Longguo, Jingcheng, international hotel.

After the press conference, Su Ming, who signed a large order of hundreds of billions.

Under the protection of special forces, he entered the international hotel to rest.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Su Ming’s mind suddenly heard a system prompt.

[Congratulations to the host, the stealth weapon you sold has made the 36 million people in the Camel Country safer. ] You have contributed to human civilization and received a reward of 30,000 contribution points. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you brought 130 billion orders for the Dragon Kingdom, you made a great contribution to the country, and you received 130,000 contribution point rewards. ] 】

The system reward prompt sound, which surprised Su Ming very much.

“Selling weapons to Camel Country, making 36 million people in Camel Country safer, can I also get contribution points?”

“Help the country sell weapons, help the national military industry enterprises make money, can also get contribution points?”

Looking at the 150,000 contribution points that arrived, Su Ming was ecstatic.

Before earning contribution points, you can only contribute to the Dragon Kingdom in China.

Now Su Ming found that he could also use foreigners to earn contribution points.

Su Ming seemed to have discovered a new continent.

“Cool! As long as I help the country sell more arms, the contribution points can increase wildly. ”

“But this sells arms and gets too few contribution points.” A large order of $20 billion gave me 130,000 contribution points. ”

“Anyway, there are two more ways to earn contribution points, and it is easier to get contribution points.”

“It seems that the sale of arms is calculated according to the population of other countries. There are only 36 million people in Camel Country, and I only earn 30,000 contribution points. ”

“If I sell arms to the Baba Sheep Country, the population of the Baba Country is 200 million, and the contribution points obtained should be increased by 5 times.”

“Hmm! There is an opportunity to experiment with the country of Baba sheep. Sell some weapons to them, making money is secondary, Lao Tzu wants to earn more contribution points. ”

Su Ming felt that his path was getting wider and wider, and there seemed to be more and more ways to earn contribution points.

In the system interface, the contribution points already have a balance of 250,000.

Su Ming was in a good mood and slept beautifully.


The next day, Su Ming had just woken up from a beautiful dream.

Outside the presidential suite, another group of bigwigs squatted.

Su Ming was a little crying and laughing: “Admiral Yang, Major General Liu, the bigwigs of various departments.” Why every time I come to the capital, I get up in the morning and see you squatting me. You’re all big guys! Why are the thieves squatting on me one by one? It feels like you’re plotting against me. ”

Being ridiculed by Su Ming, the big guys were not angry, on the contrary, they were very happy.

Admiral Yang leaned over with a smile: “Major Su, I have good news for you.” ”

“For your outstanding service to the country. The elders want to see you. ”

“The Great Elder will personally praise you, award you a first-class merit medal, and promote you to lieutenant colonel.”

“Major Su, I have good news for you.”

“Since China promised to export stealth fighters to camel countries, it has aroused the envy and envy of many countries. More than 20 countries have asked our country to export stealth fighters to them. These countries said that they all bought China’s stealth fighters for $1 billion according to the standards of camel countries. ”

Su Ming listened to the joy in his heart, and the opportunity for a stealth fighter to earn 5 billion yuan came again.

The opportunity to count money to hand cramps comes again.

Not only that, but exporting stealth fighters can bring two kinds of contribution point rewards.

At the same time, it can also allow other countries to maintain friendly relations with the Dragon Kingdom, so as not to turn to Eagle Sauce.

This kind of business with three birds with one stone made Su Ming couldn’t help but grin.

“Admiral Yang, which countries want to import our stealth fighters!”

“Major Su, it is the country of Baba sheep, the country of football, the country of hairy bears, the country of Mexico, the country of the Nile, and the other countries of camels… And so on countries. ”

Su Ming’s eyes lit up when he heard it.

Baba Sheep has a population of 200 million, football country has 200 million people, Maoxiong country has 140 million people, Mexigo country has 100 million people, and Nile country has 100 million people.

If you export stealth fighters to these countries, you can earn hundreds of thousands of contribution points from 800 million people.

These countries have a good relationship with the Dragon Kingdom, and exporting weapons can make money and win them over.

The only trouble may be the hairy bear.

Mao Xiong and Er Mao are at war, although Mao Xiong is for his own safety, he fell into the trap of Eagle Sauce, and only then sent troops to attack Er Mao.

But in any case, the military operation of the hairy bear is accompanied by aggression.

If stealth fighters are exported to Mao Xiong, Eagle Sauce will definitely say that the Dragon Country supports Mao Xiong aggression, and Eagle Sauce will stand on the moral supremacy, win over allies, and carry out sanctions against the Dragon Country.

“Let’s export stealth fighters to other countries first.”

“Hairy bear! For the sake of unnecessary trouble, stealth fighters are not exported to them first. ”

“I don’t support Mao Xiong to fight Ermao, but Eagle Sauce and the West, the gang Ermao of the Dark Killing. It is also dishonorable to bully the less. If you don’t help the hairy bear, if the hairy bear falls, the lips are dead and cold, which is not good for our country! ”

“You can use other technologies to support the hairy bear! Lao Tzu has a lot of technology! Anyway, Eagle Sauce doesn’t know what other technology I can come up with. ”

After thinking for a moment, Su Ming followed Admiral Yang and the others and drove to the capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

Not long after, a group of bigwigs, with Su Ming, entered the capital.

In the hall of ten thousand people, nine elders, along with elites from all walks of life, waited for Su Ming.

After Su Ming came in, the military band immediately played the national anthem.

Bigwigs from all walks of life applauded Su Ming madly.

Groups of reporters at home and abroad frantically filmed Su Ming.

Entering the capital for the first time and standing at the center of the power of the Dragon Kingdom, Su Ming was still a little excited.

“Welcome Major Su.”

“Warmly welcome Major Su.”

The nine elders and dozens of generals shook hands with Su Ming with a smile.

“Good elder.”

“The elders have worked hard.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet the elders.”

Su Ming was a little nervous, and could only deal with it with a smile.

After shaking hands, the Nine Great Elders looked at Su Ming with a smile, and the more he looked at it, the more he appreciated it.

The Great Elder smiled and invited Su Ming to the lobby to speak.

“Major Su, because you have brought great contributions to the country’s science and technology, after unanimous discussion by the Ministry of Science and Technology. You won the ‘First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress’ and a prize of 10 million. Please accept this honor and bonus. ”

The Great Elder presented a certificate and check to Su Ming with a smile.

“Thank you, elder, thank you to the people of the whole country for their love.”

After winning the award and holding it to his chest, Su Ming faced the domestic reporters with a smile on his face.

The Great Elder said again

“Major Su, you have increased the strength of our army several times, and your contribution is comparable to a million-strong army.”

“For your outstanding contributions, the military hereby awarded you the medal of ‘First Class Merit’ after discussion.”

“Major Su, your contribution to the country is remembered by the people of the whole country, and it is a miracle that you can live for a first-class merit. And you will do countless miracles in the future. Together with all the people of China, I look forward to you and let the miracle happen again. ”

The Great Elder once again awarded the ‘First Class Merit Medal’ to Su Ming.

“Thank you elders, thank you to the people of the whole country for their love, I will definitely live up to expectations and use my ability to help the country become strong militarily, scientifically and technologically, and economically strong.” I want to make the Dragon Kingdom the most powerful country in the world. I want the people of the Dragon Kingdom to be the happiest people in the world. ”

After Su Ming received the first-class merit medal, he waited again.

The Great Elder took a set of military uniforms again and handed it to Su Ming.

“Major Su, because of your outstanding contribution to the military, in my capacity as the commander of the army, I award you the rank of lieutenant colonel, congratulations on your promotion to lieutenant colonel.”

“Chief Xie.”

Su Ming took the military uniform, a little proud.

Although he was only a lieutenant colonel, it was the Great Elder who awarded him the rank, and there were eight elders next to him who were clapping wildly.

With the rank of lieutenant colonel, don’t look at the rank, but it is definitely better than the lieutenant general.

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