimu asked: "Are we here? How much is it? Master?"

Qin Zimu just planned to pay with his little genius phone watch.

The next second, I heard the driver say: "We haven't arrived yet. Qinglong Mountain is far away. I'll go down and buy a bottle of water. You two wait in the car. I'll be back soon."

After saying that, the driver got out of the car. Although Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu felt a little strange, they couldn't tell what was strange.

After a while, the driver came back.

But when he came back, he had two people with him, two uniformed police officers.

Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu were directly invited from the car to the station to drink tea by the police.

The two of them were speechless when they saw this scene. It turned out that the driver thought the situation was too dangerous, so he took them directly to the police station.

He knew that he was just a taxi driver and had no right to ask two passengers so clearly.

So he felt it was dangerous, so he pulled the two of them directly to the police station. He had no right to ask, but the police had the right to ask.

Leave it to the police.

The driver didn't take any money from either of them. Before leaving, he even made a cool gesture to Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu.

"No need to thank me, this is all as it should be."

Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu were also speechless.

For a moment I didn't know whether to thank him or hate him.

They were sent directly to the bureau, which they didn't expect.

After entering the police station, a group of police officers looked at the two children who were sent in. They didn't know what to say.

When the taxi driver came in to report the incident just now, he roughly told them what had happened.

The policemen immediately sat in front of Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu and asked, "Tell me, why do you want to go to Qinglong Mountain? I heard the driver just now said that after you listen to his story, you have to go directly Go to Qinglong Mountain, what are you going to do there?”

The two children were not even adults in combined age, so they were traveling with me without an adult around. Moreover, going to such a dangerous place would make anyone think something was wrong.

Facing police inquiries.

Qin Changsheng sighed and said, "Uncle policeman, we are no longer children. There is no need to report this matter, right?"

"And we are just traveling to Qinglong Mountain, do we need to take care of this?"

Several police officers looked at each other and looked at the child's old-fashioned look. They couldn't laugh or cry for a moment and said: "It's not that we have to care about you, but you two should take a look in the mirror. How old are you this year?

Qinglong Mountain is not a tourist attraction. There was a murder case there just two weeks ago. The body of the driver who died is still in our police station. Our police now suspect that a murderer has appeared there. It’s too late for you two kids to run over there. It's dangerous.

Tell us your parents' contact information, and we will help you contact them to see if you ran away secretly.

You can't leave until you contact your parents. "

Listen to what these police officers say.

Qin Changsheng and Qin Zimu looked at each other and knew that today's matter would be quite troublesome. If they didn't explain it clearly, they would definitely not be able to leave today.

However, there was also a hint of joy in their eyes.

Because just after listening to what the police said, they learned a piece of information. It seems that the body of the driver who died in Qinglong Mountain some time ago has not been cremated and is kept in this police station.

If this is the case, then it can provide them with some clues.

Qin Changsheng immediately explained: "Uncle policeman, we are really not children, and it is useless for you to ask for our parents' contact information. This time we came out because my father asked us to come over to investigate this murder case in Huangyan City."

"What? Your father asked you two to investigate the murder case?"

The officers at the police station felt that Qin Changsheng's words were outrageous.

It feels like the cerebellum is shutting down.

Why can't they understand these words together?

Isn't it a joke to let these two six-year-olds investigate a murder case?

Who is the child's father?

Qin Changsheng knew that no matter how much explanation he had, it would be useless, so he had better explain his identity more simply.

Then, Qin Changsheng glanced at Qin Zimu.

Qin Zimu turned her palm over, and a talisman appeared in her palm.

Followed by a mantra.

The entire talisman was engulfed by the golden fire, forming a ball of flame burning in Qin Zimu's hand.

Qin Zimu held the divine fire, like a god of fire standing in the middle of the situation.

She said: "We came down from the Tianshi Mansion. We suspected that an extremely dangerous ghost king had appeared in Huangyan City, and we suspected that it was within the Qinglong Mountain, so we went to take a look."

Now you know who my dad is?

The police were stunned when they saw the six-year-old girl in front of them making a blazing flame with her backhand and standing in front of them like a god of fire.

Good guy, really good guy.

Did you come down from Longhu Mountain?

Now they probably know why these two children went to Qinglong Mountain, and they also probably know who their parents are.

The sons and daughters of the Heavenly Master, right?

That's okay.

That is indeed a misunderstanding.

If an ordinary underage child wants to go to a dangerous place like Qinglong Mountain, then they will definitely need their parents to take the child back.

But these two sons and daughters of the Celestial Master who came down from Longhu Mountain and also demonstrated this magical power were not necessary.

This is why I came here, and what do you want to do when you called the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain over?

Isn't this just causing trouble?

The policemen were immediately in awe. It turned out that it was all a misunderstanding.

I thought it was two kids, but it turned out to be two kids.

Qin Changsheng said: "Uncle policeman, is there no problem now? If you still can't do it, then I can only call my dad to prove it."

When they heard that Qin Changsheng wanted to call his father to join the group, the police were also shocked and quickly said no, they believed him.

The flames are burning in your hands, what else can you not believe?

At this age and with this skill, even if you say you are not from Longhu Mountain, they will not believe it.

Qin Zimu put away the divine fire and said: "I just heard that the body of the driver who died in Qinglong Mountain two weeks ago is still in your police station, right?"

After the police officers figured out their identities, they knew they were here to help investigate the matter, so they nodded and cooperated very much.

"Yes, the body is indeed kept inside our police station now."

Qin Zimu asked: "Two weeks have passed, why hasn't the matter been cremated?"

A police officer replied: “On the one hand, the cause of death has not been found out, and it is still not possible to determine how the deceased died. On the other hand, the family members do not agree to cremation because they want to find out the truth.

After the body is cremated, many things are inconvenient to check, so both parties agreed to preserve the body. "

The driver's death was indeed abnormal. He died so inexplicably without any wounds on his body, and it was examined by a forensic doctor afterwards.

There was nothing wrong with the deceased's internal organs.

Moreover, he had only had a physical examination half a month before his death, and there were no diseases that would lead to sudden death.

The family members of the deceased also said that the deceased was in very good health before his death.

So this case is very strange, the body is still preserved.

Because a special task force was formed to investigate this case in Huangyan City.

The task force is also having a meeting now.

Qin Changsheng said: "Where is that body now? Can you take us to see it?"

If ordinary people want to see the body, except for the family members of the deceased, of course the police will not take them there.

After all, this is an ordinary person, how can he be qualified to see it?

But these two people came from Longhu Mountain, so that was a different matter.

They notified the director directly and then said that there should be no problem.

After all, the status of Longhu Mountain is here now. People in Longhu Mountain want to see the corpse with just a few words.

Moreover, this matter is related to supernatural forces, and they are eager for Longhushan to intervene.

If Longhushan doesn't intervene, this case will not be solved and they will be in trouble.

The police chief is having a meeting in the conference room with members of the task force sent from above.

The task force sent by the police gave the police chief a headache because these guys kept asking him for an autopsy report, but the chief made it very clear that there was no autopsy report.

The deceased died in a very strange manner, with no injuries on his body.

The medical examiner has examined her many times and has yet to determine the cause of death.

And it wasn't just their Huangyan City forensics who examined it.

Many forensic doctors from other cities were temporarily transferred here after hearing about this incident to cooperate with the examination.

No clues were found.

So where did the autopsy report come from? If there is an autopsy report, do we still need a special team to come down?

The people in this task force were in great trouble, and the director already had a headache. At this moment, he received a call.

The director was irritated at the moment. He suddenly received a phone call during the meeting, and he couldn't help but blame him.

"Who is it? Didn't you say you are in a meeting? Don't make work calls during the meeting, don't you know?"

The next second, a voice came from the phone: "Chief, I'm sorry, two very important people have come to our police station. You'd better come and meet them."

The director thought to himself: I'm damn busy here with the people from the task force.

This group of people in the task force already has enough headaches. What other big shot comes to our Huangyan City and wants me to meet him in person?

See if it's enough?

The director asked impatiently: "Who is it? How important is it?"

"They said they came down from Longhu Mountain specifically to investigate this matter. Now they want to see the body. I think it's best to come and see it."

As soon as he heard the words "Longhu Mountain", the director suddenly became excited.

At first, he was dismissive, thinking that there were other important people worthy of his personal visit, but now that he heard about Longhu Mountain, he suddenly became more awake.

Longhu Mountain...

That's still important.

The director stood up immediately and stopped the meeting.

Director: The Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain is here. I still need to receive your task force.

Just play it yourself.

The person in charge of the task force asked: "Director Chen, the meeting is not over yet, where are you going?"

Director: "Two important guests from the bureau are here to investigate the Qinglong Mountain incident. I want to receive them."

The people in the task force were stunned after hearing this.

Is there anyone else here to investigate this Qinglong Mountain incident? How can it be?

Why don't they know about this? The superiors clearly only sent them a task force.

The leader of the task force asked: "Is there a mistake? Who is it?"

Director: "It's not official people, it's people from Longhu Mountain who have arrived."

The person in charge of the task force was a little unconvinced at first. He felt that the most important thing now was to receive them, and who else was more important than them.

But after hearing the words "Longhu Mountain", they instantly lost their temper.

When they heard that the people from Longhu Mountain were coming, they also got up and decided to go see them.

After all, Longhu Mountain still has authority. (End of chapter)

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