“President Su, two batches of invisible materials have been manufactured, please personally accept them.”

In the invisible factory, a professor came excitedly and reported the news to Su Ming.

“Hmm! I’ll take a look. ”

Su Ming quickly rushed to the invisible factory.

In the factory warehouse, several barrels of invisible materials appeared.

These invisible materials, housed in plastic buckets, look a bit like paint.

But it’s actually a stealth coating.

These stealth coatings are processed using advanced chemical technology.

In the coating, many quantum materials and photonic materials are also added.

After a complex process, the performance of the stealth coating is completely changed.

Su Ming personally tested the stealth coating with the instrument.

In radar scanning, laser wave probes, metal detector search, electromagnetic wave irradiation… And so on under the detection of more than a dozen advanced technologies.

The model of an airplane, which has been painted with a layer of stealth coating, seems to be invisible, in the radar display, it is gone, as if it is completely absent.

“Groove! Our stealth coating has completely shielded electromagnetic waves and does not reflect electromagnetic waves at all, this is absolute invisibility! ”

“Great, by applying these stealth coatings to our fighters, the stealth performance of our fourth-generation stealth fighters will undergo qualitative changes.”

“These stealth coatings are not only powerful, but also very durable. Eagle sauce’s B2 stealth bomber, the invisible coating on it, fragile as paper, B2 every flight, it takes half a month, re-brush the stealth coating, it is said that B2 a year maintenance cost up to 30 million US dollars, 10 years, that is 300 million US dollars! ”

“Our stealth coating is durable and can be intact in any harsh environment. Brush the stealth coating once every three years, and the fighter can maintain perfect performance. With these stealth coatings, the maintenance cost of China’s stealth fighters is only 1/50 of Eagle Sauce. A year can save a lot of military expenses! ”

The experts who accompanied Su Ming to do the test experiment were impressed by the performance and durability of the stealth coating, and they were excited like children.

Su Ming personally did dozens of experiments, and then used the borrowed country’s supercomputer to conduct simulation experiments.

After several hours of experiments, it was confirmed that these stealth coatings could perfectly shield electromagnetic waves, and Su Ming was relieved.

Unplugging General Yang’s military phone, Su Ming was a little excited: “Admiral Yang, long time no see.” Good news for you. The first stealth material, which has already been produced. Perfect performance, stealth ability, dumped F22 a few streets. ”

“We can already use these stealth coatings to upgrade China’s 4th generation stealth fighters.”

On the other end of the phone, Admiral Yang, who received the news, was a little excited.

“Major Su, can you bring your stealth coating to the Air Force? We want to upgrade the fighter now, if the stealth performance is really perfect. Then you will receive a first-class merit, and you, the rank of major, will be promoted to lieutenant colonel. ”

Su Ming laughed: “It doesn’t matter if you are promoted to the rank or not, it doesn’t matter if you make meritorious contributions or not.” I am happy to help the country’s military become strong and combat the arrogance of Eagle Sauce. ”

“Major Su, I can’t wait, please come to the military immediately with the stealth coating.”

Admiral Yang was a little anxious, and the old general couldn’t wait to upgrade the stealth fighter.

Su Ming smiled and agreed to Admiral Yang, took hundreds of kilograms of stealth coating, took a transport plane, and flew to a certain air base in the capital.

About a few hours, the transport plane landed with Su Ming.

Admiral Yang led a group of lieutenant generals and major generals to welcome Su Ming in a hurry, and a group of people went straight to the topic.

At the air base, several Stealth 20 fighters stayed in hangars.

A group of logistics maintenance soldiers are doing maintenance for the fighter.

“Major Su, give 20 fighters immediately and make an upgrade!” Take out your stealth coating, I’ll ask the engineers, brush the fighter. ”

Su Ming smiled and said, “Admiral Yang, don’t worry!” These stealth coatings will definitely blow your mind. The world’s most powerful stealth fighter is about to be born. You will witness the whole process firsthand. ”

Su Ming asked the soldiers to remove the invisible coating on the transport plane, and some engineers, under Su Ming’s guidance, began to brush a 20 fighter with stealth coating.

After a few hours, every part of the fighter was painted with stealth coating.

After these invisible coatings dried quickly, the shell of the 20 fighter, like coated with a layer of silver, looked very beautiful.

Admiral Yang couldn’t wait to call two ace pilots and let them fly the new 20 fighter into the air.

When the 20 fighters took off, Admiral Yang ordered the radar unit to lock on the scanning fighters.

Five radar units of the military district, simultaneously scanning the sky.

Five radar units, hundreds of military radars turned on at the same time, but a miracle happened.

The alarm device of the radar did not sound at all.

On the radar display, there is not a single reflection point section.

The 20 fighter, as if it didn’t exist, disappeared into the sky perfectly.

Admiral Yang ordered the stealthy 20 fighters to fly at low altitude.

When the 20 fighter flew to an altitude of several hundred meters, the fighter could be seen with the naked eye, but the radar did not find the fighter.

“Against the heavens! This stealth technology is too against the sky, this TM is absolutely invisible! ”

Admiral Yang was completely excited, and the other lieutenant generals and major generals hugged excitedly.

None of the hundred radars of the five major military regions found stealth 20 fighters, and such stealth performance is unprecedented.

“Great, China’s 200 stealth 20 fighters, all brushed with this stealth coating, should be able to hit 1,000 F22s.”

“Haha, Eagle Sauce cowhide coaxing, feel that his air force strength is the first in the world. They also only have about 300 F22s, and if they encounter China’s stealth 20 fighters, they will be completely destroyed. ”

“Eagle sauce that dog thing has always been a military threat to our country. Around our country, there are thousands of F35 stealth fighters in various military bases of Eagle Sauce. Eagle sauce wants to threaten our country with these F35s. Now it seems that Eagle Sauce is so ridiculous! F22 all comes, and it is not our opponent. No matter how many F35s there are, they are just targets. ”

“It’s comfortable! Thoroughly comfortable. It only takes a month to upgrade the country’s Yin-20 fighters. The F35 in the major military bases of Eagle sauce is no longer a threat, but our target aircraft. ”

“Major Su, your stealth technology has contributed too much to the army. I immediately ask the elders of the military district to reward you. You can definitely get first-class merit. ”

Su Ming was not interested in rewards.

First-class meritorious honor, for Su Ming, it doesn’t matter.

As long as it can make Yingchan unhappy, Su Ming is very happy, and there is a revenge that is not a gentleman.

Su Ming said with a smile: “Admiral Yang, my stealth coating can not only upgrade 20 fighters. If applied to missiles, China’s missiles can also be invisible. ”

“If applied to warships, our navy can also be invisible.”

“If applied to tanks, Chinese tanks can also be invisible.”

“China’s three armed forces will enter the era of invisibility. All the radars of the enemy country are now blind to our army, and they simply cannot detect our army. ”

“So stealth materials will not only be provided to the air force, but also if the navy and the land and air force also need it, we will also provide it.” Please Admiral Yang to convey this news to the admirals of the army and navy. ”

Admiral Yang was instantly shocked: “Su Ming, it seems that my pattern is still small.” Your stealth coating is many times more powerful than I thought! ”

Su Ming smiled: “Admiral Yang, my stealth coating is so awesome, 50 billion orders don’t seem to be enough!” If the navy and army are also upgraded to stealth forces, your military will have to place some more orders! ”

Admiral Yang laughed happily: “Comrade Xiao Su, please rest assured. In the future, all orders for stealth equipment in China were handed over to Huasheng Group. ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, our country’s stealth technology is so advanced, even if you tell Yingchan. They can’t help us. ”

“We want to crack down on Eagle Sauce, announce the breakthrough of our country’s stealth technology, and also warn Eagle Sauce not to act rashly against our country, and don’t want to threaten our country with F35.”

“Comrade Xiao Su, we want to hold a press conference for you to announce that our country has developed super stealth technology, and we want the people of the whole country to remember your contribution to the country. Let the youth of the whole country treat you as an idol. ”

The military wants to hold a press conference to publicly admit that the Dragon Kingdom’s stealth technology is the first in the world, and also to let Su Ming give a speech.

Su Ming doesn’t care, Huasheng Group will engage in too much technology in the future, and he can’t keep hiding it from the people of the whole country.

Sooner or later, he will appear in front of the world, so he will simply have a showdown and tell the world directly: Laozi is the god of science and technology, and there is no technology that I can’t come up with.

Simply tell Ying-chan directly: If you dare to sanction me, Laozi will help the Dragon Kingdom crush you from all aspects. I will take revenge on you Eagle Sauce, and you can help me.

Su Ming thought for a moment and agreed with a smile: “Immediately, the military invited me to participate in the press conference. Then I will be respectful and obey! Fortunately, take this opportunity to promote Huasheng Group to the world, and our orders of Huasheng Group will skyrocket. ”

Su Ming promised to attend the press conference, and Admiral Yang was overjoyed.

Let people take Su Ming to rest, Admiral Yang is busy contacting various departments and organizing a press conference to let Su Ming announce the breakthrough of super stealth technology.

Let the world know that there is a figure against the sky in the Dragon Kingdom, his name is Su Ming.

[Ask for flowers, evaluation votes, thank you. ] The data is bleak, and support is requested. Let the author have more codeword motivation. 】

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