It took Su Ming more than an hour to completely absorb the 7 technologies.

The bell of the company rings and it is time for lunch.

Su Ming climbed up with a smile and rushed to the company cafeteria with Major General Liu.

In the canteen of the rolling mill, the employees were very happy when they heard that Su Ming had signed a large order with the military.

Those employees greeted Su Ming with a smile, and their eyes were full of respect.

Su Ming was in a good mood, walked to the cafeteria, and shouted at the employees.

“Brothers! Before eating, tell everyone the good news. ”

“Just now I have signed an order with the military, and from now on, after our vibranium is produced, it will all be sold to the military. Any employee who leaves the company with vibranium will not only be fired, but also be held legally responsible. ”

“Because vibranium is very important for national defense. If someone carries vibranium and sells it to other companies or individuals, it is tantamount to treason. Therefore, I would like to remind all employees to strictly abide by the company’s rules and regulations, as well as national laws. ”

“Except for the military, anyone who leaves the company with vibranium is illegal and must be jailed.”

“Everyone, the appearance of vibranium has completely solved the dilemma of our company. The production of vibranium is very profitable. When I make money, I don’t lose money to my employees. From today, all employees on the vibranium production line, the salary will be increased 3 times. The company will also have various benefits distributed every month. ”

“As long as brothers, follow me well, I will definitely not treat anyone badly.”

After Su Ming had 30 billion in his account, he suddenly became proud.

In the production of vibranium, Su Ming will get 60 times the windfall profit, and it is necessary to increase the salary and treatment of employees and increase the loyalty of employees.

Who doesn’t work for money?

After Su Ming announced the 3-fold increase in salary, the employees in the cafeteria were crazy with excitement.

“Long live President Su, I actually increased my salary by 3 times, I feel so happy today!”

“President Su, you are too generous, too generous, and too good for the brothers. All my life, I have been messing with you. ”

“Wow! 3 times the salary! I used to pay more than 7,000 yuan a month and thought it was okay. Now I can get more than 20,000 a month, President Su, if you give us such a high salary, we will definitely do a good job! ”

“Working 8 hours a day, taking weekends off, and getting more than 20,000 a month’s salary, we, ordinary workers, are very satisfied.” Thank you Mr. Su. ”

“I tripled my salary, and told my daughter-in-law the news, she must be happier than me.”

“Brothers, President Su has increased our salary by 3 times, we must work hard to repay President Su.”

“yes! We produce vibranium, not only to help the country improve its military strength, but also to get a high salary, why not. Mr. Su assured that we will abide by the company’s system, and no one wants to lose this high-paying job. ”

“President Su, thank you! After the salary tripled, the pressure to pay off the mortgage was much smaller. ”

“Directly increase the salary by three times, President Su, is definitely the most generous boss.”

“Praise President Su, thank President Su.”

“It felt like a dream, and a week ago, I was worried that the company would go bankrupt and lose my job. A week later, wages actually skyrocketed 3 times! Life is wonderful! The ups and downs, so exciting! ”

After Su Ming raised the wages of the employees, in the cafeteria, those employees were as excited as chicken blood, laughing non-stop.

Su Ming and Major General Liu, after beating the meal, picked a table at random and ate in the cafeteria.

Major General Liu extended his thumb appreciatively: “Mr. Su, you are not only a genius, but also a caring, and while making money yourself, you have not forgotten the employees you work with.” Some rich people, for the sake of the rich, when they make a lot of money, they also have to squeeze employees. That kind of vampire boss, compared to you, one in the sky, one underground. ”

“President Su, your talent and character are the same, I admire it, come, I toast you.”

Major General Liu smiled and poured a glass of beer and saluted Su Ming.

“Major General Liu said that employees go to work to support their families, the company’s profits are high, I make money, and raise wages for employees, that is as it should be.”

After Su Ming and Major General Liu had a drink, the two chatted freely.

Outside the rolling mill of Huasheng Group, several limousines came at a gallop.

A group of foreigners in suits and shoes, blond hair and blue eyes, came to the Huasheng Group, indicated that they wanted to see Su Ming, saying that there was business to do.

The security guards took this group of foreigners and entered the Huasheng Group.

In the cafeteria, Su Ming was eating with great relish with Major General Liu.

The group of foreigners entered the cafeteria.

An old man at the head asked kindly: “Excuse me, are you Mr. Su Ming?” ”

Su Ming was a little inexplicable: “Who are you?” Why enter Huasheng Group. ”

The old man stretched out his right hand towards Su Ming very gentlemanly: “I am Mike, president of Boeing.” The one next to me is the president of Locke Martin, and the one is the president of Raytheon. ”

Although Su Ming did not know these old men.

But Boeing, Raytheon, Locke Martin, these three major companies are famous, everyone knows, everyone knows.

These three companies are the largest aircraft and weapons manufacturers of Eagle Sauce, of which Raytheon and Locke are the two largest arms giants of Eagle Sauce, and the F22 is produced by these two companies.

After these foreigners identified themselves, Su Ming could guess with his toes that they must have come for vibranium.

The magical effect of vibranium, it is impossible for Eagle Sauce not to be moved.

Su Ming pushed away the outstretched hand of the Boeing president and sneered: “Three gentlemen, may I ask, are you here for vibranium?” ”

The president of Boeing laughed: “Mr. Su is really cheerful, you are very smart, we are vibranium.” ”

“Your company’s vibranium is magical. If applied to our company, our aircraft, the performance will change qualitatively. We sincerely request to cooperate with Huasheng Group. ”

Su Ming hummed: “Three presidents, I think you forgot that our Huasheng Group has been on the sanctions list of the Eagle Sauce Country. I can’t sell vibranium to you, blame, you blame the eagle sauce government! ”

“Mr. Su, as long as you agree to sell vibranium, the sanctions against your company will be lifted immediately. You don’t have to worry about that. ”

Su Ming smirked, “President Mike, are you guys being funny?” If you want to sanction our Huasheng Group, you will sanction, and if you don’t want to sanction, you will lift it. Excuse me, you didn’t consider my feelings. We, Huasheng Group, are a company of Longguo. If you don’t belong to your eagle sauce, your hands are stretched too long, and your gossips are too wide. ”

President Mike was slightly unhappy: “Mr. Su, for your company’s sanctions, it was just a misunderstanding. After investigation, we found that the drone you sold to Mao Xiong was before the war began, and we had lobbied the government to lift the sanctions order. As soon as you agree to sell vibranium, the sanction order will be lifted immediately. ”

Su Ming’s face turned cold: “What if I don’t agree to export?” ”

The president of Raytheon Company was stunned for a moment and interjected: “Mr. Su, you have to think about it.” A company, if it wants to be strong, must go abroad and go to the world. ”

“If you are not willing to sell vibranium, the sanction order may not be lifted. No matter how powerful your Huasheng Group is, you can only operate in the Dragon Country, and your products can never be exported to other countries. This will seriously restrict the development of Huasheng Group. ”

Su Ming’s face turned angry: “Are you threatening me?” Do you think, I’m afraid of Eagle Sauce? Even if our products are only sold domestically, we don’t worry that there is no market and no money to earn. ”

“All three, people are dignified, and Eagle Sauce distorted the facts and sanctioned our company casually, which seriously hurt my feelings. I don’t have to respect people who don’t respect me. Vibranium is rushing to ask for it in China, why should I sell it to you foreigners? ”

The president of Lockheed Martin couldn’t help it: “Mr. Su, I’m talking about business.” As long as you are willing to provide vibranium, we are willing to buy your vibranium for $100,000 a ton. That’s up to six times higher than the price you sell domestically. You’re a businessman! Businessmen should aim for profit. For the sake of money, agree to sell us vibranium. ”

Su Ming sneered, “Not bad, I’m a businessman. Businessmen do aim to make money. But businessmen, there are also countries. What are the interests of businessmen in the face of national interests. ”

“Without the strength of the country, even if the businessman has money, he will be bullied by you. For example, many billionaires have frozen and confiscated their assets overseas. ”

“A businessman, if there is no strong country behind it. Property can be plundered at any time by you robbers. I prefer to see the country strong than to make money. If at the same time making money can help the country become strong, what reason do I have to refuse. Do you think that 6 times more price will impress me? ”

“I think you underestimated my patriotism.”

Su Ming didn’t want to think about it, and directly refused Eagle Sauce’s request for 100,000 US dollars a ton to buy vibranium.

The three presidents looked at each other, and it was the first time they saw that there were businessmen who would be stupid enough to refuse 6 times the high price.

“Mr. Su Ming, please think about it! If you think the price is low, we can give you a price of $200,000 a ton, which is 12 times the profit you make from selling vibranium in China. ”

“Mr. Su, as the person in charge of an enterprise, you should put interests first. Nothing is more reliable than money. If you are willing to sell vibranium, we at Eagle Sauce Country, can directly give you a green card, and we will also meet your other conditions. ”

Su Ming really couldn’t bear it: “What age is it, and I still want to use the green card to tempt!” Who wants to go to Eagle Sauce as a second-class citizen, go yourself! Lao Tzu was not interested in Eagle Sauce. Anyway, the country of eagle sauce, it has already sunset, the rivers are falling, and it is only a matter of time before it is surpassed by our country. A broken green card can also be taken out as a chip, everyone, is it funny? ”

“I remind the three presidents once again that no matter how high the price you offer, I will not sell vibranium to you.”

“I will not betray my homeland for money and help Eagle Sauce develop military power.”

“Three, where do you come from, go back!”

Su Ming’s refusal made the three presidents very angry.

“Mr. Su, if you really don’t want to sell vibranium, can you think clearly about the consequences?”

Su Ming looked at the three people contemptuously: “Three, this is the Dragon Kingdom, your arrogant look, it’s best to restrain it, I have a bad temper, and when I see the guy with high toes, I can’t help but want to beat him.” ”

“Don’t threaten me with Eagle Sauce, sooner or later, I will make Eagle Sauce kneel in front of me and sing about conquest.”

“Three presidents, roll me before I get angry.”

“Otherwise, the three of you will speak to me in a threatening tone, and our country has the right to arrest you.”

[Ask for flowers to collect, evaluation votes support, thank you.] 】

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